Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1504 News

Chapter 1504 News (Second Update)

These women are all money fans, little stars appear in their eyes.

The little guy smiled and said, "To Mama."

"Really for me?"

An Qing felt a little unbelievable. According to the little guy's urination, how could he be so generous? It's fine if he doesn't cheat her.

Beibei rolled her eyes round and round, and she also took out a gold brick.

She turned her head to one side, and said in a childish voice, "Mom, do you know what's wrong?"

Beibei understands that more money means more money!

Qin Xianglian didn't like this, she walked over and grabbed Beibei's ears, and the latter yelled, "Mom, I'm joking."

Ling Yun couldn't help laughing, it was the first time he saw such a cute Beibei.

Qin Xianglian smiled, she was just scaring the child, everyone laughed.

Holding the golden brick, Beibei ran into Ling Yun's arms in an instant, and then said to Qin Xianglian, "Mom, say sorry quickly, or I won't give you the golden brick."

After saying this, she tightly hugged Ling Yun, who was her reliance.

Ling Yun rubbed Beibei's little head rather amusingly.

The corner of Qin Xianglian's mouth twitched, then she smiled and said to Beibei, "Stop playing, Beibei, give me the gold brick, it's so heavy, it's too hard for you to hold it, such a small child, you can't carry heavy things."

Beibei rolled her eyes round and round, shaking her head slightly.

"I've worked so hard to get a piece with Shuai Shushu through life and death."

Ling Yun: "..."

The little guy laughed!

Qin Xianglian's murderous eyes stared at Ling Yun, who was about to get goose bumps.

An Qing: "Bei Bei has worked so hard, I will give you Wang Zai tomorrow."


Qin Xianglian said: "Lingyun, how could you take Beibei to such a dangerous place."

Ling Yun coughed twice: "'s not what you think!"

"Sister Qin...listen to my explanation...explain!!"

"Don't hit... ouch..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Qin Xianglian used the bamboo stick to teach Ling Yun a hard lesson. The latter looked itchy, and everyone laughed.

It was the first time for the little guy to see Ling Yun being beaten up like this, and he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

Beibei laughed loudly, and said in a childish voice, "Mom is so powerful, even a handsome sorghum dares to beat her."

Long Yanran paused, there are not many people who can beat Ling Yun.

After a lot of laughter, the little guy gave the gold brick in his hand to An Qing, who smiled sweetly and rubbed the little guy's head happily.

And Beibei too, the moment she handed the gold brick to Qin Xianglian, the latter was so moved that he cried, his eyes were moist.

Long Xingtian was woken up and couldn't sleep, so he simply got up to join in the fun. When he saw such a big gold brick, he couldn't calm down.


Whether it is in Blue Star or the current seven domains, they are all rare, and rare things are valuable.

In the seven realms, although gold cannot be used as spirit stones, it can be exchanged for spirit stones.

The two little fellows took out some of the precious stones they got from the ruins of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect and distributed them to An Qing and the others.

An Qing smiled from ear to ear, these can be used as decorations.

Beibei also said that this trip was full of adventures, and she basically told them everything that happened in the ruins.

Long Yanran said: "You two little heartless people, you didn't ask me to go to such a fun place."

"You're not good enough."

Beibei shook his head and said!
Everyone: "..."

The corner of Long Yanran's mouth twitched, don't say it if this is the case, how embarrassing it is.

Who can have such a good life as two little guys, who will be accompanied by the strongest man wherever they go, carefree.

Beibei rolled her eyes round and coquettishly said to Ling Yun: "Handsome Shushu, the magic axe..."

The idea still came.

Hearing this, Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry.

The little guy made up the knife: "Papa, you know the magic axe."

An Qing was quite funny, looking at Ling Yun her face turned dark, she must be trying to trick him next.

Ling Yun shrugged and said truthfully: "Don't ask me, I don't know anything about these things."

Beibei pursed her mouth and said, "Shuai Shushu is so awesome, why don't you go and find out."

"That's right, it's just a magic axe. Papa got it right away, and I can play with an axe in the future."

Ling Yun: "..."

The crowd laughed!

Long Xingtian said: "What you are talking about is the magic axe, one of the top ten ancient artifacts."


"Did you hear something?"

"I heard something." Long Xingtian nodded.

Beibei jumped up excitedly, and said excitedly, "Did Dad get it?"

Long Xingtian was extremely speechless, he didn't seem to say anything.

"When I traveled to a certain continent with Xianglian a year ago, I heard about the Divine Demon Ax, one of the top ten ancient artifacts."

"Tell me."

"That's Ji Wushuang's Yunzhongyu, a Hakka family."

At that time, Long Xingtian and Qin Xianglian planned to move in, and when they were eating on the first floor, they heard a few people talking.

The God Demon Ax has already been taken by someone else, that is, a member of the Demon Race.

It is not known whether this news is true or not, but those few people are sure that it is true, because the living person is among them.

After listening, Ling Yun frowned. Since someone knew about it, why didn't they hear anything at this moment.

What Long Xingtian said next dispelled Ling Yun's doubts.

Those few people were killed by the Hakka boss, and Long Xingtian and the others escaped by chance. That shop was a black shop, killing people and seizing treasures.

Beibei was so angry that she was so bad, killing people without blinking an eye, and it was all because of money.

Ling Yun smiled wryly: "Beibei, this is how the world is, where the weak prey on the strong! You must remember the thinking of the strong."

The little guy scratched his head, but she didn't understand: "Papa, what is the law of the jungle, what is the thinking of the strong?"

"Listen up, both of you, I'm in a good mood tonight, so I'll give you a good class."

Ling Yun smiled!
When you use love to protect sheep, then for wolves, this kind of love is tantamount to destruction, and this world is like this.

Either the weak wolves are starved to death, or the weak sheep are killed. The more a tree yearns for light, the more its roots will descend, plundering the soil and the depths of darkness.

At the end, the little guy scratched his head, but she still didn't understand.

Ling Yun smiled and patted her head, only after experiencing it can she truly understand.

An Qing somewhat disagrees with Ling Yun teaching them like this, isn't it easy to make them dark, what they want is more than means?
So how does this behavior differ from others.

What Ling Yun wants is for them to understand the world, to deal with any problems and difficulties rationally, and to laugh off An Qing's questioning.

Beibei can roughly understand that she prefers some of Ling Yun's methods. If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If people offend me, I will die!
When it comes to ancient artifacts, Xin Zhao must not be missing. He has witnessed the dark era to the end of the world. He knows almost all the artifacts in this world. Unlike Ling Yun, the latter was deleted by Ye Lingyun. .

(End of this chapter)

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