Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1470 Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 1470 Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor
Jun Yue laughed.

He fought three times, and the moves were fatal. Although he hurt himself each time, nothing would happen to him.

Ling Yun sneered: "You like to play, then I will accompany you."

He wanted to know what kind of monster LaCrosse had turned into, could it be impossible to kill him?

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

After a few strange laughs from Jun Yue, his figure broke through the void again, and his strength oppressed layers of air.

The red long sword was unsheathed again, the whole body was glowing with red light, the breath of the king of the sword seemed to make one's heart tremble, Miao Xin, as a bystander, retreated involuntarily, feeling fear in her heart, and her body was icy cold.


Jun Yue didn't want to waste time, and suddenly let out a loud roar, swallowing mountains and rivers for thousands of miles, the world trembled with him, pulled out the long sword behind his back and rushed towards Ling Yun, extremely terrifying, like a demon god.

Ling Yun sneered, fancy but useless!


There was a loud thunder, and the strange figure of Junyue appeared behind Ling Yun, and Ling Yun's terrifying fist directly smashed through the opponent's martial arts, and did not hit anyone.


With a backhand slap, Ling Yun knocked the groaning LaCrosse to the ground, setting off bursts of smoke.

"Are you curious, wondering why you attacked me like this, I'm fine."

"Well... If I ask, will you tell me?" Ling Yun rolled his eyes, as if you thought I was an idiot.

"Hahaha, no, I just like to tease you, I like to see you dislike me, but you can't kill me, you are really cute, Jiuyou..."

After the thick smoke dissipated, Jun Yue's face suddenly smiled brightly, he was really fine.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched violently at this moment, he was indeed very angry.

And the little guy's eyes were gloomy, she didn't watch Ling Yun fight, but found something, something like a wine glass.

It moves, it walks...

It's just that he watched the battle between Lingyun and Lacrosse, and kept shaking his body.

There is a good little thing here, which will definitely attract the little guy. It didn't find it, and thought it was well hidden, so it watched the battle on its own.

"You rubbish, there are so many vengeful spirits in your body, one life per vengeful spirit, right, ants, you are finished." Ling Yun suddenly smiled, this is the secret of LaCrosse, which has been discovered by the serious Ling Yun.

LaCrosse was furious when he was hit, and immediately yelled: "It's your mother whore, come and fight with me."


Thick smoke rolled around again.

"Jiuyou, you will never know that our pain is all because of you."

Jun Yue was laughing while fighting, insolent and full of cruelty, with a kind of unrivaled aura of being king in the universe and invincible in the world, and he didn't take anyone seriously.

In his eyes, the golden pupils were dazzling, overflowing with fighting spirit like an ocean, the trembling void cracked inch by inch, and terrifying suction appeared one after another.

Behind him, the sharp red long sword was exposed, and a large number of runes appeared on his body surface, all of which were burning, full of incredible high temperature.

It's hot all around!
Beibei waved her small fists, couldn't stand it anymore, she was so excited, she shouted in a childish voice: "Handsome Shushu, quickly use Wanjian to return to the clan, and beat him up!"

"Jiuyou, you know how to knit."

"Yes, let me show you how many resentful spirits are still in your body after this move."

"I am invincible." Jun Yue shouted! !

"All swords return to their ancestors."

As soon as Ling Yun's words fell, countless thunderclaps rang out in the void, and these countless flying swords were generated out of thin air, carrying terrifying sword intent and blasting towards Junyue.

Each sword is enough to kill a strong Immortal Emperor, and how terrifying the combined power of these thousands of swords is, it is unimaginable.

The scene of thousands of swords flying together shocked Miao Xin and the thing like a wine glass.

Immediately, the countless sword qi in the void all merged together, and the thousands of swords were directly fused into one sword, and it goes without saying how terrifying the power of this sword is!
Jun Yue shook his body, shook his head in disbelief, the red sword on his body trembled continuously, split into thousands of sword shadows in the blink of an eye, collided with the sword energy in the void, and burst out dazzling sparks.

Around it, the void is constantly collapsing, torn apart by the sword energy, and it has become a dilapidated place, with chaotic true energy surging, terrifying and astonishing.

It is impossible for Junyue's swordsmanship to compete with Wanjian Guizong. After a few breaths, he was completely defeated and his body was injured one after another.

This time, after the LaCrosse landed, he couldn't get up for a long time, and his body was in severe pain.

"Oh... I can still get up, not bad... I'm getting more and more interested."

"Hahaha, you can't kill the vengeful spirit in my body, hahaha, come on, come on."

"Then I will change the way, Amitabha."

Following Ling Yun's voice full of Buddha's voice, Jun Yue covered his head in pain.

"Don't read...shut up, shut up...ah..."

I don't know what Ling Yun is chanting, the Buddha's light in his body shines everywhere, and every word makes Jun Yue extremely painful, and makes a horrible cry.

Suddenly, Ling Yun stopped chanting and looked into the distance.


In just a second, he was knocked into the air by a vast force and fell heavily to the ground.

Beibei was surprised and said, "Handsome Shushu..."

Miao Xin: "Lord Pluto, you must be fine."

The little guy ran over: "Papa?"

"Don't even come here, hahaha, it hurts...hahaha... I feel pain, it's interesting." Ling Yun stood up, his eyes changed.

"Jiu You Ming Ze, long time no see." The voice of the visitor was extremely loud.

Miao Xin looked at the figure in mid-air, her face turned pale with fright.

The old man's deep eyes were like a vast sea, his brows were as black as ink, and his figure was tall, although he looked a little old.

In one hand, she was holding the scarred Queen Yaoyue.

"My lord, Jiuyou doesn't remember us anymore." Jun Yue took a big breath, if his lord hadn't come a step earlier, he would have been killed.

"Whether you remember or not, the pain you gave this god will always be remembered by this god. At this moment, the grievances and grievances of the times are finally coming to an end."

The old man's eyes radiated murder, and his eyes were fixed on Ling Yun, that kind of hatred could not be concealed.

Beibei saw clearly that the captured one was Queen Yaoyue, sobbing softly.

"Aunt Demon...555~"

"Really? It's so miserable..." The little guy was not sure.

"Fuck, Queen Yaoyue?" Miao Xin was breaking out in a cold sweat.

Ling Yun said: "You are very powerful, but are you sure you want to be my enemy?"

He knew very well that the other party must threaten him with the life of Queen Yaoyue, so he let La Yue go.

The old man said: "Jiuyou Mingze, this god is the god who was killed by you, the Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor!"

Queen Yaoyue's eyes widened suddenly, the Supreme God killed the god, in ancient times?This is a shocking secret.

(End of this chapter)

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