Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1500

Chapter 1500
An Qing's strength is the strongest, she killed more than a dozen members of the Xuelong tribe with one move, and the Queen of Ghosts is also capable of fighting the enemy for the time being.

"Too much deceit, empress! ... This king wants your life!" Snow Dragon King said angrily.

"Separate the three of them."

The fierce fighting sounded, and the sky continued to circle the dragon, and the fighting spread around, setting off bursts of thick smoke.

An Qing said: "Find an opportunity to go out and call for help, they won't give up."

"Little sister, wait until I fight my way out, you go back to Yan's house!" Yan Xuefei said.

A dozen or so besieged her, and she used her strength a little quickly, and the dragons were born with strong physical strength, strong physique, and hard dragon scales, so it was difficult to hurt them.

However, she also killed many members of the Xuelong tribe who were cultivated by the Immortal Emperor.

The clever Snow Dragon King started reincarnation tactics, and also used formations to continuously consume An Qing and the others' strength until they were ready to fail.

"You have the guts to kill more than 1000 members of my clan. No matter who comes, you will not be able to protect you. You must die."

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Snow Dragon King was quite angry.

"Smelly woman, bah!"

With a sneak attack, An Qing was shot in the back, but everyone was dumbfounded afterward.

Mingming watched the arrow hit her, but the arrow seemed to be stuck, and then fell straight down.

An Qing sneered: "What a villain did!"

The clothes she was wearing were the golden silk armor skirt made by Ling Yun himself, which was a genuine artifact, invulnerable to swords and swords.

King Xuelong frowned, he knew that An Qing must have a magical weapon as an empress, but he didn't expect it to be that dress, and suddenly became malicious.

He immediately turned into a hundred-foot-long dragon, and roared at An Qing. The terrifying power seemed to explode the world.

Layers of thick smoke rose from the ground, and the sky and the earth changed color.

And An Qing cleverly dodged it, with a move of "Xue Piao ren ren", the sky and the earth split open, it was so terrifying, one person and one dragon beat each other inextricably, and no one dared to approach her.

"Indestructible dragon body."

Snow Dragon King's original snow-white dragon body suddenly turned black, giving people the feeling of wearing armor, but in fact, this is a martial skill that their dragon clan does not pass on.

An Jing was forced to use a sword to block the head of Snow Dragon King, who grinned.

Snow Dragon King was secretly excited, the sword in An Qing's hand was also a magical weapon.


An Qing was hit and went straight to the ground. Although her body was unharmed, she was also suppressed, so she couldn't hurt the mighty Snow Dragon King at all.

No matter how powerful martial arts are used, it is the same!
"It's useless. This king's body is an indestructible dragon. With you, it's impossible to hurt me."

The huge black dragon hovered in the sky, looking down at An Qing and the others.

The ghost queen looked at the sky, swallowed and said: "It's too powerful, is this the dragon clan?"

It was the first time she had fought against the Dragon Clan, so she was very surprised.

Not far away, a small figure was watching the battle secretly, and his small hands continued to applaud An Qing and the others.

Snow Dragon King stared straight at the sky with small eyes, and there seemed to be a trace of disdain in his eyes.

She has seen the ancient evil dragon Zhu Jiuyin, and the earth dragon conjured by Ling Yun using the five elements technique, and they are all bigger than this one, so she didn't feel any shock.

"Little one, who are you?"

A dragon guard with sharp eyes was right behind Beibei.

"I'm Long Beibei."

Beibei replied subconsciously, and then covered her mouth in embarrassment, she thought to herself, ""

The guard frowned, and began to think about it. He initially suspected that it was a child of the Dragon Clan, but he hadn't seen it here for so long, so his suspicions persisted.

"You go."

Beibei was afraid of something, so she turned her head and stared at the guard. The corner of the guard's mouth twitched, and he suddenly became angry. Although his position was low, it was not like anyone could be so rude to him.

"you wanna die."

The guards didn't care what Beibei's status was, they just killed him. Anyway, there would be no second person here to know.

Besides, the situation at the moment is messy and can be framed.

Beibei was a little unhappy when she saw that An Qing and the others were gradually losing to the Xuelong Clan, but now this guard provoked her again, the result can be imagined.

Seeing Beibei frown, the guard froze for a moment, then knelt on the ground with fear on his face, his body trembling constantly.

"Forgive me, forgive me..."

Beibei's flickering evil dragon yuan made him choose to surrender involuntarily. This is a kind of oppression from the dragon's power, and his heart is not strong enough to be easily influenced.

Anyone who owns Longyuan is not something he can offend.

But someone who possesses a dragon element at such a young age must have reached the peak of an immortal emperor. For example, the king of their Snow Dragon Clan, the latter has one, but he has never seen it, only heard about it.

With such a big Long Yuan, his strength is still at the peak of the Immortal Emperor. Did he die just now? The guard regretted it in his heart.


Beibei frowned slightly, snorted coldly, and clapped her little hand, the terrifying Bai Yan took the life of the guard without screaming.

Everything here is quiet, no one knows!
Snow Dragon King Yilong fought against An Qing and Concubine Yan Xue, but the Ghost Queen couldn't hold on anymore.

An Qing said: "Go and help her, I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Concubine Yan Xue shouted anxiously: "But..."

She actually wanted to say, you are Sissy's biological mother, you must live, if you can only choose one of the ghost queen and you, then I will choose you!
Seeing that the ghost queen was shot by an arrow in the back, Yan Xuefei couldn't say anything.

An Qing's eyes suddenly became indifferent, and she frowned slightly: "Go... don't hinder the empress from fighting."

Concubine Yan Xue came back to her senses, and she gave up on the ghost queen, who was also shouting not to come, feeling like she was putting all her eggs in one bet.

An Qing was so angry that her momentum changed, she temporarily repelled the Snow Dragon King, held the sword in her hand, and killed many people with one sword. After saving the ghost queen, the three of them retreated while fighting.

"Hahaha, you can't escape."

With red eyes, Snow Dragon King was looking down on them in mid-air.

Beibei pursed her lips, her eyes rolled round and round, looking at the people attacking An Qing and the others around her, she just imitated Ling Yun and snapped her fingers!

"Depend on!"

"Fuck, fuck, what a strong force."

For a moment, except for the Snow Dragon King, everyone else was lying on the ground, unable to move, and the dragon in the sky was also suppressed.

"Hahaha, fun and fun."

Beibei's milky voice sounded, An Qing was overjoyed at first when she heard it, and then her face was stern, why did this kid come here secretly?


The ghost queen said pleasantly, unexpectedly, she was saved by a child, and finally knew that the latter was extraordinary. This is the real master, who hides her secrets.

Concubine Yan Xue held her forehead helplessly, she came as soon as she came, so she couldn't keep a low profile.

Beibei came to An Qing's feet in an instant and tugged at the latter's skirt: "Aunt An, Beibei is here to save you."

An Qing and the three of them: "..."

It's okay if you don't help!

(End of this chapter)

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