Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1501

Chapter 1501
King Xuelong said angrily: "If you dare to ask who is the senior who made the move, this is our Dragon Clan's business, please save face and don't interfere."

He suspected at the first time that it was the former god lord of the God Realm, Taishenjun, and this situation was a bit like the rumored Shenwei.


When he thought about it, he immediately rejected it, because Shenwei would have wisps of tiny golden light, but this kind of power didn't seem like it.

Their Xuelong clan lives deep in Xuelong Mountain. From ancient times to the present, they have never seen such a big move of supreme suppression. How could they know what is going on.

The appearance of Beibei made the corner of Snow Dragon King's mouth twitch violently, making him believe that it was a child who made the move, so let's just kill him.

Beibei pursed her mouth, she just couldn't lift the supreme suppression, while the dragon guard lying on the ground was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, his expression was very painful.

Seeing this, Xuelong King immediately said angrily: "A stab in the back hurts people, what is it to hide your head and cover your tail, if you have the ability, come out and fight this king."

Hearing this, Yan Xuefei said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Snow Dragon King shot secretly before, stabbing An Qing with an arrow, and then stabbing Gui Hou with another arrow. This is a real villain, and he has the face to criticize others.

Beibei's eyes widened, scratching his head and thinking, this dragon can fart?She didn't believe it, but seeing Yan Xuefei who was so enraged, she felt believable.

An Qing said: "Let's leave for now, and discuss what to do tomorrow."

Concubine Yan Xue nodded, she could only act like this at the moment, and then she supported the ghost queen and started to retreat.

An Qing picked up Beibei, and immediately turned her head and ran away!
King Xuelong said: "No matter who you are, your purpose is to save them, but they must die."

The huge dragon body passed over An Qing and the others' heads, and stopped them if they couldn't breathe.

"Take your life."

"Don't push yourself too hard." An Qing said.

"Hahaha, what can you do?" Snow Dragon King glared at them, with such a ferocious look that even Beibei felt scared.

"The waning moon!"

"Snow floats in the world!"

An Qing managed to repel Snow Dragon King with two moves, but after a while they were caught up again, very annoying!
The corner of Yan Xuefei's mouth twitched fiercely, and she said angrily: "This damn dragon, why is his skin so thick, I can't even move it, it's so hateful, it's so annoying!!"

The huge dragon chant was deafening, and Yan Xuefei covered her ears in pain.

The ghost queen said: "It's the sound wave skill. He has cultivated to great success, so he can meditate... steady his pulse!"

"Dragon sucks the wind!"

Seeing this, the Snow Dragon King immediately opened his bloody mouth, and the terrifying power was about to swallow An Qing and the others, who were also scattered.


Poor Beibei floated into the air and suddenly lost her center of gravity.

"Not's too late."

"Bei Bei fly back quickly."

"Ah...she's going to be swallowed."

"555~... Shuai Shushu, Beibei won't pretend anymore, I'm so cute, don't eat me."

An Qing was stunned for a moment, Beibei was eaten by the Snow Dragon King, and her heart was filled with anger.


At the same time, Concubine Yan Xue let herself go, and she was willing to let Snow Dragon King swallow her. In this way, she would have a way to be with Beibei, as long as she survived, there is always a way.

"I'll go in too."

The ghost queen also followed Concubine Yan Xue, An Qing said: "You guys must be careful inside."

An Qing angrily hit the waning moon, causing the proud Snow Dragon King to lower his dragon head and hit the ground heavily! !

The Xuelong family, which was suppressed by Beibei just now, lost their suppression, and now they all got up, wishing to eat An Qing raw, who challenged everyone with one sword and one sword!



An Qing's figure kept changing, and she swung her sword again, causing group after group of Xuelong clansmen to die.

Snow Dragon King's eyes were cold, and he grinned, as if he was laughing, that smile was cunning and sinister!
"Hahaha, you're the only one left. They've entered my stomach, and they're a meal on the plate."

"Then I'll open your stomach and let you know that not everyone can swallow it."

An Qing was a little anxious at first, because Beibei might be digested inside, and she didn't know what was going on inside.

"Not ashamed to speak."

Xuelong King stared straight at An Qing with a pair of eyes, which made An Qing a little scared.

One person and one dragon began to fight fiercely again, An Qing struggled at first, but after getting familiar with Snow Dragon King's moves, she gradually gained the upper hand.


After Yan Xuefei entered Xuelong King's belly, she was in a state of bumps all the time.

"What's the situation outside, over the mountains?"

The ghost queen shouted: "Sister Concubine... Beibei..."

"Stop shouting, my concubine is right next to you."

"Where's Baby?"

"It's still a little bit inside, it's too big here."

"Don't touch the side. It's probably stomach acid. There is a strong corrosive liquid in the dragon's stomach."

"Then go find Beibei."

Afterwards, while keeping their figures steady, the two continued to search for Beibei. Since Snow Dragon King's body kept rolling, it was difficult for them to stand still.


Beibei was floating in mid-air in Snow Dragon King's belly at this moment!
Her eyes looked at the beating heart, and the evil dragon element between her brows was shining all the time. She was a little curious about what this beating heart was.

"It's definitely not a good thing."

Beibei was talking to herself, her brows were slightly frowned, and with a poke of her little hand, a stream of light burst out from her fingertips and shot directly at Snow Dragon King's heart.

The Snow Dragon King outside screamed in pain. He was hovering in the air and fighting with An Qing, but his heart suddenly hurt and he fell heavily to the ground.

"damn it…"

He began to look at the dirt, twisted his body, and hit the ground, just trying to kill Yan Xuefei, the ghost queen and Beibei in his body.

As a result, Concubine Yan Xue and the ghost queen would suffer, but Bei Bei still stood in the void without being affected at all.

What she used was Ling Yun's Takong, at this moment she was surprised to find that the heart was beating even faster.

When An Qing saw this, she knew that the Xuelong King was under attack, and she did not stop, and cooperated with the outside, so that the Xuelong King could not stop.

Beibei became addicted to playing, and the little finger began to burst out with light, and the heart was bleeding.

"Hateful... Hateful!"

The corner of Xuelong King's mouth was bleeding, he regretted swallowing Yan Xuefei and the others alive, and now he didn't know what to do.


His eyes widened and his body kept trembling. He sensed that his Longyuan was being threatened, and he was extremely shocked.

"Impossible... how could something make this king's dragon yuan tremble."

He didn't know that Beibei found the dragon yuan next to his heart. Although it was only the size of an egg, she still found it with her sharp eyes.

"This is the baby, hahaha, mine."

The evil dragon element flashed between Beibei's eyebrows, and directly devoured the dragon element in Snow Dragon King's body.

Snow Dragon King's body trembled, and he slammed into the ground, as if all his strength had been dissipated, but An Qing's sword struck him and finally hurt him, and the latter roared fiercely!
(End of this chapter)

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