Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1489

Chapter 1489
The little guy's eyes turned gloomy, and the first thing she thought of was a black hole.

This child was about to cause destruction, as she stared at the sky, even Ling Yun was dumbfounded by the terrifying scene.


The sky is as dark as the sea, so huge that it swallows even the light of the sun, just like the revival of the ancient Taotie, the terrifying power inside shocked everyone.

"Wanyang Divine Art!"

The evil king was so frightened that he trembled all over when he asked the crime, and then he used powerful moves to deal with it, and a brilliant light appeared.


There was an explosion between the heaven and the earth, and the power of the gods collided, as if the laws were entangled. A strange force swept across and exploded, resembling a vast ocean, terrifying to the extreme.

Heiyuan pressed down and engulfed Lingyun directly, and Babao Tiandi and Hurricane God joined forces, but they were not spared either.

All the moves of the evil king's questioning were swallowed up, and even counterattacks were impossible.

Ling Yun was speechless, secretly thinking that the little guy doesn't need to explode with such a strong force.


What happened in the black abyss, people outside don't know.

With just one breath, Heiyuan disappeared, and several figures flew out at the same time.

All around collapsed!

Ling Yun fell heavily to the ground, bleeding from the corner of his mouth! !

"Hahaha, interesting, really interesting!!!"

Xie Wang sneered again and again, his injuries were very serious, and his battle armor was broken.

He could barely get up, only he knew that he used the Holy Spirit Orb just now, but it still failed miserably.

He took out a few elixirs and swallowed them, and immediately he was filled with blood. He used his immortal method to heal the injury immediately, and at the same time absorbed the energy in the elixirs to replenish his true energy.

But Babao Tiandi lost consciousness, could not move at all, and his internal organs were about to be shattered.

"That's divine power! Who could it be?"

The Hurricane God trembled, and he also needed to forcibly recover his body. In the black abyss, he and the Babao Heavenly Emperor were still unable to resist.

How strong is the black abyss?

Ling Yun in the first demon form was injured, as one can imagine.

They ruled out Ling Yun because the latter couldn't be so stupid as to fall for their own moves.

The little guy scratched his head, a little speechless!
"Papa, why are you in there?"

Asked this question, Ling Yun stood up and rolled his eyes towards the little guy.

"Eight Treasures Trash, are you so unbearable?"

Ling Yun didn't care about the evil king who was running the exercises, but walked directly towards the unconscious Babao Tiandi.

"Come here...someone..." Hurricane God shouted anxiously.

The dragon is still with the scholar Bai Xiaoru, Sikong Duxing, and a LaCrosse!
Hearing this, Jun Yue immediately broke away from the fight with the giant dragon and rushed over immediately.

"What are you, Jiuyou! Taking advantage of others' danger."

"If you have the ability, wait for my adults to wake up."

Jun Yue stared at Ling Yundao with cold eyes, his whole body was covered with chill.

Ling Yun frowned, and responded, "If you don't want to die, get out, or I'll be the first to deal with you."

Hurricane God said angrily: "Jun Yue, you kill him, kill him, he is just like us, even though he can walk now, it is actually the end of his strength."

Hearing this, Jun Yue began to look at Ling Yun up and down, and gradually became excited. If it is true as Hurricane God said, then his chance to become famous will come.

In fact, he also wants revenge, including those grievances in his body, those grievances exist only for revenge.

Xie Wang Wengui was still repairing the injury, but he used his spiritual sense to tell the scholar Bai Xiaoru to let the latter take action at this moment and kill Ling Yun.

The scholar Bai Xiaoru said: "Sikong steals the stars, you hold the dragon temporarily, I want to help the evil king to question the crime and kill that legend."

Sikong Tuoxing nodded, and responded: "As soon as possible, I am not the opponent of the giant dragon, and you have to be careful of the Yaoyue Queen and the rebellious Miaoxin."

The scholar Bai Xiaoru flew into the air in an instant, shaking all around.

"Ten years of sharpening a sword, and I have been sharpening for a full 1 years. The long-lost Pluto, you and I have no hatred, but you are too crazy. So many people were killed in ancient times, so I was forced to enter the Suolong Pagoda. ordeal."

"Today, I will show you to the king and ask who has any injustice."

"Heavenly righteousness, heaven and earth will last forever."

As soon as the voice fell, a ball of golden light appeared above the sky, full of power, and it was descending rapidly, slowly forming a sword while descending!

Ling Yun raised his eyes and frowned: "Poetry becomes sword?"

call out!
Seeing the sword flying towards him, Xie Wang sneered.

However, the result was disappointing to everyone, Ling Yun wiped out this terrifying sword with a flick of his fingers.

"Impossible, impossible!"

"Honorable world, righteousness lasts forever!"

The unrepentant scholar Bai Xiaoru recited again, it seemed to burst out with astonishing power, he didn't believe that his righteous power could not do anything to the demonic Pluto.

"One ant."

Ling Yun dismissed it, and with a wave of his hand, a dozen or so divine weapons and swords floating in the air immediately rushed towards the scholar Bai Xiaoru, who died with a lot of wounds.

With his death, Sky's Yi Poetry Sword also slowly disappeared.


More than a dozen artifacts and swords couldn't withstand Ling Yun's power, and after killing the scholar Bai Xiaoru, they fell to pieces.

Sikong Duxing was stunned for a moment, his face full of disbelief.

Why does Pluto still have the power to kill them in seconds at this moment, it is unscientific.

Distracted, he was immediately dropped to the ground by a roar of the giant dragon, setting off waves of frenzy.

Beibei rubbed her eyes, wondering why those swords were broken because of her misreading, until she found out that it was real, she muttered.

"Handsome sorghum..."

"Ahem...well, after a long time, they are a bit rotten and easy to break, so don't look at me with that look."

Ling Yun was avoiding Beibei's small eyes, he really didn't expect those ancient artifacts to be so rubbish, they couldn't bear such a little strength, rubbish!
Just as he was explaining to Beibei, the Hurricane God who was lying on the ground suddenly widened his eyes.

"Outside the body!"

Holding Yama of the Ten Temples in his hand, his figure flashed quickly, and he chopped off one of Ling Yun's arms from behind with an axe, shocking everyone.

And Lingyun is surrounded by hurricane gods, all clones, and the real body is the one holding the ten halls of Yama! !

Xie Wang asked the crime and laughed loudly: "Beautiful job!!"

"Jiu You Ming Ze, do you remember that Yama of the Ten Palaces cut off your arm again, how about it?" Hurricane God said in a deep voice, not relaxing his vigilance against Ling Yun at all.

Ling Yun's face turned pale, and he said speechlessly: "This move is not bad, it hurt me, it hurts!"

The undead body is immortal, but it will still be injured and hurt!


The little guy rubbed his eyes, feeling a little like crying.

Queen Yaoyue covered her mouth, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak, while Miao Xin beside her was trembling.

Beibei was even more angry. If Queen Yaoyue didn't let her make a move, she would lose her temper.

"As I said, today is your end." Hurricane God said.

Ling Yun's arms suddenly sizzled... everyone jumped again.

(End of this chapter)

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