Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1509 Chapter 1514 Five-color God Phoenix

Chapter 1509 Chapter 1514 Colorful Phoenix (Fourth)

Afterwards, all parents will leave on their own, and primary school students will return to the room to continue their classes.

The old dean secretly said to Ling Yun: "Thank you, Mr. Pluto!"

"Don' misunderstood the wrong person, I am not."


The next class will be held by Ling Yun instead of An Qing. After hearing that, the old dean's eyes lit up. Pluto's lecture is rare in all ages, and it is what everyone dreams of.

The old dean returned to the office and said to the four instructors present: "You can go to the lecture when you are free later."

After she finished speaking, she couldn't wait to listen to it herself, leaving a few people puzzled.

In the classroom!
Ling Yun told several stories based on their current stage, and those stories were all true.

Let all their students understand!

Even if you are a mortal, even if your aptitude is not good, as long as you have a heart to pursue cultivation, one day you will go against the sky.

This lesson greatly encouraged this group of students, don't feel that you are useless in the world, even the old dean sighed again and again.

Listening to a lesson from Pluto is better than some of my previous experiences!

None of the other mentors came, some didn't have time, some didn't want to come.

After class, the old dean thanked Ling Yun and laughed. She had benefited a lot and wanted to digest it.

Lingyun's task is completed, and the little ones have finished their classes today, because the three of them are exceptions, they only go to the morning and don't come to the afternoon.

After returning to Long Beibei Paradise, only Long Yanran was there, and Long Xingtian and his wife were not there. They both went shopping in the streets of Suiyue City. When Beibei heard about it, she frowned slightly and was very unhappy.

Ling Yun was busy cooking, and Long Yanran played with them in the yard, just listening to Bei Bei talking about some recent things with Ling Yun.


A roar came out, and the figure of little Irene erupted with a terrifying aura.

Ling Yun quickly ran out of the kitchen, and immediately cast a barrier towards the sky to prevent this force from deterring the Wuhun Continent.

Beibei stared wide-eyed, and stood there in a daze!
The little guy said: "What's wrong with little Irene."

The corner of Long Yanran's mouth was bleeding, her whole body was injured, her body fell slowly, that kind of strength was not something she could bear, after all, her strength was too low, and little Irene was already the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor.

Little Irene uttered another phoenix cry, and then her body turned into a colorful phoenix burning with flames, exuding endless power.

The little guy and Beibei's jaws widened in shock, and they didn't even blink.

The form of the phoenix is ​​chicken head, swallow jaw, snake neck, turtle back and fish tail.

The phoenix transformed by little Irene directly broke through Long Beibei Paradise, lingering in the void.

Huge flames soared into the sky, and the loud and clear phoenix cry also erupted.

The dazzling phoenix flame pierced through the void, almost covering the entire barrier.

Accompanied by the rise, the flame gradually faded, revealing a huge figure.

A big fiery red bird soared in mid-air.

The dazzling fiery red tail feathers and perfect body all show her majesty as the king of birds.

The most peculiar thing is that this huge fire phoenix actually has five tails and five different colors of feathers.

Five tails of different colors are swaying behind the back, looking bright and incomparably harmonious.

This is the colorful phoenix in the Phoenix family, and it is also the highest-level phoenix in the Phoenix family.

Because the most noble phoenix blood in the phoenix family today is only the colorful phoenix with five tails.

Unlike the dragons who use the number of claws to distinguish the nobility of the blood of the dragons, the Phoenix clan uses the tails of different colors on their backs to distinguish the nobility of the blood.

The colorful phoenix is ​​the strongest phoenix of the phoenix family, but it has never been born and was destroyed as early as in ancient times, and this little Irene is already a colorful phoenix.

"What did little Irene eat to turn into a fire phoenix? Isn't she a water phoenix?"

Ling Yun looked at it in a daze, his eyes became serious, and he frowned, guessing a bit!
Afterwards, when Ling Yun used the Delusion Breaking Eye, it was clear at a glance what happened to Little Irene's colorful phoenix!
The so-called seven colors are just the seven elements in the air, also known as magic elements.

These seven magic elements are white light element, cyan wind element, red fire element, blue water element, yellow earth element, purple thunder element, and black dark element.

Besides purple and black, Little Irene has all other colors. This is the colorful phoenix! !

This may be the only five-colored phoenix in the world, Ling Yun must ask, what did little Irene swallow, it has changed so much, it has evolved against the sky.

The little guy wanted to cry a little bit, thinking in his mind, little Irene can change into a dragon and a phoenix, isn't it 72 changes?
Could it be…

Could it be that her father was eccentric and didn't teach her, but only taught little Irene such powerful supernatural powers. Feeling that Ling Yun didn't love her anymore, he wanted to cry.

Boom! ! !
At this moment, there was a sound of thunder and thunder in the void, and the catastrophe came.

Endless flames appeared in the entire enchantment void, and the flames were burning fiercely, which looked extremely spectacular.

Afterwards, from the flames all over the sky, one after another thunder disaster descended again, directly falling on the phoenix transformed by little Irene.

Little Eileen was trembling, she was most afraid of being struck by lightning, and flew around anxiously.

Beibei shouted anxiously: "Handsome Shushu, hurry up and save little Irene?"

Ling Yun was still thinking about things, but he didn't stop Tiandao from bringing down the catastrophe on little Irene.

"Oops, what happened to Yanran?"

Ling Yun, who came back to his senses, twitched the corners of his mouth, only to realize that Long Yanran was lying on the ground, and the little guy said: "Papa, go help little Irene, and Aunt Long will leave it to me."

Before Ling Yun could speak, the little Irene in the sky was struck by lightning, let out a phoenix cry, and then flew straight towards Ling Yun!
The endless flames landed directly beside Ling Yun, as if they were about to burn the void, half of Ling Yun's undead body was melted by her.

Heavenly Tribulation didn't dare to chop Lingyun, and it didn't leave for a long time. In the end, little Irene hid under Ling Yun's feet for a long time, and Heavenly Tribulation gradually dissipated, so he gave up.

Little Eileen was trembling, and Ling Yun knelt down to touch her gently after reuniting his body.

"What are you afraid of, little Irene? Being hacked by it is very good for your body."

Hearing this, little Irene shook her head, a pair of fire wings hugged Ling Yun's legs, but she didn't let go, Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry.

When little Irene's flames gradually dissipated, the little guy ran over with an envious look on his face, and gently stroked his feathers.

"so beautiful."

Ling Yun cast a glance, and then he was dumbfounded and said: "Didn't you hand it over to you?"

Long Yanran was still lying on the ground, but there was an extra quilt on it.

"Yeah, yeah, I won't catch a cold."

Ling Yun: "..."

Beibei said: "Little Irene was not like this before, why?"

(This chapter is for tomorrow, it will be released in advance!)

(End of this chapter)

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