Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1497 The next target

Chapter 1497 The Next Goal

Beibei clapped her hands, she didn't need the encyclopedia to continue, she understood everything!
"Finally found you." Beibei lightly stroked the Yaowangding, the latter's body was trembling, it didn't feel like it was a good thing.


Turning into a big cauldron at this moment, flying into the sky and fleeing from the ground?
That way you can get rid of them!
The encyclopedia was clear at a glance, guessed Yao Wangding's thoughts, and persuaded: "You should stop thinking about it, you know who her father is, you can't get rid of the breath here, you ran away, she cried, you Being found again, it is estimated that your weapon spirit is the end."

Hearing this, Yao Wangding shuddered violently, and then he let go of his thoughts and slowly became quiet, that is the ancient Nine Nether Lakes...

Just now, two more ancient demon gods were killed, and Jiuyoumingze is even more powerful than the ancient ones. , Yao Wang Ding itself is afraid.

The encyclopedia said meaningfully: "Hey, you two can meet again."

Yao Wangding's head was full of black lines: "..."

What do you mean?

When the little guy took out the Taiji seal, the century clock, and the lady's piano, Yao Wangding was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out.

The little guy laughed loudly and said, "One, two, three, four...yeah, I got four, hahaha!"

This laughter is really intoxicating, but unfortunately there is no one in the palace, and it cannot be spread.

Yao Wangding swallowed hard and spit, I'll be a good boy, this kid took three of the top ten artifacts in ancient times, including this one, that's four, rumors spread that there will be a resurgence in the Seven Great Domains.

Among the four artifacts, only Lady Qin was conscious. She was also shocked when she saw Yao Wangding. Although she knew that she would meet the other artifacts soon, it was too soon.

Lady Qin consciously communicated with Yao Wangding: "Why are you here?"

"As you can see, he was caught."

Yao Wangding blinked in embarrassment, saying that he was arrested to save face, and he was afraid of Ling Yun, so he followed the little guy.

"That man doesn't know what to do, why does he want to collect us."

Lady Qindao!

"How long has he been holding you?" Yao Wang Ding asked.

"It's been a while, and I still can't figure out what he wants to do."

"It's a crime, probably to suppress some old monsters."

"I hope it's not a lifeless creature, otherwise our top ten artifacts will be ancient crime weapons! They are murder weapons!!"


The little guy's eyes turned gloomy, she looked at Yao Wang Ding and Lady Qin and said, "What are you muttering about?"

She heard it all...but she didn't understand what it meant, what she didn't understand.


The exchange of consciousness between them was overheard by a child, Lady Qin and Yao Wang Ding shuddered severely, the daughter of Jiuyou Mingze was really different.

Beibei said: "Sister, put it away quickly, and then continue to look for it."

The kid started to take out the artifact map to see what artifact the next target was.

The little guy was very happy, he stroked every artifact lightly, and then put it into the palm space, which made Lady Qin and Yao Wang Ding feel at ease.

Beibei pointed to the magic ax on the artifact data map and said, "Shu Ling, tell me quickly, where is this big knife?"


That's an ax!
The corner of Encyclopedia's mouth twitched violently, it didn't know either.

It basically knows everything from ancient times to the present, but it doesn't know anything about ancient times. No one knows about the God and Demon Axe since ancient times when it was sealed! !
"Little princess, don't look at me like that, I really don't know."

The encyclopedia wanted to cry, but Beibei looked at it with questioning eyes all the time, but it really couldn't stand that look, and trembled all over.

The little guy said: "Sister, it really doesn't know."

"Hey...yes...what the little princess said is very true, I really don't know, Pluto is coming back, I'm going back, goodbye."

Encyclopedia is most afraid of encountering Ling Yun, so remind me quickly.

Hearing this, Bei Bei immediately put away the encyclopedia, then laughed loudly, and said in a childish voice, "Shuai Shuai is back, we are going home."

She misses Wuhun Continent, An Qing, her parents, and little Irene!
As soon as the words fell, Ling Yun's figure came step by step.

The little guy rushed forward immediately, and said in a milky voice, "Papa, why is it taking so long?"

There was a little bit of complaint in the tone, especially the little eyes, which made Ling Yun dumbfounded.

"Bo... We have finished dealing with our affairs here, and we have to go."

Bei Bei ran over, tugged at Ling Yun and said, "Shuai Shuai, don't we need to say goodbye to Aunt Yao?"

She remembered that the Yaoyue Empress said that she would make delicious food for them, and let the two of them stay here first, but it turned out to be waiting until now.

"No need, I will be reluctant to see you again, I will leave a message for her, she will know." Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry.

The little guy shook his head, saying that this is wrong and very rude.


No matter what, Ling Yun couldn't help them, hugged them up, and immediately returned to the Wuhun Continent!
When Queen Yaoyue returned to the palace happily, she was dumbfounded.

"The emperor is still the emperor!"

What else can she do, she can only shake her head and smile bitterly, as long as the two little guys don't run around, or something happens.


It is night in Wuhun Continent.

Long Beibei Paradise is brightly lit, and there are chattering voices.

As soon as Beibei came out of the black hole, he laughed and ran in with short legs: "Dad, mom... Beibei misses you so much."


Some people in the yard exclaimed and looked back, and then they looked surprised.



The child Beibei rushed into Long Xingtian's arms, his eyes were red, that look made people uncomfortable, An Qing twitched at the corner of his mouth.

"Aha, shame... I'm back."

The little guy stood at the door, first laughed at Beibei's behavior, and then smiled at An Qing and the others.

An Qing also laughed, it's good that the child is fine, she was scared back then, she was helpless.

"Oh, Qianqian! You've come back." Long Yanran covered her mouth and laughed secretly. It's been a long time since I saw this intoxicating laughter.


Long Yanran walked up and stretched out her hands to hug her.

The little guy rolled his eyes bleakly, then ran over, smiled and stretched out his hands, and finally ran to An Qing's feet.


Long Yanran: "..."

The little guy turned around and said, "Who are you..."

It was so heartless, the corners of Long Yanran's mouth twitched violently when she heard this.

Everyone laughed.

"Where's your father?"

An Qing gave the little guy a mouthful, then looked outside, and couldn't see Ling Yun walking in for a long time.

"Papa, papa?"

The little guy was dumbfounded. It was true that her father had disappeared. Where did he go?

Beibei rubbed her eyes and said speechlessly, "Stupid... Shuai Shuai said I have something to deal with, so I want you to go to sleep."


Thinking of Ling Yun's words just now, the little guy smiled awkwardly, the way he scratched his head was so cute, Long Yanran couldn't help pinching it, which made the little guy roll his eyes repeatedly.

An Qing knew what was going on as soon as she thought about it. The Snow Dragon Clan declared war with Wuhun Continent three days ago. The latest news is that the Yan family suffered heavy casualties, and they should have gone to the Yan family.

(End of this chapter)

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