Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1456 The Evil King's Purpose

Chapter 1456 The Evil King's Purpose

Su Yi Zhenjun is the strongest among them this time, and he is also an ancient figure from Suolong Pagoda.

"Sikong, don't be unreasonable, he's the evil king asking for crimes." Someone said!

Evil King?

Demon God Sea!
There was a look of fear on Sikong Touting's face, why didn't he know that there was an evil king in the group to ask the crime.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, all of you have made contributions, and from now on, you will follow this king and eat hot food and drink spicy food."

The evil king's questioning is to incarnate into a cloud of black energy, with a pair of evil green eyes exposed inside. He was originally brought in by Su Yi Zhenjun, because he doesn't like to show his face.

A certain old man used to be a member of the Catmull League, an old bastard who is proficient in formations, and they are all nicknames.

The old miscellaneous hair said: "I just saw that your face was not right, and there was another cry over there. What have you experienced?"

The hero Linghu, who was good at swordsmanship, said: "In a panic, he said that he is not a person for big things."

"Stop arguing." Someone said angrily. Although he is the weakest, he has a high IQ. It is all up to him to find the ruins of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect!

He is the scholar Bai Xiaoru, the military advisor of a group of people.

"It's very weird here, you all have to be careful, if something happens, this king can't save you." Xie Wang asked.

Sikong Tuoxing said: "It's the ancient Pluto, he and Queen Yaoyue also came in."

He said what he said just now, and everyone's face changed drastically after listening to it, but the evil king's questioning was full of anger, and the cloud of black energy kept shrinking and wandering away, with a very dignified breath.

"Damn it, this king won't let you go this time, Grand Master."

Recalling how miserable his clone died in the battle in the God Realm, the pain is still deeply in his mind.

"The evil king asks you, please calm down." The old miscellaneous hair signaled him not to be too angry, otherwise it might attract some powerful unknown creatures.

Su Yi Zhenjun said: "Are you dazzled? How could that man be here? When we came, there was no one around."

"Are you sure it's not a hallucination?" Bai Xiaoru said, to be honest, he didn't believe that Pluto would appear in the ruins of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect.

"I'm sure, that's him, I'll never forget it." Sikong Tuoxing nodded, remembering that he and Lingyun were looking directly at each other just now, his scalp tingled.

Xie Wang asked the crime: "You don't have to doubt, I can tell you very clearly, Taishenjun, the Pluto you call, he is here."

"What is he doing here?" Linghu Daxia said!

Hearing this, everyone's expressions turned serious. To be honest, no one wanted to fight against the ancient Pluto, especially here.

"He can't be... he can't be, he's the same as this king." The evil king immediately widened his green eyes when he asked the crime.

He searched for the ruins of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect, just for the treasure of Zhenzong.

Suyi Zhenjun: "What does the evil king want to ask Mr. Zui to say?"

"My lord, don't be so tricky, tell us the purpose of coming to the ruins of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect this time." The old man stamped his feet anxiously.

The evil king looked at the night, and then slowly told everyone about the origin of this ruin.

In the ancient times, the Haotian Sword Sect was one of the top sects. What they were proud of was their swordsmanship, and the admirable treasure of the sect, the Holy Spirit Orb.

The suzerain of Haotian Sword Sect is a powerful god, the entire sect can be said to be very good, with a strong backing, it can develop very well.

But this place was destroyed because of a man, he was Jiuyou Mingze!
The current Xie Wang Wengui didn't know that Ling Yun was an ancient figure, and he had never seen Jiuyou Mingze before, so he wouldn't connect these two people together.

In the trial of gods and demons, Jiuyoumingze was given the death penalty. Whoever accepts him is tantamount to harboring criminals and will be killed without mercy!

And Jiuyou Mingze happened to go to the ancient Haotian Sword School at that time, which caused all kinds of gods and demons to attack the Haotian Sword School.

Blatantly violating the agreement between the gods and demons, temporarily jointly annihilating the Haotian Sword Sect, and killing Jiuyou Mingze who provoked the gods and demons.

This battle lasted for three days and three nights, countless participants died, and more than a dozen gods and demons fell, which led to thousands of ravines and corpses everywhere.

After listening, Suyi Zhenjun gasped, the battle between gods and demons, how spectacular, no wonder there is a sense of excitement, it is not an exaggeration to say that the gods and demons have fallen to the ground.

"Then who won in the end?"

The old miscellaneous hair is full of doubts!

"I also want to know if Jiuyou Mingze is dead."

"It must be dead, so many people attacked Haotian Sword School, the entire Sword School ceased to exist."

"No, no, you are all thinking wrong. He is not dead. On the third day, if he does not show up, the victory belongs to the gods and demons."

"Damn it, who is Jiuyou Mingze? He's so awesome, he survived." Sikong Tuoxing looked surprised.

"Hahaha, this king doesn't know him either. In the heavens, he is openly hostile to the gods. He is simply crazy and lawless."

"That's why the gods and demons want to judge him?" Suyi Zhenjun asked uncertainly, what crime he committed, and he was chased and killed by the gods and demons, he couldn't figure it out.

"That's right, he is the first man who dared to slaughter a god. As a proud god, he absolutely does not allow this kind of thing to continue, let alone spread it, so the god issued an obliteration order, and many people who knew about it They were all killed." Xie Wang asked.

"Terrible, then what's wrong with you..." Before Sikong could finish his question, he was stared at by the evil king: "You don't need to know about this."

In the end!
The ancient Haotian Sword Sect just failed, even if Jiuyou Mingze did not die, so what, the evil king sneered at the corner of his mouth!

The Haotian Sword Sect was destroyed at the beginning, but because the fighting was too fierce, it became a forbidden area, and almost no one dared to come here.

The evil king asked the crime: "The treasure of the clan, the Holy Spirit Orb, is still here."

"How did you know?" Sikong Tuoxing's eyes were shining brightly.

"Of course the king knows, it's all in his mind."

It is impossible for the evil king to come here in vain to inquire about crimes. According to his investigation in Demon God Sea, after the ancient Haotian Sword Sect was destroyed, the whereabouts of Zhenzong's treasure was unknown, and it has never appeared in the world since then.

The only explanation is that it has always existed here and has never been taken away by anyone.

If he gets the Holy Spirit Orb, he can achieve the holy body, break the spell that cannot restore the god, and he will become a god again, possessing a half-sealed godhead.

The half-sealed godhead is unlocked after use, and the heavenly law will not bring down the catastrophe for a short time, and it can be sealed again later.

This is the reason why he spent so much manpower. These people were selected by him from Suolong Pagoda, and he is absolutely sure that he can find the Holy Spirit Orb here.

Military strategist Bai Xiaoru's discovery of the ruins of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect is a good example. If it wasn't for him, the evil king would not have been able to find it.

(End of this chapter)

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