Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1494 King's Landing Demon God Sea

Chapter 1494 King's Landing Demon God Sea


There were a few milky laughter, it was Beibei who discovered the real situation of the Yaowang Ding, and the child found out that it was the Yaowang Ding, so she was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

Ling Yun didn't go back to the last three days, but went directly to the edge of the Demon God Sea.

On the edge of the Demon God Sea, on a seemingly ordinary beach.

"Fuck...Master...Pluto is here...He's here!!" Old Man Sui Yue just came back after breaking the void, and told Po Jun Di Shen about what happened just now.

Emperor Pojun was basking in the sun on the edge of the beach, holding a jug in his right hand, and was gulping down wine.

Hearing what old man Sui Yue said, he sighed, and said with deep eyes: "What should come will always come, what's the use of panic, you must learn to be calm, my teacher taught you, don't panic in everything."

It's easy to say, can you not panic?

The old man Sui Yue has seen Ling Yun's horror, the evil king is no match for his crimes, and there are two ancient gods and wraiths, although they have no divine power, they are not ordinary little ones.

I thought so in my heart, but the old man Sui Yue wanted to say to Po Jundi: "The master is right, this disciple is not afraid."

At the same time, he thought to himself: "With your old man here, what is he afraid of?"

The sky is falling, and his master is there to hold it up!

Speaking of Ling Yun's arrival, Emperor Pojun panicked in his heart. He still didn't know who Ling Yun was. The only thing he knew was that he was not his opponent.

At this moment, Ling Yun stepped into the void, with an indifferent expression on his face, exuding the aura of a supreme king, and walked out of the black hole.

"Old man, stay safe."

Ling Yun looked at Emperor Pojun with a smile, his eyes were terribly dark.

"You kid is a bit interesting. You really keep your word when you say you won't set foot in the Demon God Sea. The old man will thank you in advance."

Emperor Pojun forcibly remained calm, as if nothing had happened, and calmly dealt with it.

Ling Yun spread out his hands and said in a deep voice: "Don't be in a hurry to thank me, maybe after a while, you will wish to slap me to death."

How could Pojun Emperor God dare to say this... I was speechless in my heart.

"Hehehe, just kidding, I don't know why you came here."

Emperor Pojun asked the question knowingly, and also felt the murderous intent emanating from Ling Yun's body, so he could only accompany the latter with a playful smile.

"It's useless to talk too much, hurry up and hand over Fandi to me." Ling Yun frowned, especially disliking nonsense with this old man.

"Ahem... Pluto, have you forgotten something?"


Ling Yun frowned again, and looked at Po Jun Di Shen with a gloomy expression.

The old man Sui Yue said on the side: "Master Pluto forgot the deal my old master said before?"


Ling Yun let out a long sigh, and then said with a smile: "Why should I make a deal with you, old man, I was won by you last time, I won't be fooled this time."

"Ha ha…"

goo goo goo...

After Po Jun Di Shen laughed, he took another sip of wine.

"Shuang... Pluto, to tell you the truth, the Demon God Sea is controlled by the old man. Emperor Fan and your subordinates cannot go out, so the old man sealed it."

"You dare to meddle in my business, the old man is afraid that he dislikes living for too long and doesn't want to die anymore." Ling Yun's expression froze, his eyes radiating cold light, and he stared at the Pojun Emperor God below.

"Old man... old man is crazy, you are a humble reptile."

Hearing this, Emperor Pojun's face was gloomy with anger, he was afraid of Lingyun, but it didn't mean he wouldn't fight him.

"Your so-called strength and supernatural power are all vulnerable in front of my eyes. You say that I am a reptile in your eyes, but you are not even an ant in my eyes!"

Ling Yun looked at Pojundi's divine character Zhuji, and his voice was loud and spread all around.

Those words poured into Pojun Emperor God's ears, making his complexion bloodshot, and endless anger surging in his eyes.

He is an ancient god, how can he allow others to insult him.

"Good good..."

"Then let the old man learn about Master Pluto's brilliant moves."

Emperor Pojun put away the jug and stood up. He was at least two meters tall, and his eyes radiated coldness, and he raised his head to stare at Ling Yun.

"Come here if you miss." Ling Yun snorted coldly, it was just a matter of a few moves to get the Pojun Emperor God.

Old Man Sui Yue wiped the sweat from his brow, and hurriedly said, "Master, please calm down, calm down."

It is not wise to fight here now, since Pluto is confident, there must be a backup.

"No, no, you go, let me calm down, who is this old man, you brat don't pay attention to me."

The God Pojun Emperor became more and more angry, and his murderous aura emerged, and he killed quite a lot of people.

Ling Yun sneered...

Emperor Pojun was tricked, and this result was exactly what he wanted.

Old man Sui Yue was terrified and frightened, but he still noticed that something was wrong. Usually, his master would never do such impulsive things so easily.

Besides, just now his master told him to calm down, he wanted to have a good chat with Pluto, so now is the time to do it?Something is wrong.

"It's's you..." Old Sui Yue didn't dare to look directly into Ling Yun's eyes, the eyes were too terrifying.

He knew that his master's situation at this moment must be influenced by Pluto, or it might not be what kind of moves.

"Old man, let him go immediately, or you will be destroyed."

Ling Yun transformed Sanqing with one sword, and the terrifying sword energy directly knocked Pojundi Shen into the air. Although the latter seemed to have been hit in a daze, it was not a serious problem.

"Old man, I will not be defeated. I am the ancient demon god, possessing the body of the Profound Sky and the three supernatural powers, and controlling the power of the five elements of the heaven and earth. I am the strongest in the Demon God Sea!"

At this time Pojundi Shen stood up, looking at Ling Yun with a look of reluctance in his eyes, his face was filled with thick anger, and a terrifying aura emanated from him again.

"go to hell!"

Emperor Pojun looked at Ling Yun and roared, then waved his hands.

Immediately, a terrifying force blasted towards Ling Yun from his body, and the void split open, making it suffocating.

This power turned out to be a dominant power, and it was also an extremely powerful attack power, Ling Yun frowned.

As soon as this power of dominance erupted, there was a terrifying pressure of dominance all around, and it was obvious that Emperor Pojun didn't intend to hold back.

"It's interesting, the old man's mood is so fragile."

The reason why Pojun Emperor God is like this is entirely because of the influence of Ling Yun's magic sound, which will stimulate Pojun Emperor God's fighting consciousness, infinitely deepen the hatred, and gradually become unclear.

"God damn it!"

As expected of an ancient demon god, Pojun Emperor God slashed Lingyun across the ground with his sword, and finally stabbed Lingyun's fallen ground.

And Ling Yun laughed loudly, as if he couldn't see the situation clearly under the thick dust and brilliant martial arts.


That laughter made Old Man Suiyue tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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