Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1490

Chapter 1490
His arms have grown back, which is incredible.

Xie Wang asked with wide eyes, and said bluntly: "It's impossible, your body can't grow arms again, it's a blindfold."

The Hurricane God tremblingly held the Shidian Yama in his hand. This situation was beyond his cognition. As a former god, it was impossible for him to do it, but Ling Yun in front of him did it.

In ancient times, he also cut off one of Ling Yun's hands, but it didn't grow back immediately like now.

Ling Yun pinched Hurricane God with one hand, and said angrily: "Don't tell me about the past, you know, in my memory, you are the first person who dared to cut off my arm."

In the previous attacks, although Ling Yun had been blasted off his body, but this time the Hurricane God used ancient supernatural powers, which really caused Ling Yun's arm to be cut off.


Ling Yun's terrifying power shattered Hurricane God's internal organs, but the latter didn't cry out even though his mouth was full of blood, let alone died.


Ling Yun threw him away, fell heavily on the ground, spat out another mouthful of blood, and immediately burst out laughing.

At this moment Ling Yun walked towards the Babao Heavenly Emperor step by step, Jun Yue didn't dare to stop him again, he seemed to be thinking of a way.

"Babao trash, remember what I said."

Ling Yun walked up to him, looked at the Babao Heavenly Emperor in a coma, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


The Babao Heavenly Emperor was poured with cold water in Ling Yun's palm.

"Hateful... Nine Nether Ze, you will die badly."

Stimulated by the cold water, Babao Tiandi gained a little consciousness. Babao Tiandi gradually opened his eyes, full of hatred towards Ling Yun.

"You can still speak hard, it seems that you can hold on."

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he kicked the Babao Heavenly Emperor aside. The latter endured the severe pain and stared at Ling Yun with eyes full of anger.

The Hurricane God was still laughing, mumbling: "Blood... can give me strength."

With a few gurgles, he took something out of the storage ring and drank it, and his mouth was full of blood.

A moment later, as if he was resurrected with full blood, his strength and body reached the peak again.

Emperor Babao said: "Hurricane, blow him up, he is much stronger than before."

Ling Yun still ignored Hurricane God, but came to Babao Heavenly Emperor again, and smiled at him, this smile could make Babaotiandi's heart tremble uncontrollably.

"Since I was able to kill you back then, I can kill you now, but what I said is still valid, and I will make you immortal forever."

Ling Yun's words made Emperor Babao tremble, this was not a joke, he knew it very well.

"Even if this god is beyond redemption, I won't let you torture me."

Babao Tiandi gritted his teeth and said, still staring at Ling Yun with that kind of hateful eyes, which made the latter very annoying.

An energy ball fell, and the Babao Heavenly Emperor was hit by Ling Yun again, dying!
Jun Yue said angrily: "Don't torture my lord!"


Ling Yun frowned, looking back, a sword qi beheaded Jun Yue, but the latter had a resentful spirit in his body, and he still didn't die.

"You still want to see me save you?"

Hearing this, Jun Yue didn't dare to speak anymore, as long as Ling Yun recited the scriptures, he had no choice but to suffer.

Xie Wang asked the crime and laughed, and he has recovered from his injuries.

The Hurricane God has also recovered from his injuries, and is heading towards Ling Yun, with soaring blood, Ling Yun knows that he has taken the blood of a divine beast.


With lightning in his hand, Ling Yun waited for the Hurricane God to throw himself into the trap, and sure enough, with one move, the latter was croaked by the lightning.

These people don't know what's going on, they know that they are not Ling Yun's opponent, but they still attack without hesitation, what is the difference from looking for abuse.

The Hurricane God was thrown aside, and immediately stood up again, dripping with sweat.

"Ten Halls of Hell, Wings of the Hurricane."

Hurricane God swung Yama of the Ten Temples fiercely in his hand, and the terrifying blow came towards Ling Yun overwhelmingly.

Ling Yun was hit head-on, but he himself turned into a cloud of black energy. After dodging the blow, his body exuded magic energy, forming a pair of black wings.

As soon as the black wings waved, the terrifying wind suppressed the Hurricane God to the ground, bleeding from his mouth.

The little guy's eyes were stunned, it was the first time she saw Ling Yun like this, and she was envious of his pair of beautiful wings.

Beibei said: "Shuai Shushu is so handsome."

"Such an emperor is really scary, ancient? He is also a god." Yaoyue Queen said.

And when the evil king heard this, he asked, what kind of god... the ancient Lingyun was a false god, and a mortal dared to shake the sky.

"You rubbish, I'm just playing with you."

Ling Yun smiled, and with a flash of his figure, he went directly to Emperor Babao, and with one hand he abolished the latter's cultivation and crushed Emperor Babao's arm.

Jun Yue couldn't take it anymore, and finally wanted to attack Ling Yun.


His sneak attack was useless, the powerful Ling Yun made his scalp tingle.

Ling Yun just looked back, and he had already knelt down on the ground, as if his internal organs were about to be shattered.

"Since you keep saying that you want revenge, but in my opinion, you are just the sorrow of the weak."

Hurricane God and Babao Heavenly Emperor both said that Ling Yun killed them, but why were they killed?

Don't they have any sense...

What about those people from the ancient Haotian Sword Sect, they deserve to die?
"Jiuyou Mingze, you will die a terrible death."

Wen Yan Lingyun smiled strangely: "Then let me see what happened to you in ancient times."

With a golden hand in his hand, he immediately pressed the head of the Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor. The latter was very smart, and immediately knew that this was reading memory.

"It's impossible for you to do it." Babao Tiandi endured the severe pain, his face turned pale, and he clenched his teeth.

"Yes, then let you see my horror."

After a short breath, Ling Yun read the memory of Emperor Babao.

"Huh... death is not a pity, even if you have an afterlife, I will kill you as usual."

Ling Yun, who knew everything about the ancient Haotian Sword School, gritted his teeth angrily.

In order to protect him, the ancient Haotian Sword Sect was annihilated in one fell swoop by these dogs and their divine army.

And he was so angry that he killed all the people who invaded the ancient Haotian Sword School, and only then did Babao Heavenly Emperor and Hurricane God hate him.

They who thought they were gods were killed by a mortal, what kind of experience was that, so they were willing to turn into grievances, just to avenge themselves one day.

"Release the Eight Treasures!"

Hurricane God said angrily.


Ling Yun kicked back and kicked Hurricane God into the distance again.

Xie Wang sneered and said: "This is the beginning, come on, Jiuyou Mingze, my blood is boiling."

He couldn't bear it anymore, and finally he was willing to use the Holy Spirit Orb, and the powerful aura spread across the world, as if penetrating all over the world.

"It's you who took my things, the evil king will punish you, and you can't escape this time."

Ling Yun sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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