Grandpa Supreme

1510 Stupid cuteness

1510 Stupid cuteness
Ling Yun also wanted to know what she had experienced or what she had eaten these days.

Little Ailin couldn't change her body and could only look at Ling Yun with her small eyes.

Ling Yun said: "In the future, you must never show your phoenix form in front of others, otherwise..."

He killed her with a touch of the head, and little Irene returned to her human body, and the latter looked around in a daze.

With the emergence of the five-colored phoenix, the two demon kings whose demon clan was divided into two felt it.

Qianye, the Demon Emperor who was in Liuxian Palace in the God Realm, looked at the sky and said to his subordinates: "This is the demonic power of the five-colored phoenix. I am a member of the royal family, with the highest bloodline. Keep investigating and welcome back the saintesses of the Phoenix family!"


The hope of revitalizing the Yaozu is the little Irene at this moment!

Similarly, the golden lion in the Yaozu territory laughed loudly.

"The power of the phoenix, the supreme demonic power, the supreme bloodline of the demon clan, if you find her, this emperor will be able to rule the demon clan, I dare not refuse."

The battle between Chiba and the Golden Lion begins again!

Ling Yun didn't know that they had sent two teams to the Wuhun Continent, and the whereabouts of little Irene had been exposed.

Little Irene said: "Brother..."

Beibei scratched her head, wondering: "Isn't it water, why did it turn into fire?"

"It must be the 72 change." The little guy rubbed his eyes, feeling as if he had been abandoned.

Ling Yun said: "Little Irene swallowed her different fire, forming water and fire, and the other elements have not yet been activated."

This also explained why little Irene was a five-colored phoenix, but did not display the other three attributes.

"How to stimulate?" Beibei asked.

"Practice magic and comprehend the power of other elements, that's all."

Little Irene frowned slightly, curled her lips and said, "It's so troublesome!"

Ling Yun: "..."

She was kind enough to be envied by others, and she even looked disgusted.

Following Ling Yun's holy light, Long Yanran woke up leisurely, Beibei said: "Auntie, why are you sleeping on the ground."

The corner of Long Yanran's mouth twitched when she heard this, she didn't know what to say, she was so angry with this child, she lost her temper.

The little guy made up his sword: "I thought you were going to die, you were covered with a white quilt."

Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and sooner or later they would laugh him to death.

Regarding little Irene's five-colored phoenix, Ling Yun planned to go to Endless Sea in the afternoon to find out more. At this moment, he should prepare the food first, and all three children protested seriously.

As soon as the barrier was withdrawn, An Qing rushed in sweaty.

"What happened, why is there a burning smell here?"

"Oh! It's okay!" Long Yanran replied.

"Just now I was outside for a long time, but I didn't come in. There must be something, Ling Yun."

Long Yanran pointed to the kitchen, and An Qing rushed in immediately.

The watchdog woke up at this moment, shaking his head, not knowing what happened, smelling the aroma of vegetables in the air, and drooling.

If he can eat such delicious food every day, even if it is leftovers, he is willing to be a watchdog for the rest of his life.

Ling Yun was hugged suddenly, smiled and said: "Why do you miss me so quickly? Didn't you want enough last night?"

"Fuck you, that's not the case. Did something happen just now?"

"It's nothing, just set up a barrier casually, which makes you worry."


"Not yet loose, Sissy is about to come in, take out the dishes."

Ling Yun was dumbfounded.

The little guy was peeking at the door, but he didn't find anything, so he could only smile awkwardly, he was so cute.

There was quite a lot of food for lunch, and Ling Yun started eating without waiting for Long Xingtian and his wife, mainly because the three little guys wanted to eat.

Especially the little guy, who eats a mouthful of oil!
"Papa, what did you make? It's so delicious."

Ling Yun looked at it and said with a smile, "Meat cubes with sauce."

"too delicious."

The little guy licked his mouth and looked at the only piece left on the plate.

An Qing rolled her eyes and said, "Why don't you do more."

"Cissy, it's not good to eat more meat, eat more vegetables and rice."

"I remember this rice, it's delicious." Beibei said.

That's right!

This rice is the spiritual rice planted by Ling Yun himself. It is so fragrant that the watchdog's eyes are straightened.

my darling!

There are Lingmi in the world, and Pluto is too proud!
Little Eileen said: "Brother, the baby wants green vegetables, so that the fire can grow."

She devoured the strange fire that Ling Yun gave her before, and now she wants a ball again.

Ling Yun: "..."

Beibei laughed loudly, and put a bunch of vegetables into Little Irene's bowl: "Here... eat more!"

"Papa, can you give me this piece?" The little guy was still staring at the last piece of meat on the plate.

An Qing wanted to give it to her, but Ling Yun stopped, and instead said: "Qi Qian, as long as you answer my question, you can have it."

It is not right for a child to give something immediately if he wants it!


"Mathematics problem, you have been to school for two days, and you are not less taught at ordinary times."

"No problem, sure." The little guy's eyes were full of confidence.

"One hundred plus one hundred."

"two hundred."

The little guy reacted quickly, An Qing applauded, Bei Bei nodded, little Irene focused on eating, and Long Yanran watched.

"Two hundred plus two hundred."

The little guy paused, hooked his fingers, and said, "Four hundred!"



"Four hundred plus four hundred."

"I know, eight hundred."

This time the little guy didn't need to hook his fingers, he answered directly, which made people slightly surprised!
"Eight hundred plus eight hundred."

"So simple, this piece of meat is mine."

"How many?"

"Sixteen hundred!"

The little guy's confident eyes and firm look!
Ling Yun: "..."

An Qing: "..."

"How many?"

As if he heard it wrong, Ling Yun asked again!

"Sixteen hundred."

Long Yanran smiled, and after eating, her face turned dark when she saw Ling Yun was so angry.

"Where's Baby?"

Beibei scratched her head, and said in a milky voice, "Isn't it?"

Little Irene shook her head and said, "You're so stupid, it's one thousand and sixteen!"

"This piece of meat is for little Irene."

Ling Yun picked up the last piece of meat and put it directly into Little Irene's bowl, and the latter laughed loudly.

The little guy crooked his mouth, finally couldn't stand the accumulated little emotions, and began to cry softly.

An Qing said: "Why are you crying, a piece of meat should be given to little Irene."

It's not a question of letting go or not, she herself feels that she has been abandoned by Ling Yun, and she feels very wronged in her heart.

Beibei comforted: "Don't cry, don't cry, my sister secretly hid a piece in the bowl, promise, I will give it to you!"

She turned over the bottom of the bowl, and there was indeed a piece of sauced meat, which was quite a big one, and she probably didn't want to eat it.

The little guy stopped crying, but he ignored Ling Yun, and even An Qing was a little angry.

Ling Yun knew that she was in a little mood, so he didn't care about her. After everyone was full, he took the initiative to clean up the dining table and the kitchen, which An Qing found inconceivable.

You know, every time as long as she is here, Ling Yun won't do housework, and doubts well up in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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