Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1463 Dangerous

Chapter 1463 Dangerous
Miao Xin forced a smile and cooperated with Ling Yun and the others.

Being single for a long time, Ling Yun really didn't understand how Bei Bei would know about these things.

It can't be the old guy from the Six Guardians, it's too unscrupulous, Ling Yun's suspicion is not wrong, it is the Six Guardians!
"How many people are there in your group?" Ling Yun asked.

"There are Suyi Zhenjun, Sikong Stealing Stars, Half Moon, Sword Chi, Linghu Hero, Old Miscellaneous Hair, and Scholar Bai Xiaoru."

"They're all famous figures from ancient times, now this ruins is going to be lively." Ling Yun slightly raised the corner of his mouth.


There are more and more resentful spirits around, Ling Yun asked curiously: "Is this the way you came here? Did you see other people?"

"No, I've been here for a few hours, and I was uneasy just now, which led to the invasion of these resentful spirits. I am really grateful to Lord Pluto."

"These vengeful spirits are too evil to be eliminated."

Ling Yun frowned, he couldn't use those ancient supernatural powers here, and he wasn't sure to completely eliminate them in a short time, and he was having a headache.

For some reason, the wraiths all around suddenly started fleeing in all directions, as if they were ordered, this scene made Ling Yun completely puzzled.

"Who is it? Who is it... who is it!"

"Who invaded my territory?"

The voice sounded like it was just waking up, and it was a bit pervasive. The two little guys hugged each other immediately, their bodies trembling slightly.

"Damn, this voice? Could it be awakening those ancient gods?" Miao Xin wiped the sweat from her forehead in fear.

"The road has been blocked. Anyone who disturbs my sleep will eventually die."

The voice appeared again, but Ling Yun's face changed!
Could it be that Queen Yaoyue is in danger?

Although the sound was nearby, Ling Yun knew that it was a kind of sound transmission from thousands of miles away, and the exact location was not yet known.

Maybe it wasn't necessarily the Yaoyue Queen, it could also be Suyi Zhenjun and the others.

The wraiths around began to speak, but most of them remained silent.

"My lord is awake, let's go to worship quickly."

Hearing this, the corner of Miao Xin's mouth twitched, he really hit the spot, how powerful the ancient gods would be.


Just when Ling Yun was in a trance, he stabbed something from the ground, piercing Ling Yun's undead body, leaving blood on the corner of Ling Yun's mouth.

Miao Xin heard the movement and stood up straight before realizing it!

"Has Pluto been injured?"

His eyes almost widened.

The little guy rushed over immediately, his eyes were red, and he cried, "Papa, don't hit my papa, woohoo."

"Why are you crying?" Ling Yun smiled slightly, letting the little guy hug his feet, which was undoubtedly a kind of restraint.

Is this strong self-confidence?Miao Xin was extremely speechless, so he rolled his eyes a few times, because those vines kept appearing around, like tentacles, the tips of the vines were very sharp.

Beibei said: "Don't be afraid, Shuai Shushu, I'll save you."

Calling it saving, it's better to say it's holding back, she also went to hug Ling Yun's feet, and the latter couldn't move.

Ling Yun: "..."

That's good, at least you don't have to be so distracted by his side.


Miao Xin was fighting fiercely with countless vines, and these vines kept coming out of the ground as if they had thoughts, and they shuttled freely.

At this moment, there are many vines surrounding Ling Yun, they dare not act rashly, they sense that Ling Yun is full of danger.


Ling Yun smiled slightly, raised his eyebrows lightly, the smile on the corner of his mouth has not faded, it seems that he is not in a hurry to make a move.

"Handsome, are you alright?"

"Does Papa hurt?"

The little guy wiped away his tears, then looked up at the vine that broke into Ling Yun's body, and asked innocently.

"a little bit."

The feeling is the same as an ant bite, almost no feeling.

"Papa, I'll help you burn them all, it's so annoying."

"No, its biggest mistake was breaking the damn tentacle vine into my body."

Suddenly, the corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched into a cold and bewitching smile, which made them tremble.

A powerful force permeated the air, all erupting from Ling Yun's body.

For a moment, Miao Xin felt her scalp go numb, since all the vines he couldn't touch had been petrified, it only took less than a breath.

The two little guys suddenly opened their small mouths, their jaws were almost stunned, and their small eyes showed a look of admiration.

Ling Yun knelt down and touched the heads of the two children, then smiled and said: "This is not a move, you don't need to learn it, and you won't be able to learn it. If I have a chance, I will show you other martial arts, and they have the same ability."

"Well then, I can still learn swordsmanship. If there weren't so many of them, Beibei, I could use the newly learned Aoxie swordsmanship!"

"Aha, one thing drops one thing." The little guy said!
Well said, Ling Yun nodded in satisfaction.

"Bebe learned?"



Miao Xin swallowed her saliva, a little afraid of Ling Yun, just as he opened his mouth, there was a burst of mist in the distance, and a voice came from the mist.

"It's been a long time since anyone came here. That lord is longing for blood and delicious meat!"

"You guys are a little bit capable, the death vines have been killed by you."

Ling Yun just smiled and looked at the mist, and when they all dissipated, a group of people appeared in front of him.

Miao Xin hurried to Ling Yun's side, it's safer here, the latter just rolled his eyes.

"Who are you from the Twelve Realms?" A man in Tsing Yi frowned slightly, looked at Ling Yun and the others and asked, feeling an urge to make a move.

But before he could make a move, the old man in gray clothes suddenly held his arm.

"Brother Hui? Well..."

The man in Tsing Yi looked at the old man in gray with doubts on his face.

The gray-clothed old man narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Ling Yun unsatisfactorily, as if he wanted to see through the latter.

"Don't... don't do anything yet!" the old man in gray said in a deep voice.


The man in Tsing Yi didn't understand very much. They are the biggest here, and there is no reason to be afraid of those people outside.


The old man in gray raised his chin slightly and pointed, the man in green followed him, his eyes moved from Ling Yun's face to his feet.

He discovered that Ling Yun was actually suspended all the time, but only they knew that this was unusual, because it couldn't be suspended for a long time here.

They have never seen people like Ling Yun before.

Seeing this, the man in Tsing Yi broke into a cold sweat immediately, and the others also noticed Ling Yun's abnormality and swallowed their saliva one after another.

and many more…

Suddenly the man in Tsing Yi's eyes widened. Why is Ling Yun's face so familiar? He seemed to see Pluto just now?

I rely on!

Why did the killing god come here? His face was covered with sweat, drop by drop.

(End of this chapter)

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