Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1514 Meeting the Demon King

Chapter 1514 Encountering the Demon King ([-]rd update)

Besides, she doesn't like to live in the Yan's house, so she might as well live in an inn outside, where she is free and comfortable.

Concubine Yan Xue said: "It's fine for you to come and stay at my concubine's house, why go out, it's really not safe."

Two women with two children seemed unsafe to her.

Sure enough, just as An Qing thought, she refused!
"Thank you, Concubine Xue, for your kindness, no need."

The excitement of the little guy's arrival was instantly extinguished like fire by water.

Beibei said: "Why."

She also wants to live in Yan Xuefei's mansion, there are many places, good people, and the environment is not bad.

Long Yanran flicked Beibei's forehead, and said speechlessly, "Speak up, it's not up to you two to decide where to go."

Concubine Yan Xue: "This... concubine's house is safer, and it seems that some people are here for you."

An Qing still shook her head!

The little guy inadvertently skims over the cut-off water that is helping the watchdog heal.

"Shu Shu, what's wrong with Xiao Huang?"

little yellow?

Duan Shui Liu couldn't help laughing, the name was so funny.

The watchdog is born with nothing to love, and the name Xiaoqiang sounds better than Xiaohuang, so I can't choose a decent one!
Beibei said: "I'm hungry, uncle, you put this three-legged little yellow at your home for the time being, let Teacher Wanqing feed it well, and don't let it starve to death."

Duan Shui said: "That's exactly what I mean!"

In any case, it was a match between fellow apprentices, so it was acceptable to take care of them for a few days.

An Qing said: "You two follow me, first go to the street to find a place to stay."

With things like this, Concubine Yan Xue didn't say anything anymore.

Even though the little guy and Beibei were reluctant, they had to follow An Qing.

There was thick smog here just now, Long Xingtian and his wife were rushing back, they bumped into An Qing.

"What happened in front?" Long Xingtian asked.

Qin Xianglian has a very bad premonition!
An Qing said, "We'll talk after leaving here."

Although she didn't know what was going on, she wisely chose to leave temporarily.

A few people nodded and wanted to leave, a monster race appeared in front of them immediately!
"You are the people from that yard, Mr. Elephant Demon King is really evil, you can guess it." A smile appeared on the face of a certain demon emperor, his eyes radiated murderous intent.

"You burned my house down?" An Qing was not polite, with a murderous look in her eyes.

"That's right, but it seems that you are not the colorful phoenix. Tell me, where is she?" said a certain demon emperor, his eyes filled with disdain.

"What's colorful and not colorful, I'll kill you!" An Qing swung her sword and killed the demon emperor directly.

The difference in strength is a bit big, An Qing is the eighteenth immortal emperor, and the demon emperor is only the late stage of the immortal emperor, the latter is like sending to death.

Long Yanran covered the little guy's eyes, the latter broke free and looked at the corpse on the ground, dumbfounded.

What's the situation, how could her mother kill people indiscriminately!
Beibei ran over, pouted, not worthy of sympathy, because Beibei had noticed the killing intent emitted by the demon emperor.

An Qing said: "Let's leave quickly, it's not clear if there are other people here."

The others immediately walked towards the street, but when Beibei passed by the corpse, it burned it up with strange fire.

An Qing didn't go shopping much, so she had to let Long Xingtian lead the way to the inn, and the latter took them directly to the biggest restaurant in Suiyue City.

"This restaurant is the best managed in Time City, and its background is said to be deep."

"So best!"

After An Qing and the others went in, they asked for two guest rooms!
The little guy looked at the counter, and then said in a childish voice, "Boss, I want the most expensive one!"

Beibei: "You can't wrong the children, the most expensive!"

An Qing: "..."

Qin Xianglian: "..."

Long Yanran smiled awkwardly: "Listen to them!!"

The corner of the shopkeeper's mouth twitched, and he nodded, "Okay, there are three VIP rooms on the third floor, a total of 30 yuan for a night of superb spirit stones!"

Long Xingtian said: "It's a bit expensive."

Generally expensive restaurants have ten top-quality spirit stones, but this one in Time City obviously has three times as much, so you can't spend it recklessly if you have money.

"It's not expensive. The security management of this restaurant is very good, and the service is good." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

An Qing said: "Then take it, safety is the most important thing."

If it weren't for the presence of the two children, she would definitely have bargained!

The little guy shook his head, and said in a milky voice, "No, no, it's only 30 yuan, cheap but not good!"

The corner of An Qing's mouth twitched, who did she learn this from! !

Long Yanran smiled and said to the shopkeeper, "I don't care what the kid says!"

The shopkeeper waved his hand, but thought the little guy was interesting!
Qin Xianglian said: "Qiqian, in this way, the money your parents earn will be lost to you in the future. Tell auntie, who taught you these things."


The little guy answered arrogantly, while Beibei nodded.

It is true that Ling Yun taught her, but it can't be regardless of the occasion, Ling Yun will definitely vomit blood in anger after knowing.

The little guy's thinking at the moment is very simple. They live in such a cheap house, which is not suitable for them. It is only ten top-quality spirit stones per room, and the environment is probably very poor.

They are also considered to have money in their hands. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they lived in a house with more than 1000 top-quality spirit stones! !
The little guy thought to himself, let it go, but she is still talking endlessly!
"Ma Ma, let's live in a place with 1 yuan, where will we be comfortable."

An Qing angrily tapped the little guy's head, and the latter pouted in pain.

"1 yuan? Do you know what it means!"

Long Xingtian and the others laughed without saying a word, shaking their heads and smiling wryly at the little guy.

at the same time!

Coincidentally, the three demon kings and the remaining five demon emperors were on the first floor. They just came in and planned to eat and drink!
The Elephant Demon King whispered: "Old Spider, listen to that child's tone, they must not be lying, the group is a little vigilant, they must be rich."

The spider demon king said: "The woman is exquisite and has a good figure!"

"The point is, we have important things to do, so we don't need to make extra trouble." The lion demon king said.

"Should we..."

The Elephant Demon King made a gesture, meaning to kill it!
The Lion King shook his head, he firmly disagreed!

But the other demon emperors nodded one after another, they did a lot of killing and seizing money.

Seeing that An Qing and the others were about to go upstairs, they had no chance to do it!
The shopkeeper was not ordinary. He stared at Yaozu for a while, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This smile scared them, so they chose not to act for the time being.

In a moment!
An Qing and the others were about to come down for dinner after tidying up the room. Long Xingtian and his wife were a bit later and hadn't come down yet.

And the little guy was standing on the stool at the moment, waiting for the meal to be served, muttering in his mouth, probably saying that Ling Yun was too irresponsible, and if he didn't cook for them, his wages would be deducted.

Next to their table was the Demon King and the others. The shopkeeper wanted to separate, but the little guy was very reluctant and took up a good seat.

(End of this chapter)

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