Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1468 Poison Mist

Chapter 1468 Poison Mist

The area bombed by Beibei's magic fist had been reclaimed into a flat bottom, and those sharp ice thorns had disappeared without a trace, only some ice slags were scattered on the ground.

"How simple."

Bei Bei shrugged, then looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, with an invincible and cute look, Ling Yun laughed.

"Papa, I just wanted to do this, really, I won't lie to you."

The little guy's eyes are gray, that's not what she thinks.


Ling Yun said: "That's right, that's good, brains are quite useful, this is for Beibei's Wang Zi, Sissy, you have to work hard."

Hearing this, the corner of the little guy's mouth twitched!
Miao Xin's jaw was stunned at the moment, if the punch just hit him, he might not be able to receive it.

Pluto's daughter is too perverted, she is only so old.

"You can go." After Ling Yun confirmed the hardness of the ice thorn, he immediately began to lead the way.

Miao Xin still had a look of horror on her face.

It's really simple and rude... Why didn't he think of it, it's enough to break up the ice spikes, he is not as good as a child.

Beibei's approach was very simple, he only needed to flatten those ice thorns and open up a flat road to maintain their progress.

In this way, not only do you not have to worry about being fatally scratched by ice spikes, but you can also greatly increase your forward speed.

This method is very simple and effective, and it's not like other people can't figure it out if it's a different day.

But after experiencing long-term torment and anxiety here, people's hearts may not be able to maintain the most rational state, and no one will easily destroy everything here, fearing that bad things will happen.

This kind of inertial thinking restricts the minds of many people.

Fear and suspicion will confine people's thinking to a narrow area.

But Beibei's mind will not be wasted in such useless anxiety and speculation, because she doesn't need to know so much, just follow Ling Yun.

So Lingyun is quite satisfied with Beibei's performance.

Beibei drank Wangzai happily, sipping each other with the little guy, almost bursting into laughter.

"Handsome Shushu, it's so dark here, make a magic trick soon."

"Conjure magic, you need to be bright, papa, can you do it?"

"As you wish." Ling Yun nodded, snapped his fingers lightly, the world shook, and gentle sunlight shot from the sky.

Miao Xin was shocked, her hands and feet trembled, and she could barely move!
Pluto's strength is too heaven-defying, this is the first time he has seen such a method, it is so terrifying.

"Wow, papa... Boo one, you are amazing, can I do this magic trick?"

"You... grow up well, and teach you in the future?" Ling Yun smiled helplessly.

"Handsome, there are ice spikes ahead again, do you need me? A can of Wangzai."

Ling Yun: "..."

He walked forward, a cloud of black mist was slowly brewing in his palm, he suddenly raised his hand, and that cloud of black mist, like half of lightning, blasted the area in front of him!
They only saw countless ice thorns bursting under the cover of black mist, opening up a [-]-meter-wide area in front of their eyes.

And everything is not over yet, the constant explosions rushed into their ears from the mist, and did not disappear for a long time, continuously...


Miao Xin's jaw hit the ground immediately.

The crisp cracking sound lasted for a minute before disappearing in the mist, but the sound changed from loud to quiet, it didn't seem to have stopped, it was more like...

It was too far away, he couldn't hear it, and almost knelt down to Ling Yun on the spot!
What is a spike?

What is lore!

Compared with Pluto?

No need!
This width alone has surpassed him by too much, it is impossible for him to do it with one move.

How far is Ling Yun's attack range?

Miao Xin didn't figure it out, he only knew that he hadn't encountered any ice thorns in front of him.

It was like a very small mess after a strong wind passed through, only the broken ice slags were left on the ice layer, which was crystal clear and really beautiful.

They walked this way for two hours. On the ice layer, the temperature was so low that people's fingers were numb from the cold. Miao Xin had to increase the consumption of zhenqi to maintain her body temperature.

The [-]-meter-wide impact trace spread from the ice layer to the mist, and as the temperature rose slightly, it indicated that this section of the glacier trip was finally coming to an end.

In the midst of joy, Ling Yun frowned slightly. He smelled an extremely pungent smell in the humid air.

The smell was inhaled into the trachea, causing a tingling burning sensation throughout the trachea, as if inhaling poisonous gas mixed with strong acid.

Of course, these poisonous gases had no effect on him at all.

"Wait a moment!"

Ling Yun stopped abruptly, and the smell became stronger and stronger.

And Miao Xin feels bad!
He could already clearly feel the sting of his trachea being burned by the breath. In the cold environment, people's perception would also decrease, which paralyzed other people's feelings.

"Master Pluto, what's the matter?"

Miao Xin rubbed her hands, walking on the ice for a day and a night, he felt that the cold air had passed through the soles of his shoes, making his whole body sore and his nose uncomfortable.

"Don't move yet."

Ling Yun frowned, and gently smelled the pungent smell in the air.

"Don't you smell something strange?"

The little guy and Beibei tried to smell it, but the nasal cavity, which had been invaded by the cold air for a long time, was already numb from the cold.

The cold air coming into the nostrils brought a piercing pain, and the long-term cold air caused problems with their sense of smell, so they didn't even notice anything.

"Papa, I can't smell anything, my nose is going to freeze off."

The little guy rubbed his red nose. The temperature here is frighteningly low. Fortunately, she has a magical skirt.

The temperature is too low, so that the mist in the air is mixed with some finely crushed ice slags. Those ice slags are inhaled into the lungs with breathing, bringing bone-piercing coldness, and even breathing has become a kind of torture.

In the air here, there is a corrosive toxin, which is very thin at first, and the poison will not appear in a short period of time.

However, after being inhaled into the human body, it will spread along the blood to all parts of the person. The frozen body was poisoned after inhaling a large amount of poisonous mist, and thus died.

Ling Yun squinted his eyes, the surrounding fog was thick and poisonous, he didn't care, but his daughter and Beibei.

Subtle changes in the surroundings may be overlooked if you don't notice them carefully. They are not sudden changes.

It's a little bit of change. The environment will become worse in silence, and people who are tired and restless will rarely notice this slow change. This is the cause of death of explorers under the ice.

(End of this chapter)

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