Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1469 Kill

Chapter 1469 Kill

This principle is like boiling a frog in warm water. A frog lying in the water will not notice that the water temperature changes from slightly cool to warm, and then to boiling. When it realizes the danger, it is too late to escape.

Ling Yun just ignored this point, because his undead body has no feeling at all.

"It's not broken, let me touch your little heads." Ling Yun was a little angry, but he was still very gentle towards the little guy and Bei Bei.

After a ray of holy light, both the little guy and Beibei returned to normal, their bodies were clean, and Miao Xin was also bestowed with the holy light by Ling Yun, he felt wonderful and relaxed.

His first feeling was that his body was so warm.

Ling Yun snapped his fingers lightly, the surrounding air suddenly moved very fast, and then formed a huge storm.



After a while, the surrounding air was clean, without any toxins, and the little guy was much more lively.

Ling Yun frowned suddenly, with some puzzlement on his face!
He turned his head and saw a stream of light flying towards him, and his figure was very fast!

"Damn, someone is chasing us?" Miao Xin's mouth twitched!
"Papa! There are shooting stars."

"Idiot, that's not a shooting star, the scoundrels must have caught up." Beibei said in a childish voice.

Ling Yun put down the little guy and Bei Bei, and asked Miao Xin to take them aside, to keep an eye on them.

"Interesting, it's actually you, hahaha."


Ling Yun blocked Jun Yue's attack with one hand, and took a step back slightly.


Miao Xin's eyes widened, how did LaCrosse become like this, with gray hair, and the latter shouldn't be dead, it's Mo Sha of Hades.

"It's such a powerful breath, I can't estimate how strong he is at the moment."

Behind Junyue, there was a long red sword on his back, exuding a murderous intent and scorching breath, as if he had slaughtered hundreds of millions of living beings, and also seemed to be cast by the sun.

"It's me, accident or not, my dear Pluto-sama."

LaCrosse's voice seemed to be playing multiple songs, scary and unpleasant.

"Some have played, isn't it good to be alive, you have to die." Ling Yun sneered, a chill flashed in his eyes! !

"Death, it's you, Jiuyou Mingze! Here, I will cut off your head and pay homage to all the lives of our divine army." Jun Yue exuded killing intent all over his body, gritted his teeth and said, with that ferocious look, he wished to eat it raw Ling Yun.

"You look like a ghost, you might as well die just now, it seems that you are very hostile to me, it's a pity..."

It's a pity that Ling Yun forgot everything about the ancient times and didn't know about it.

"There's no pity, as long as I kill you, it's worth any price." Jun Yue said.

"Hahaha, then you will be disappointed. Since you know who I am, you shouldn't come to die. You are a mere god, and you dare to speak wildly." Ling Yun shook his head and laughed.

The LaCrosse in front of him is not enough to look at, although his strength is much stronger, but in his eyes, he is still just an ant who has been jumping around for a while.

It is estimated that it is like the third or fourth level of the true god, look at him inflated.

"Really, but Jiuyou... Do you know that this is the ancient ruins, and it is not ancient now. I heard that there are no gods in the world. You are a piece of trash."

Jun Yue's eyes were full of disdain for Ling Yun.

"You really annoy me." Ling Yun said.


Jun Yue narrowed his eyes slightly, then immediately shouted loudly, the figure came quickly, the sword was full of heat with terrifying power.


Strange brilliance overflowed from a distance, turbulent like a vast ocean, but at first glance it looked like a sea of ​​fire.

No, no.

It was indeed a sea of ​​flames, but those flames were colorful, dazzing, dreamlike and unreal.

Such a terrifying blow, Miao Xin and the two little guys watched intently.

Jun Yue was alone on the colorful fire road, and the red long sword in his hand roared, and the sky was trembling, and there were fluctuations in the void, and the void was split.

"It's so hot, the ice on the ground has melted." Miao Xin said.

"Come on, Baba, come on."

"Handsome Shushu, come on, come on."

The two little guys were cheering up Ling Yun, they were so cute.

"You still remember my sword move, Jiuyou...Ming Ze, take your dog's life!"

A stream of dark red blood rushed up like an Optimus Prime, piercing through the starry sky of the universe, covering the sky and covering the earth, and the surging sky collapsed.

Ling Yun erupted with a mighty power like a vast ocean, and majestic power rushed out of his body, and then turned into stars and sprinkled down, like thousands of threads, like a waterfall hanging down.

He exuded a power to suppress the whole world, and at this moment, he had a power to swallow mountains and rivers, as if he could raise his hand to suppress nine heavens and ten earths.


Ling Yun's power was too domineering, it directly swallowed LaCue's swordsmanship, all the surrounding ice melted, and the ground cracked like a spider's web.

As for LaCrosse bearing Ling Yun's frightening power head-on, only the corners of his mouth were bleeding, which really surprised Ling Yun and made him a little surprised.

This is the thought in Miao Xin's trembling, unimaginable!
The strength of these two people definitely surpassed the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor, and reached a level that he had never heard of. It should be the power of the Daoist.

For those who prove the Tao, the previous saying of the Twelve Realms is the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor who broke the suppression of the Heavenly Dao and reached another level of cultivation.

"Trash, who are you?"

Ling Yun smiled lightly!
"Damn, you don't remember me, how could you not remember me, we are here, remember the pain you gave us, but...but you forgot, so free and easy."

"Hahaha, the resentful spirit of the ancient Haotian Sword School, take a look, look...hahaha..."

Jun Yue laughed crazily, looking extremely ferocious.

"Papa, he's very annoying." The little guy said in a milky voice, his little mouth pouted.

"Oh...your daughter, don't worry, she can't"

Jun Yue glanced at the little guy, but before he could finish his sentence, Ling Yun slapped him and sent him flying, bleeding from his mouth.

This pain was several times more painful than the previous move, and Jun Yue screamed again and again.

"Jiuyou, I must kill you, ah..."

The figure of Jun Yue flew over again, the wounds in his body were healing rapidly, holding the red sword in his hand.

Its red sword body is crystal clear, and exudes the aura of the supreme sword, bursting out with dazzling brilliance, piercing through the void before it is unsheathed, and it is extremely violent.


Ling Yun rushed over directly, and used a terrifying martial skill to destroy the sky!
The void is about to collapse.

Miao Xin and the two little guys were almost unable to stand still, the force was so terrifying that the surroundings were broken again.

After the thick smoke billowed, a figure was knocked into the air, and Jun Yue was invincible!
But Ling Yun didn't have any smile, he frowned tightly, Jun Yue was too weird, the strength in the latter body was slowly increasing, and Jun Yue stood up again at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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