Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1462 Meeting Miaoxin

Chapter 1462 Meeting Miaoxin

The first time they met, she still clearly remembered that she was very ignorant at that time, and found Ling Yun very strange.

And as a person who has died twice, she is very clear about Ling Yun's ability, a mysterious, god-like man.

"You all have hearts, don't be sad, it's normal to say goodbye to life and death, and that's the truth of the saying that there is always a banquet in the world."

"Handsome Shushu, there is no banquet in the world. It's up to people. As long as you are willing to stay, we will make another banquet for you."

"Well, I will definitely learn how to cook in the future, and cook egg fried rice for you every day."

"Ahem, no need... that will let you do it." The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, Sissy's cooking?To be able to eat is to inherit Ji Wuxue's dark cooking talent.

"No, I will learn to cook in the future."

The little guy seemed to have made up his mind, but Ling Yun knew that she was only a hot topic for 3 minutes, and would forget about it after a few minutes.

"Cissy, can you give me some of my father's future pension now? Even if you don't, you have to take some out yourself."

Ling Yun took the opportunity to change the subject. He was too cash-strapped to pay for the large amount of medicinal materials and materials, so both of them fell behind in their alchemy homework.

"Papa, I'm still a child." The corner of the little guy's mouth twitched suddenly, and his eyes turned gloomy.

"Ahem, didn't you take the Lingshi from the last auction? It's almost 100 million."

"Oh, no more."

"Impossible." Ling Yun's eyes almost widened.

It's only been a few days!

How could it be gone, where did the flowers go.

Beibei said: "Handsome Shushu, I can testify that we don't have any spirit stones anymore."

"Did you lose it?" Ling Yun asked angrily.

The little guy shook his head!

Beibei shook her head, she was a little embarrassed and said, "I gave all my sister's spirit stones."


"My father, my mother...they don't have any, Beibei..." Beibei spoke, and began to stammer.

"I see."

Ling Yun smiled slightly, and turned around to smile at Bei Bei.

It must be that Beibei went there as a filial piety. She is not with Long Xingtian and the others for so many days. It would be a lie to say that she doesn't miss her.

Think of it as a small gift for them, it is impossible for Ling Yun to be so stingy.


Ling Yun was surprised, did Bei Bei sneak back to the Wuhun Continent?
It was only later that he found out that Beibei's Supreme Demon Lotus had devoured millions of spirit stones, and he didn't know whether Beibei had discovered the power of the Supreme Demon Lotus.

"Don't worry handsome, Beibei will work hard to make money in the future and earn a lot of spirit stones."

"It doesn't matter whether you make money or not, the most important thing is that Beibei grows up happily, and you, I hope you grow up safely."

"Yeah, yum."

It doesn't matter if the Lingshi is gone, the good things in Ling Yun's hands are a big push.

Here, he took some of the things at will, and selling them was something that ordinary people would not be able to earn in three lifetimes.

"Look, Shuai Shushu, what's the one at the front?" Beibei pointed not far away, and she saw some huge weapons on the ground, still overgrown with weeds.

Buzz! ! !
Ling Yun was walking towards the direction Bei Bei pointed, but unexpectedly stepped into a place similar to a battlefield.

The blood energy in the sky is surging here, it is the blood energy formed by too much blood that has been condensed and unable to dissipate.

The ground was covered with countless skeletons and corpses, and traces left by various swords, guns, swords and halberds. Ling Yun looked at all these with a feeling of déjà vu.

The sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves reached Ling Yun and the others' ears, and the two little guys were about to get goosebumps.

Immediately, they saw countless resentful spirits gathered here, and these ghosts transformed into skeleton faces, which were hideous and terrifying, and looked extremely pervasive.

Moreover, these wraiths contain terrifying energy.

"Handsome sorghum."


"Where is this place?"

"This should be an ancient battlefield. These grievances are left behind by these strong men after their death."

Ling Yun opened his mouth and said.

At this time, all these wraiths who were howling like ghosts and wolves rushed towards Ling Yun and the others, forming a dense group.

Surrounding them, these resentful spirits seemed to rush into Ling Yun and the others.

The expressions of the two little guys changed again and again, as if they were surprised, and they kept trying to destroy these wraiths.

It's just that these resentful spirits quickly condensed after being shattered, as if they couldn't be destroyed at all.

"It's so annoying, it's like air." Beibei frowned slightly, wasting her energy.

"Yaoyue has been here before, her breath remains here, and there is still a bloody smell." Ling Yun's face suddenly became very dignified.

"Aunt Yao is there, Sissy can't see it." The little guy started to look around.

"Don't worry about these resentful spirits. If they dare to act presumptuously, let them be wiped out." Ling Yun said.

what! ! !
A man let out a scream nearby.

Ling Yun hurried over, he really ran, just like a normal person.

"Who is he, bald?"

The little guy and Beibei spoke in almost the same tone, they were both curious as to who the person screaming in front of them was.

They witnessed the resentment rushing into his mind with their own eyes, his eyes popped out, his face was painful and hideous, and his hands were tightly clutching his head.

"Handsome Shushu, save him quickly."


I can't bear to see it, the two little guys couldn't hold back.

Ling Yun came in front of him, held down his brain with one hand, stimulated the power, and forcibly wiped out the resentful spirit in his mind.

"Hush, thank you...thank you..."

When he woke up, his face was dripping with sweat, and he was almost taken away, but now when he thanked Ling Yun, his body trembled involuntarily.


How could he appear here? This is his question.

"Who are you."

"Wonderful heart!"

"Putuo Temple?"

"Yes, I committed some crimes before and was sent to Suolong Pagoda by Nan Shenzun."

"I don't want to know about what you committed. The reason for your group to come to Haotian Jianzong is not just to explore."

"I don't know the specific reason. I separated from them without getting an order." Miao Xin suppressed the anger in her heart.

He was betrayed, by Ban Bian Yue and Jian Chi. Fortunately, he survived a catastrophe and came here by accident.

Ling Yun nodded, and also guessed that Miao Xin should have concealed some of her own affairs, seeing him in such a down-and-out situation, he must have experienced a lot of hardships.

"Sister, why is he half bald?"

The careful little guy noticed that Miaoxin had grown a little hair, but the Mediterranean Sea in the middle was very obvious.

"Hair loss at a young age?"

"What's the reason?" the little guy asked again, patting Miao Xin fearlessly, but the latter didn't dare to move.

"This... this..."

Miao Xin really wanted to say that he was a monk, and he was busy looking for the relics of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect these days, so he didn't have time to shave his hair.

"You don't need to tell me, I know." Beibei interrupted Miaoxin, stroked her chin with her little hand, looking like a little grown-up.

"Aha, tell me quickly, sister."

Ling Yun also became curious, so he listened quietly.

Beibei said: "Without a partner for a long time, your head thinks that you are going to become a monk, so your hair falls out spontaneously, commonly known as the Mediterranean Sea."

Ling Yun couldn't help but laughed!
But the one who laughed the loudest was the little guy. The kid's laughter was full of milky sounds, which was very pleasant to hear.

(End of this chapter)

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