Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1464

Chapter 1464
The old man in gray didn't dare to act rashly, at least he didn't know Ling Yun's strength before.

With an evil smile on his face, Ling Yun glanced over them, but didn't say anything.

"Papa, who are they?"

"Needless to say, he must be a bad guy." Beibei's eyes rolled round and round.

But Ling Yun's silence made the man in Tsing Yi even more nervous.

Miao Xin said: " seem to be a casual cultivator of Junyue!"

Just now he felt that the man in Tsing Yi looked familiar, but the whereabouts of Junyue disappeared for thousands of years.

"Ahem, it's me." The man in Tsing Yi was a little embarrassed.

Who would have thought that the ancient and famous LaCrosse would be in such a poor place.

Miao Xin said in surprise: "You are you here."

"I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I can't say anything." The gray-clothed man trembled when he opened his mouth. It was really Ling Yun who put too much pressure on him.

"Then what do you want?"

This pedestrian came in a menacing manner, and now he waited quietly, Miao Xin suddenly became curious.

How to do!
The man in Tsing Yi was secretly anxious, the adult wanted blood and raw meat, and the person opposite was the target, but Pluto was actually there.

"What do you want? The lord has spoken, you must die."

The gray-clothed old man stared at Ling Yun and Miao Xin coldly! !

These two people should not be intimidating in his eyes, because there are two children.

Beibei stared and said: "It really is a bad guy, really bad."

Ling Yun's smile remained unchanged, but his eyes had sunk unknowingly.

The man in Tsing Yi is gradually retreating, he is cowardly!

Opposite is the real Pluto, what is the difference between sending him to death.

"Quick fight."

The gray-clothed old man made up his mind, they were numerous and mighty, and those who could fight Ling Yun would be very powerful.


A black shadow suddenly flew past his neck.

In an instant.

The man fell silent, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

A thin blood line appeared on his neck, and a large piece of blood dripped from that thin blood line.

Instantly dyed his entire neck red, his shocked eyes stared at Ling Yun, as if he couldn't believe what happened

There was only a plop.

The man's head rolled to the ground, and a large piece of blood sprayed out from his wound, and the hot blood fell like rain.

In the blood rain, the man fell into a pool of blood.

To death, he did not understand why Ling Yun decapitated him with one move
The strongest leader, the old man in gray, died tragically in an instant.

Everyone was stunned, they didn't even see when Ling Yun made the move, and the strongest one among them died silently and completely.

The warm blood dripped on their faces, but they only felt the bone-chilling coldness.

The death of the old man in gray caught everyone unexpectedly, even Miao Xin was dumbfounded.

"Kill...kill him!"

Although someone was sweating profusely, he didn't intend to back down. It was just that one person died, and there were still so many of them.

There is no need to be afraid of Ling Yun at all, maybe the latter is bluffing.

"You deal with him, I'll kill those two children."

Hearing this, Ling Yun's eyes changed, and the sky was thundering and lightning, as if he felt his anger.

A few black lights and shadows passed by their sides, and quickly rushed behind him.

In the blink of an eye, the heads of the people standing opposite Miao Xin suddenly flew out.

Except for the young man with a stiff smile on his face who said he was going to kill Sissy and Beibei, everyone else died without a sound in an instant.

The heads of dozens of people were cut off at the same time, and a large amount of blood was sprayed on the neck where the heads were lost.

Those fresh blood turned into fine rain of blood, dripping down on the ground. The warm and sticky blood soaked through the young man's clothes in an instant.

The young man's eyes widened suddenly, staring at Ling Yun in disbelief.

The handsome and bewitching man standing in front of him just casually moved his fingertips, and killed dozens of them in an instant.

Such overbearing and incomparable strength instantly kicked the young man into a desperate situation. His scalp was numb, he was trembling, and his face was full of fear.

"You... who are you... who are you?"

He didn't understand why Ling Yun didn't kill him, did he want to take him as his apprentice?

Or is it because of his aptitude or chrysanthemum?
If it's the latter, should he agree?
The brother's blood was soaked, and he stared at Jun Wu Yao in horror.

He was obviously smiling, but his hands were already stained with blood.

Through the bloody rain, the man standing in front of them seemed to be no longer a human being, but a demon

"You said just now that you wanted to kill those two little guys?" Ling Yun's eyes narrowed with a smile, and the black pupils in his eyes were gradually covered by a darker streamer following his smile.

"I'm so sorry, the little guy you want to kill is my daughter."

The moment the blackness completely covered the pupils, a cloud of black mist suddenly appeared around Ling Yun. The mist danced behind him continuously, like ferocious minions, capable of tearing people apart at any time.

For a moment, the young man was stunned.

He fixedly stared at Ling Yun's terrifying black eyes, and an overwhelming fear suddenly rose in his heart.

"Pluto." The young man's feet suddenly went limp, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop, with despair written all over his face.

The pure black magic pupils and the evil man standing in front of them with black power turned out to be the legendary ancient Pluto that everyone feared.

how can that be
The young man completely lost the courage to resist, only fear and panic in his heart, and his face was already pale, without a trace of blood.

Even though he was an ancient figure with extremely powerful power, when he saw the pure black magic pupil, everything was meaningless.

Twelve domains, the strongest man, let them meet.

The murderous aura all over his body told him that death was his destination.

He never dreamed that the sensational legend of the Twelve Ancient Realms would still appear in front of him.

Pluto is not dead, he is alive
"Pluto, spare me, Pluto, spare me." The young man trembled like a frightened quail, ignoring the heart that was about to jump out of his throat, and knelt down in the bloody water with a thump, and kowtowed to Ling Yun to apologize.

If they meet others, they may still have a chance to live.

But if Pluto
The sharp blade of death is already on their necks.

No one can save his dog's life.


The young man fell to the ground again, unable to muster any strength to struggle, his eyes widened in horror, and he couldn't believe it at all.

Ling Yun squinted his eyes, looking at the completely soulless young man, the smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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