Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1495

Chapter 1495

He secretly thought...


Not only his master is crazy, but Pluto is also crazy! !
"Stop... Master, calm down!"

If things go on like this, Pluto is really going to take a serious action. At this moment, Pluto will not fight back. If he fights back, I am afraid that his master will die.

"How is it possible, you were not killed by my Chuanxintianzhu."

Po Jun Di Shen was full of disbelief.

With his sword energy, everything in time and space is annihilated under a single sword strike. Watching the sky stretch across the nine heavens and ten earths, it will be shattered just by the sword energy.

But, why couldn't Ling Yun be killed, he looked shocked, the gap was so big?
Old Man Sui Yue also called it impossible, as soon as his master's dominant power appeared, he felt like he had fallen into hell.

Terrible aura of death emerged from his heart, sweeping his whole body, facing this terrifying power of dominance, he admitted that the gap was too great.

The Pojun Emperor swung his sword with a burst of brilliance, shaking Ling Yun's undead body back, and blood sprayed out, and then turned into a big hand, covering the sky and covering the earth, and suppressed Ling Yun.


This was a world-shattering collision, the heavens resounded, the universe trembled, and the great sun in the nine heavens hung down, covering the two of them, witnessing this battle, but Ling Yun did not fight back from the beginning to the end.

The sword energy immediately diffused, covering everything, shattering everything in the void, and everything in front of him.

"I should pay it back, it's almost done." Ling Yun stopped laughing suddenly, his voice full of gloom.

The madness and demonic energy gathered here, and an inhuman and heretical figure landed in shock, with the wind blowing, it was Ling Yun.

With his terrifying might, thousands of mountains were shaken. He was like a god descending from the earth, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he tore through the void with ease, came to Pojundi God, and pinched the latter's throat with one hand.

Pojundi Shen's pupils were wide open, and he said in shock, "God's hand? How could you do it!"

Old Man Sui Yue turned pale with shock: "Master..."

What he was worried about still happened. In this state, his master was going to die, it was irrational.

"I have some knowledge, old man, I will teach you a lesson this time." Ling Yun suddenly smiled evilly, and the surroundings were eerily silent.

At this moment, the terrifying aura shattered the heavens and the earth, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers roared,

The thick black clouds collapsed layer by layer, and the old man only felt that his breathing became stagnant. A second ago, the sky was still clear and the sun was shining brightly.

At this second, the sky was covered with dark clouds and the sky was dim. The coercion above the head made one's scalp tingle, and the strange cold wind whizzed, making people shudder.

The black clouds piled up thicker and thicker, gradually swirling like a vortex, densely packed Thunder Snakes tossed and swam among the black clouds, and the middle of the black cloud vortex was just facing Ling Yun and the others.

It can be described as shocking and weeping ghosts and gods.

Ling Yun dominates the universe, hovers there and strangles the Pojun Emperor God, his body merges with the sky and the earth, as if he is the master of that piece of heaven and earth.

All of a sudden, Ling Yun's pupils changed, and Po Jundi Shen shivered. What made him terrified was that he had seen such a terrifying thing.

In an instant, the sun, the moon and the stars disappeared in his eyes, the river of time ended in his eyes, and the black sky light fell from the sky, as if to welcome him back.

Wherever he stands, there is nothingness, a complete second god form, more powerful than a god.

An incandescent light flashed in the sky, and the white light gradually became thicker, and finally condensed into a round of daylight, from which hot white light gushed out like an explosion.

Wherever the light is, the space fragments are broken and peeled off layer by layer, and the fierce white light is as powerful as a sharp sword, invincible!
"Cough cough..."

Pojun Emperor God's eyes widened, he was destroyed by Ling Yun's eyes, it was really shocking.

Old man Sui Yue sat on the ground paralyzed in fright, subconsciously motionless, trembling all over.

His master died...

It was really hard for him to accept that the physical body was destroyed, just a matter of breathing.

"You... Pluto... Hahaha, I actually fell for your magic voice. You really belonged to me. Although I'm not in the right condition, if I lose, I lose. I let this old man go."

The Pojun Emperor God under Yuanying laughed loudly, he was fully awake now, and he will let him go now, for the sake of face.


Ling Yun returned to his original appearance, and smiled, if the old man hadn't been so useful, he wouldn't have spared the latter's life.


Emperor Pojun was so embarrassed, his strength was not good enough, it was really hard to understand why he himself, an ancient demon god, was no match for a kid from ancient times.

I don't know where Old Man Sui Yue mustered up the courage to shout at Ling Yun: "Quick... let my master go quickly."

"Give you…"

As soon as Ling Yun let go, the Nascent Soul of Pojun Emperor God floated directly towards Old Man Sui Yue.

"Thank you for staying alive."

If it wasn't for Ling Yun's mercy, Emperor Pojun would have died, so he should be grateful to Ling Yun.

Ling Yun turned around and disappeared, and a word came from the sky!

"I won't be so lucky next time. The old man should not care about things that shouldn't be done. Be careful not to cause trouble."

Hearing this, Emperor Pojun smiled wryly, and he also wanted to stay out of the matter, but fate was helpless, and he couldn't help it at all.

"This matter must not be said to the outside world, remember not to."

Emperor Pojun said to Old Man Sui Yue.

His physical body was destroyed, and if he wanted to reshape it, it would take hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation. If others knew about it, the Demon God Sea would definitely be in chaos.

"The disciple knows."

The old man Sui Yue also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he nodded and swore secretly that if he said it, it would be a thunderbolt.

"As a teacher, you need to practice in closed doors. These days, you have to guard the Demon God Sea and prevent outsiders from entering. Do you know?"

After instructing the old man of years, Emperor Pojun immediately went to the cave to practice.

"Hey... Unexpectedly, the old man is old and useless. Time is not forgiving."

"The evil king is dead. After the other evil kings find out, they will go mad and unite. We don't know how the Demon God Sea will develop. The outside world will not be peaceful."

After muttering to himself, Emperor Pojun began to practice a set of exercises to reshape the body, which could quickly condense the body in front of the treasures of heaven and earth.

The old man Sui Yue said: "It's over, even the master is not his opponent. If the master's calmness before was just pretending, you can't be an enemy of Pluto."

Having seen the real horror of Ling Yun, old man Sui Yue's scalp tingles and his heart trembles when he thinks about it.

At the edge of the Demon God Sea, Ling Yun's figure appeared on a small hill, and the Hooking and Fandi were sealed below!

The two of them broke through the encirclement from the Demon God Sea and escaped. Unexpectedly, the Pojun Emperor God saw through them at a glance. He refused to let them come out, and knowing that they were related to Ling Yun, he didn't dare to let others take them away, so he forcibly sealed them.

"The old man has two tricks, this seal is a bit difficult."

Ling Yun frowned, seeing that the seal was extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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