Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1457 Weird

Chapter 1457 Weird
"All of you try your best and do your best for me, and the benefits are indispensable to you." Xie Wang asked.

Now he still doesn't dare to fight with Ling Yun, he knows that the latter has the Taiji seal, which is one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times, and he must look at it less.

He must bear it!
Finding the Holy Spirit Orb, he can defeat, even kill Hades.

"We are not familiar with this place, it is best to go together." Su Yi Zhenjun said.

Hero Linghu frowned, and said with a serious expression, "Do you feel the chill?"

He had noticed it a long time ago, it seemed that the temperature around him was not right.

Xie Wang asked, "There's a chill coming out from the ground, so be careful."

As soon as his words fell, wisps of thin ice began to appear on the ground, and the leaves on the trees were covered with frost.

"Let's go!"

Even the evil king couldn't accurately judge whether there was any abnormality in the sudden cold air, and the sense of danger in his heart became more and more intense.

Even, there seemed to be the breath of death, and the others also noticed it at once. They looked at the ground in unison, and when they saw the ground, they seemed to be breathing cold.

Do not!
It doesn't seem that the ground under their feet is really chilling, it seems like a monster from the prehistoric world is rushing towards them at high speed.

It seems that the speed is not fast, but when the evil king asked them to react, they wanted to fly up. It was a bit late at that time, so they simply waited and watched.

The ground was moving like a storm. Looking around, there seemed to be a white light flickering in the place where the cold air came out. It was like an eye, which revealed a sense of ferocity.

Even if it was too late, the group of them still walked away from the cold place.

Before they figured out what was going on, they obviously didn't plan to have a head-to-head contact with it.

Lest you suffer a big loss or even lose your life because you are too reckless, it is not worth it.


No matter how fast they were, they couldn't be faster than that terrifying cold air.


After only a few seconds, the cold place opened, it was an eye, and it seemed like a torrent gushed out of it, and the cold air that covered the sky and the sun enveloped them all.

Under such a torrent, the terrible sense of danger directly echoed in the hearts of each of them.

Even if the Immortal Emperor was at the eighteenth peak, he couldn't unleash such power, and the evil king was terrified when he questioned him. This cold air at least surpassed the Immortal Emperor, and it was probably a demigod.

The ferocity emanating from those eyes became more intense, as if they had spirituality, and they regarded them all as prey.

The ground under their feet seemed to be drawn into this torrent of cold air, and it was impossible to describe what kind of scene this was.

But it could be seen that a burst of terrifying cold air locked them firmly, unable to move.

Except for the invisible black air floating in the sky, no one can think of a way to get rid of it.

Seeing the terrible storm coming, the evil king's pupils froze, and then went towards them like lightning.


The evil king blamed himself with raging fire, destroying his eyes in an instant, and then smiled.

His guess was correct, the eyes were afraid of fire, and they would definitely be wiped out when encountering fire, as expected.

Su Yi Zhenjun said: "It's too scary, this is indeed the forbidden area of ​​the Twelve Regions, and ordinary people can't come here."

"Where are the others?" Sikong Tuoxing said, he was still in fear at the moment, wishing that a few more people would be together and take care of each other.

"Haven't come to meet up yet, send another signal later, and hope nothing will happen." Linghu Daxia replied.

"Banbianyue, Miaoxin, and Jianchi, the three of them did not come, but don't worry, they are very strong, let's go first." Understand very clearly.

Then they began to explore the ruins of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect, trying to find the Holy Spirit Orb as soon as possible.


Not only on their side, but also on Ling Yun's side, an identical eye appeared, and the cold air was overwhelming.

The cold air swept in like a prehistoric stream.

The Yaoyue Empress was terrified by such a terrifying power, she knew that there was absolutely no way for her to get rid of it.

Ling Yun frowned, and shouted: "Presumptuous!"

The little guy also imitated Ling Yun, almost in the same tone: "Presumptuous!"

"Where did the monster come from, Lao Bei will kill you with a single sword, let's see if you dare to come out."

Ling Yun: "..."


The cold air immediately retracted into that eye, as if it had sensed something, and escaped like a puff of smoke.

Queen Yaoyue widened her beautiful eyes, and said with a face full of shock: "What the hell is that... so terrifying, the emperor knows."

Ling Yun said: "It's a resentful spirit!"

Those souls who died here in ancient times, they are not reconciled. For thousands of years, the unknown years have turned into such resentful spirits.

"They are everywhere, so aren't we just being watched?"

"Yes, they are all around here, you can't see them." Ling Yun said.

"Don't worry about them, if you dare to come out, I will not be polite."

Ling Yun led the little guy and Bei Bei to continue walking forward, somewhere in the dark, something was calling him, there was a voice in his mind.


Queen Yaoyue suddenly stopped in her tracks, her eyes radiating a cold light, staring at the dark dense forest to her left.


"Papa, there are tigers, there are tigers."

"It's not a tiger. There are people, there are people in front." Beibei said.

"Hahaha, we finally came out. Although Miao Xin died, it was worth it."

A male voice sounded, and the tone was quite excited, as if he was happy after a narrow escape.

"Half Moon, we're out, we're alive!"

"Who are you..." Ban Bianyue suddenly widened her eyes!

In front of his eyes were Ling Yun and the others!

"Queen Yaoyue, how could Pluto."

Jian Chi recognized him at a glance, he was face-blind.

"What, he...he is Pluto, I'll go...really."

Ban Bian Yue was different from Jian Chi, he was quite excited when he saw Ling Yun, and a murderous intent erupted from his body, without hiding it.

"I thought it was a tiger, but it turned out to be two lost uncles, what a fuss." The little guy suddenly lost interest in them.

She was wondering if there were tigers here, would they be as huge as those strange beasts just now.

"You're courting death, right? Very good...I'll help you."

Ling Yun showed a smile, he knew who he was, but he dared to release his killing intent, it was quite an interesting person.

(End of this chapter)

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