Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1503 Being Trained Again

Chapter 1503 Being Trained Again (First Change)
The Tiandao of the hot Martian all backed away, he didn't even dare to show his frightened face, and he didn't have any temper at all.

There was a look of fear and awe in his heart, and he secretly thought that this man could not be provoked.

The demon Arnus finally couldn't bear it anymore, and came out of the ground in pain, Ling Yun's eyes exuded a severe chill.


The same goes for coming out, maybe the demon Arnus has lost his mind, he will only die faster when he comes out.

Ling Yun's face was full of jokes, and he said sadly: "You humble ant, death is not a pity."

A bloody whip appeared in his hand, and the devil's blood whipped his body, hurting his soul.

With just one whip, the demon Arnus was scattered, and after that, he was exterminated with eternal brilliance, which shows how much Ling Yun wanted the demon Arnus to die.

Even though the eternal brilliance was short-lived, it lasted for more than ten minutes, giving the world an indelible memory.

After everything calmed down, Ling Yun looked at the bloody demon Anus, and smiled even more. This time there will be no accidents, the latter is really dead.

Somewhere in Wuhun Continent, in a thatched hut in the countryside, the crazy shopkeeper of the universe soul pawn shop sat on a chair, with a smile on his mouth, ghostly and evil.

"The power of Pluto is really unparalleled in the world, but you are far behind me. I will be stronger than you sooner or later."

"In this story, I am the protagonist, and you are just my experience in fighting monsters and upgrading."

“Good tea!”

“Good tea!”

He was talking to himself, looking at the slowly recovering night, while sipping the fairy tea, he hummed a little tune leisurely.

He himself firmly believes that with great luck, he will not lose to anyone, and he is the strongest. As the boss of the pawn of the soul of the universe, he will not be cowardly.

An Qing and the others returned to Yan's house at this moment, exhausted, recalling the scene where King Xuelong disappeared, each of them felt lingering fear.

The little guy stared at Beibei and blinked, with many doubts in his heart. Isn't her elder sister sleeping in the room, how come she came back with her mother.

Beibei said embarrassedly: "Sister, I fell asleep, oops... so sleepy."

The corner of the little guy's mouth twitched, with black lines all over his head: "..."

When she is ignorant?
"Hmph...I'm not a two-year-old child."

The little guy pouted.

An Qing on the side laughed rather: "Yes, yes, you are not two years old, you are more than three years old."

The tone also emphasized one more word, and the little guy laughed when he heard it, and then swept away the matter of Beibei stealing out to play.

Qin Xianglian was dumbfounded, when did Beibei run out, this kid is so courageous, he can't beat him!
Children are naughty... Mostly because they are used to it, just beat them up.

Qin Xianglian rolled up her sleeves angrily, and found a small bamboo from the side, threatening to beat Beibei, otherwise it would be her fault.

Concubine Yan Xue stopped her and explained: "Mother Beibei, calm down, this action is thanks to Beibei, otherwise the concubine and others are afraid that they will not be able to come back."

Seeing Yan Xuefei's wink, the ghost queen immediately persuaded her, "Yes, yes...she's still young, just verbal criticism is fine, don't beat the child."

"Aunt Qin, if you hit my sister, she will ignore you in the future." The little guy said in a childish voice.

Qin Xianglian: "..."

As Beibei's biological mother, she can't educate her anymore, what's the point of that!
Beibei rubbed her eyes, choked with sobs and said: "Mom, Beibei already knows it's wrong, so hit it."

After speaking, she twisted her little butt out, as if she was willing to be beaten, and her little eyes seemed to say, if you have the heart, just start beating, Beibei is not afraid of pain.


Her body betrayed her, and she trembled a little. After all, the child was still afraid of being spanked by Qin Xianglian with a bamboo stick.

Long Yanran said: "Sister-in-law, forget it, Beibei has made a mistake."

The little guy said in a baby voice: "Aunt Qin, don't hit my sister, hit me, I'm not afraid."

Qin Xianglian couldn't laugh or cry, she wouldn't dare to hit Qianqian even if she had ten guts.

An Qing said: "You all don't talk, it's one thing to admit your mistakes, she was indeed wrong before, it's very dangerous to sneak out alone, and you should be taught a lesson."

Hearing this, the little guy patted An Qing's long legs, and said in a milky voice, "You're bad, Qianqian is ignoring you, go away!"

She was a little angry. Her own mother didn't help her, and even told Aunt Qin that she had to beat her sister?

Hmph... the little mouth pouted again.

An Qing said: "In the future, if you are as disobedient as your sister, then I will hit you too. It's useless for your father to stop you."

The little guy didn't believe it, he rolled his eyes and said, "My papa loves me the most."

An Qing: "..."

She said it was too difficult and the child could not be educated.

Long Yanran said: "Qiqian is a good child, if you don't obey, you are a bad child, so what kind of child do you want to be?"

"Good boy!"

"Then you have to be obedient, we don't care about this matter."

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it." The little guy nodded, and then quietly stayed in An Qing's arms.


Beibei was beaten more than a dozen times, and his little butt must have bloomed. The little guy couldn't bear to look directly at him, so he covered his ears to not hear Beibei's soft crying.

Concubine Yan Xue couldn't stand it anymore, and said very worriedly: "Enough is enough, it's almost enough, Beibei is still a child."

An Qing said: "Sister Lian...forget it, Bei Bei will not dare in the future."

Qin Xianglian said: "Is Beibei angry with me?"

Beibei rubbed her eyes and said, "No!"

"Are you convinced or not?"

"Bebe is convinced."

Beibei just nodded, the little guy said this for her, and after he finished speaking, he lay in An Qing's arms, motionless.

"You can't go to dangerous places in the future, do you hear me?"

An Qing rubbed Beibei's little head, the latter nodded, and then let Qin Xianglian hold her, this child still doesn't care so much, the biological mother is the biological mother, it's all for her own good.


The little guy excitedly said: "My papa is back."

The moment An Qing blinked, the little guy in her arms disappeared, Yan Xuefei and the others only saw the black hole opening and closing!
Long Beibei Paradise!
Just as Ling Yun came back and sat down, he was making tea when he was thrown to the ground by the little guy, his eyes were staring, and he was about to faint.

"Sissy, what are you doing!"

"Papa, I caught you."

The little guy was embarrassed, as if the collision was not serious.

"I won't run."

Ling Yun stood up, a little speechless.

"Papa, sister was beaten."

"Understood, you go to sleep, you have to go to school tomorrow."


Hearing that he was going to go to school, the little guy opened his mouth wide. He felt a little reluctant that his good days were over.

After Beibei and the others came back, Ling Yun briefly told them about going to school.

"Ma Ma, I have a baby for you."


The little guy took out a very large gold brick from the palm of his hand, and put it on the ground with some difficulty, sweating profusely.

An Qing was stunned!
Long Yanran and Qin Xianglian were dumbfounded.

This is the first time they have seen such a big gold brick.

(End of this chapter)

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