Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1502 Eternal Glory

Chapter 1502 Eternal Glory
There was a bang, like a thunderclap, and endless ripples of energy spread out.

Ding Ding Deng!
Under Xuelong King's struggle, An Qing took a few steps back.

Then Snow Dragon King swayed the dragon's tail directly, and the huge dragon body swept towards An Qing, the power contained in it was enough to split mountains and ground.

He was struggling for death, An Qing saw the right opportunity, cut off the dragon claw of Snow Dragon King with one sword, and the latter and the dragon yuan were swallowed, he was already seriously injured.

Snow Dragon King pouted his head, spurted blood to the sky, and then collapsed on the ground, dying, the other clansmen were all shocked.


"My God, that's not true."

"Impossible, impossible, how could our Snow Dragon King lose to a woman."

After being shocked, the Xuelong tribe wiped the sweat from their foreheads, shook their heads, and refused to believe that this was true.

After Snow Dragon King stopped moving, Concubine Yan Xuefei and Queen Ghost in his body immediately found Beibei, and the latter blinked.

"Godmother, why are you here?"

"It's good that you're fine, hurry up and hug me, let's go out together."

Yan Xuefei showed a relieved smile, at least Beibei is fine, looking at the latter is quite energetic, with a sweet smile on her lips.

"The empress should have subdued this beast dragon."

A glint of coldness flashed across the beautiful eyes of the ghost queen, swallowing them alive, it wasn't a beast or a dragon!
"Scared Babe to death."

Beibei hid in Yan Xuefei's arms, and said with lingering fear.

"See if you still dare to run around?" Yan Xuefei flicked Beibei's head cautiously, and the latter pouted in pain.

"Godmother, what is that thumping thing, the rhythm is so fast."

What Beibei was talking about was Snow Dragon King's heart, which was still oozing blood.


Concubine Yan Xue saw it through, but attacking the heart could not kill Xuelong King.

The ghost queen said: "Let's look for his dragon yuan and destroy it together. This kind of Snow Dragon King will lose most of his power."

They still don't know that the dragon yuan that the dragon clan is proud of has already been swallowed by Beibei.

Beibei didn't know either, and continued to look for it with excitement on his face.

In a moment!
The ghost queen was slightly surprised, there was no dragon element here at all.

Concubine Yan Xue explained that the reason for not having it might be that Xuelong King did not cultivate Longyuan, which is not surprising.


The ghost queen didn't take it seriously, the king of the majestic clan, according to the records, was the dragon king, and all of them cultivated dragon essence in their bodies.

Since they couldn't find it, they simply gave up and successfully found the gentian. The moment they found it, they were excited.

After destroying the gentian, they went out. Thinking about it, they were a little excited.

As Xuelong King's gentian was destroyed, a lot of bitter juice and blood flowed out from his mouth.


Yan Xuefei and the ghost queen teamed up, broke the dragon body in an instant, and flew out with a happy Beibei, An Qing smiled happily.

It's fine!

Once the Snow Dragon King died, they thought they would be able to escape with Yi Yi, but they were surrounded by groups, and it was difficult to escape.


An Qing and the others killed Xuelong King more seriously than killing the latter's son. The king of the clan died, and the whole clan resented him.

There was endless killing intent all around, and pairs of bloodthirsty eyes were all staring at An Qing and the others. This feeling was like stabbing a hornet's nest.

Ling Yun is in the Wuhun Continent at the moment, he traveled through several places, and finally found the root of the evil! !

Human bones appeared in every place, and there were a large number of them. This damned demon actually made a move for him. Ling Yun was very angry, and the consequences would be very serious.

And the demon who knew that Ling Yun was looking for him had a smile on his face.

"It's you, I'll swallow you right away, you can't come to the ground, tremble."

Ling Yun's head hurts now, the evil spirit has penetrated into the ground, it penetrates everywhere, and Ling Yun can't escape to find him.

When the mocking words came, Ling Yun did not rush, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Really, do you think you can live to see the sun tomorrow?"

"I, Anus, will be afraid of you, you rubbish, just destroy my body, what a prank." The demon's sneering voice didn't feel that Ling Yun was anything scary at all.


Hearing this, Ling Yun looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. He closed his eyes and searched the martial arts in his mind, which move could defy the sky and shake the world and make ghosts cry.

In a moment!
Ling Yun struggled to open his eyes, and there was a bewitching cold light in his deep eyes, gorgeous and evil, this look, the ancients who were familiar with him would shudder after seeing it.

"Slay all evil in the world, eternal glory!"

In an instant!
The originally dark night sky suddenly turned into daylight, illuminating every inch of the Wuhun Continent, and this time the demon Arnus had nowhere to hide.

Everyone in Wuhun Continent was terrified by this phenomenon, and they were all shocked.


"Is this vast power going to destroy this place?"

Some people who woke up, looked at the aurora all over the sky, and their hearts gradually showed shock.

It's just that he can't appear on the ground, and the demon Anus is afraid, as long as he stays underground, he can do whatever he wants.

"You can't do anything to me, Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

"I just like the way you're so angry that you can't kill me, Jie Jie..."


Ling Yun smiled strangely: "Really, my moves are not that simple."

The eternal radiance directly shines on the ground, and a stronger force erupts from the ground.

The demon Arnus screamed again and again, suffering from the pain of the eternal radiance.

Ling Yun said: "Your biggest failure is staying here."

He was still very angry, just because another drop of blood from the demon Arnus invaded Sissy's forehead and blackened the demon lotus.

For Ling Yun, this behavior is unforgivable, and Arnus must die.

The entire Wuhun Continent is bursting with strong light from the ground, the power is terrifying but harmless, it is only aimed at the demon Arnus.

This kind of operation is simply unimaginable, making everyone's scalp numb.

Seeing this, the Xuelong people were like frightened birds, and they stopped besieging Anqing and the others.

Ling Yun already knew about the Snow Dragon King, so Eternal Glory purified the body of the Snow Dragon King, and the Snow Dragon Clan fled.

For the next 10 minutes, Ling Yun listened to the screams of the demon Anus, who rolled and crawled on the ground.

Every inch of his skin illuminated by the eternal radiance was burning, and the pain that pierced his soul was something he had never experienced in his entire life.

Ling Yun said: "What are you?"


The demon Arnus couldn't respond to his words, and just screamed in pain.

The brilliance, like a miracle, plunged the entire hot Mars into daylight, and everyone was trembling. At the same time, many people knelt down and called out to the gods.

Seen from outside the universe, this hot Mars exudes a thin layer of luster, which is like a flower blooming in an instant.

 Staying home is uninspired
(End of this chapter)

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