Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1491

Chapter 1491
"What's yours, it's shameless, the Holy Spirit Orb belongs to the world, and now I take it, it's my king's." The evil king stared at Ling Yun dismissively, with a smile on his lips.

What are the common people in the world?
Too fake!
Ling Yun has read the memory of Emperor Babao, and already knows about it.

Isn't it because Yinfeng wants to take his life, and the Holy Spirit Orb is the treasure of the Haotian Sword School.

"Then come on, it's useless to talk more, let you know that ants are always ants."

Ling Yun shouted sharply, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and his sharp right hand reached down, tearing apart the void.

The evil king asked his crimes to fight back desperately, mobilizing the holy spirit beads in the sea of ​​consciousness to fight, and his whole body was bursting with divine light. After three rounds, his body surface was damaged in many places, and the blood flowed unstoppably.


The bright red blood flew high into the sky like a rainbow across the sky, alluring and poignant. The Xie Wang Wengui escaped Ling Yun's terrifying martial arts and fatal blows, but was severely injured by Ling Yun's undead body.

"Impossible, I have the Holy Spirit Orb and I can't lose." Xie Wang asked Zuo, his eyes widened, with an incredulous look written all over his face.

You know, Ling Yun didn't even take out the Taiji seal, and he almost tried his best, so could it be that the gap is so big?

"Nothing is impossible, you are all ants after all."

Ling Yun sneered again and again!

Hurricane God said: "It's terrible, his strength is twice as strong as that of the ancients, we can't defeat him, the evil king asked the crime, what should we do now?"

"Don't ask me, this king is also very irritable." Xie Wang asked sinfully, staring and blowing his beard, looking very dissatisfied.

It stands to reason that he fused the Holy Spirit Orb, and Ling Yun was the one who was abused, but at the moment it was the opposite, how could he accept it.

Little guy here!
She secretly destroyed Lingyun's giant dragon, and then asked Beibei to knock down Sikong Stealing Star, using the divine punishment from the sky.

Sikong Tousing groaned, and fell to the ground in pain.

As soon as he got up, Miao Xin pointed a sword at his throat.

"Sikong stealing stars, don't move, swords don't have eyes, be careful with your life."

"Miao Xin, you..."

"do not move!"

"Okay, okay, you won."

Sikong Tuoxing also saw the Yaoyue Empress and the two little guys walking over, Sikong Tuoxing compromised, raised his hands, and surrendered.

The little guy rolled his eyes bleakly, and he was still whispering to Beibei.

"Sister, what do you plan to do if you capture the bad guy alive?"

"Hahaha, look at me."

Beibei stared at Sikong Duxing with a smile, the latter didn't feel good.

"Little princess, don't get so close, be careful that Sikong will go crazy and bite people." Miao Xin cautiously reminded.

Empress Yaoyue smiled, staring at Sikong and stealing stars with her eyes, and said: "With my emperor here, he can't make big waves."

"Forgive me, two little princesses, I didn't hurt you, even if you gave me a hundred guts, I wouldn't dare."

Sikong Tuoxing hurriedly knelt down, with snot and tears, and pretended to be pitiful.

The little guy scratched his head, looking solemnly at Sikong Duxing pretending.

Beibei said: "Seeing how pitiful you are, I will test you and let you go after answering."

"All right...just save one life."

Sikong Duxing was overjoyed immediately.

Queen Yaoyue shouted: "Bebe can't do this..."

As long as you answer the questions, you can leave. It's too cheap for Sikong to steal the stars.

And Miao Xin is Amitabha Buddha.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, whatever he chooses, he must choose." Beibei shrugged, with an expression of indifference.

Sikong Thouxing paused, then nodded his head heavily, and responded: "Then you can tell."

The little guy said: "Then you have to hear clearly, sister, please speak quickly."

Beibei shrugged, and said softly to Sikong Stealing Star: "If there are two glasses of water in the desert, one of poison, and one of urine, you have to choose one, which one do you choose?"

Queen Yaoyue: "..."

It's not... her heart is speechless!
Sikong Duxing was overjoyed: "I choose a cup of urine."

"Then you can leave after drinking it." Beibei laughed.

She took out a sealed jar of urine from the gourd, probably the sixth guardian's bad idea, otherwise she would not be so smart.

Sikong Duxing shuddered hard, drinking urine can live, it's worth thinking about it.

The little guy scratched his head, and murmured to Beibei: "Sister, why is he so stupid."

Seeing Sikong Duxing drinking, the little guy looked disgusted, she didn't understand, there were two glasses of water, but she had to choose a glass of urine.

"Most of them are fools these days." Beibei replied.

Stupid is stupid!
Sikong Tuxing still secretly laughed.

Miao Xin: "..."

Queen Yaoyue said: "Beibei, let him go, it's very pitiful."

They are willing to drink urine and lose the dignity of a strong man. Sikong Stealing Stars will not do much in the future, so let him go.

"thanks, thanks…"

Sikong Duxing became excited again, until he heard the little guy's words, his whole face darkened.

The little guy said: "Obviously there are two glasses of water, the bad uncle doesn't know how to choose."

Empress Yaoyue laughed out loud and couldn't help it, only then did she realize that this was a trap for the two of them.

The corner of Miao Xin's mouth twitched, and she called out Amitabha again, she could only mourn for Sikong Tuixing, and he would have chosen a cup of urine instead, this question is too tricky.

Seeing Sikong stealing the stars away, the little guy waved his hands, and said in a childlike voice: "Bad uncle, go slowly, if you want to drink in the future, you can find our sixth grandpa..."

After finishing speaking, she added: "Grandpa Six said it."

Beibei laughed: "Does he like it that much?"

Queen Yaoyue was speechless, and the matter on their side was settled.

But Lingyun's side is not over yet, the evil king has been trying to figure out a way to ask the crime, probably just to delay the time! !
But the Eight Treasures Emperor was abolished, life would be better than death, Ling Yun didn't intend to let the latter die so easily, Hurricane God is as strong as the last.

Ling Yun said: "The evil king asked the crime, the hurricane is garbage, you are only two left, why, are you still sure?"

The evil king asked, "Garbage, you are the garbage."

Hurricane God frowned: "Don't be complacent, my blood is being activated, and I can kill you soon."

No matter what, he still firmly believed that he could kill Ling Yun.

"We'll wait and see."

Ling Yun shrugged, not caring at all.

Xie Wang questioned and said to Hurricane God, "We'll use that move later."

"Just use it to instantly kill Jiuyou." Hurricane God grinned.

In a moment!
Ling Yun was slightly startled, he felt a terrifying force gradually emerging.


In an instant, the evil storm launched by the evil king and the hurricane god formed immediately, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and the sky and the earth turned pale.

Ling Yun was smashed to pieces in an instant, and was instantly wiped out.

Everyone's eyes widened! !
(End of this chapter)

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