Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1498 Yan Family Meeting

Chapter 1498 Yan Family Meeting
The death of Xuelong King's son was determined to be the involvement of the Yan family, Yan Sijun, so they were the first to take the Yan family's knife, and An Qing also came back yesterday.

She went back to Yuexia Residence to pick up Long Yanran to leave the customs, but unexpectedly met Long Xingtian and Qin Xianglian who were hunted down again, thus delaying the war.

If she was here, the Xuelong clan would not dare to be so arrogant.

Tonight was supposed to be Christmas Eve, but as soon as Ling Yun came back, he found a bedbug jumping around, so he went to see the excitement, the breath of the bedbug was a demon.

Yan family!

The ancestor of the Yan family is presiding over an emergency meeting, and the hall is full of descendants of the immortal emperor's family, such as Wulang of the Yan family!

The five of them are deacons, Yan Xuefei's uncle and uncle are them, and Yan Wuji is her father.

There are also seven great elders, each of whom is almost at the late stage of the Immortal Emperor, three of them are enshrined, and together with the elders of the Yan family, more than ten masters will gather here.

The ancestor of the Yan family said: "Bring people up."

Not long after a certain guard took the order, he came up while pressing Yan Sijun. The latter was so bruised that it made people feel pitiful.

Seeing her younger brother's appearance, Yan Xuefei said angrily: "What are you doing? What are you doing all this, the matter has not come to light, who allowed you to use lynching."

She stood up angrily and pushed the other guards away.

"Stop it, this is a family rule, it's not your turn to take care of it." The ancestor of the Yan family became angry, regardless of Concubine Yan Xue's status as a ghost island.

Concubine Yan Xue didn't show any face to the patriarch of the Yan family either, she turned her head and stared at him, her eyes met, no one was convinced by the other!


"Concubine Xue, calm down."

"It's a meeting now, to discuss and solve problems." The elder of the Yan family said.

"Grandpa, you... you also help them, he is my younger brother."

Concubine Yan Xue was trembling with anger, she didn't understand at all, why would they kill each other in front of the enemy, shouldn't it be unity.

"Concubine Xue, don't make trouble for now, after the family meeting is over, whoever caused the trouble will have an explanation."

At this time, Yan Xuefei's father, Yan Wuji, spoke up.


The ghost queen who walked in had a sneer on her face, she would blame others if something went wrong, this is the so-called family, just like her Dongfang family, it can be regarded as seeing through.

"This is a matter of our Yan family, and has nothing to do with outsiders. Miss Guidao, please stay away for now." A certain elder said.

"I like being here, what can you do?" The ghost queen stood beside Yan Xuefei without flinching, expressing her full support for whatever the latter wanted to do.


Several elders were so angry that they couldn't afford to offend Guidao, and the ancestors of the Yan family didn't speak.

"Enough is enough, it's a mess, what will it look like." The beard of the elders of the Yan family was flying up.

"Now it's time to ask why the Xuelong clan wants to be our enemy, not to talk about family affairs, please be quiet."

"Concubine Xue, sit down first, let's have a good chat!"

The Yan family still has the slightest fear of the people on Ghost Island.

Concubine Yan Xue snorted coldly, and said unconvinced: "I don't understand what kind of meeting you are holding. If the head of the family is dead, you should take revenge."

"The hatred must be avenged, but before that, we must clearly know who caused us such a big trouble."

The certain elder who said this stared at Yan Sijun standing in the lobby!

"Yan Sijun, are you convicted?"

The patriarch of the Yan family said in a huff, as if he hated iron but not steel, Yan Wuji also sighed, and pointed at Yan Sijun, trembling with anger.

"Old Ancestor, I'm not guilty. If I ask a thousand times, I'll get ten thousand." Yan Sijun said.

"Hmph, you are the one named by Snow Dragon King, do you think this is a misunderstanding?" The ancestor of the Yan family frowned.

The ghost queen said: "I was also there at the time, we did not kill Prince Xuelong."

"Now the two of you can say whatever you want, people from Guidao, they can't afford to offend them, now they're going to attack us!!"

A certain elder said angrily, a whole clan of dragons is coming, their Yan family is no match.

"Needless to say, I know who did it, and I will give you an explanation for this matter. Now I will notify other people on Guidao to come and help."

In fact, Concubine Yan Xue didn't know just now, but after hearing the ghost, she whispered to her that the little guy and Beibei were there at the time, don't think about it, it must be because of them that Prince Xuelong died.

The ancestor of the Yan family paused, brushed off his beard, and then nodded heavily: "That's it for the time being. The matter is clear. It's for Concubine Xue. You can take action or not, just let Guidao."

The other elders announced that they will wait and see for the time being and will not participate in any battles, but the death of their Patriarch will be investigated in the future.

The grand elder of the Yan family said: "The position of head of the family will not be elected for the time being, and the old man will temporarily lead the family. We will talk about it after this matter has passed."

Concubine Yan Xue said: "You don't need to worry about this matter, this concubine is going to kill Xuelong King now!"

A lot of tone!

Many people present rolled their eyes again and again, they were dragons with strong physique, invincible at the same price, according to Concubine Yan Xuefei's cultivation level, they could not even see their Snow Dragon King's face.

The ancestor of the Yan family said: "Calm down!"

"Think long-term."

There was a slight sound from the door, and then everyone walked out quickly on foot.

It turned out that An Qing's group came uninvited, and the leader was Bei Bei, who came through the Thunder Gate and destroyed the stone table outside the lobby, which made the strange noise.


With the laughter of the milk voice, Yan Xuefei laughed immediately, she knew it was the little guy who came, it was too unexpected, it was in the middle of the night.

"Go mother."

"Why are you here?"

Hearing this, the head of the Yan family and Yan Sijun were dumbfounded, what did they do?

Then didn't they just get it wrong all the time before, and they looked at each other speechlessly.

"Well, there are so many of you, are you eating?" The little guy scratched his head and asked, dozens of them came out, do you want to welcome them?
The patriarch of the Yan family trembled with fear, respectfully like a servant: "Welcome the little princess."

Hearing this, everyone's jaws almost dropped in shock, little princess?
Now there are only two of the Seven Great Realms, and they still look alike in appearance. They are the daughter of the former god master Taishenjun, the little princess of the God Realm.

The audience suddenly fell silent.

After a while.

The little guy looked at everything in front of him, frowned slightly, and said in a childish voice, "Damn it... Someone bullied you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone dared not breathe, for fear of being stared at by the little guy.

Yan Xuefei smiled sweetly: "Oh, girl, why are you here?"

The little guy ran into her arms, kept laughing and didn't explain, but she pointed at An Qing, and said softly, "I'm numb!"

Concubine Yan Xue then shifted her attention to An Qing, who has a maternity air and looks like a disaster for the country and the people, but she doesn't like to dress up.

(End of this chapter)

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