Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1515 God Realm

Chapter 1515 Returning to the God Realm (First Change)
Several demon kings sneered and watched secretly!

An Qing frowned, always feeling that someone was staring at them, but when she raised her eyes, she didn't find anything, she could only say that the Demon King was too eye-catching.

"Shop er, come, come, sir, I want something delicious, I'm almost done with the wine." The Elephant Demon King shouted!
"Come here, sir, what do you need?"

The shop waiter is always on standby.

"I heard that lion whip can strengthen yang, do you have it here?"


"Come on one!"

Hearing this, the lion demon king said angrily: "Old elephant trunk, what are you talking about!"

"I want a lion whip, why not!"

After drinking two sips of wine, the Elephant Demon King bluntly said that he was slightly drunk, his eyes squinted at An Qing and Long Yanran, and his whole body was full of anger. He wanted to eat a lion whip to make up for it, and he had a good exercise later.

"Son, do you have any elephant hooves here? Give me four!" The Lion King shouted angrily.

"Yes, yes, four..." The Elephant Demon King suddenly stopped talking, glared at the Lion Demon King, and then said to the waiter, "Another two catties of lion meat, fresh."

"Okay, there are some in this store, the guest officer can rest assured."

The waiter in the shop laughed, it's a big deal, and now they order dishes that few people usually order.

"A catty of elephant trunk!"

"A catty of lion ears."

"Four catties of elephant meat!"

Snapped! !

"That's enough, whatever you are arguing about, just sit down for me, how decent it is!"

The spider demon king said angrily, he couldn't find the whereabouts of the five-colored phoenix, and now it's enough to quarrel in the nest.


Bei Bei stared at them, with her little finger on her mouth.

"You are..." The little guy looked at them a little timidly!
Because the Eye of Delusion can see what their bodies are, she saw an elephant with long tusks, a white lion with thorns all over its body, a super big cyan spider, and a dozen eyes.

Or those monster emperors next to them, all of them turned into humans from monsters.

"What are you looking at!" The Lion King glared at the little guy, who hid in An Qing's arms in fright, trembling!

An Qing patted the little guy on the back, she didn't know what the kid was afraid of.

Beibei said angrily: "Thank you quickly, I scared my sister."

The Elephant Demon King and the others laughed together!
An Qing said: "Bei Bei, sit down quickly, what are you going to do?"

Now that they are here, they always feel unsafe, and it is better not to cause trouble.

Bei Bei reluctantly sat back in her seat, her belly full of bad water was brewing, Long Yanran saw her round eyes, she knew she was making up her mind!
"Bebe, what do you want to eat?"

Beibei was dumbfounded by this question, what was she thinking just now?

"Oh, eat!"

Long Yanran: "..."

An Qing finally saw the evil eyes of the demon kings, turned to the shopkeeper and said, "Old man, can we go back to the room for dinner, it's too noisy here."

The shopkeeper was very eager, and said with a smile: "Yes!"

After An Qing and the others left, the Elephant Demon King stared at the shopkeeper with cold eyes, and drank heavily!

The spider demon king said: "We still have to do business here. There is no rush. We will also stay here at night. There is always a chance."

It's safe and sound here for the time being!


Endless sea!
Little Irene finally laughed, she remembered.

"Brother, brother!"

"Remember? What did you eat!"

"This is it!!"

Little Irene took out the Jade Coral from the space in the palm of her hand. Isn't this Jade Coral that Xin Zhao gave to Sissy in Ghost Island? How could it be in Little Irene's hands.

It stands to reason that it should be in his hands, the jade coral seals the magic power of the ancient prehistoric world, and he put it into the void! !
Little Irene scratched her head, and said in a milky voice, "My sister gave it to the baby!"

Regardless of how the little guy took out the jade coral in the void, why did she give it to little Irene.

Little Irene said that last night when the treasure was distributed, the little guy threw it to her casually. After the latter got it, he went back to study with the little guy, and in the end, the little guy broke the seal!

That power was silently swallowed by little Irene, so Ling Yun and An Qing didn't know anything about it while they were sleeping.

"taste good or not?"

"It's delicious, better than Wangzai!" Little Irene licked her mouth, seeming to be reminiscing.

Holding the jade coral, Ling Yun closed his eyes, opened them again, and smiled.

What the jade coral seals is ancient prehistoric magic power, there is nothing wrong with that, it is just five colors, that is, five elements.

Coupled with the special body of little Irene, this evolved into a colorful phoenix, which is simply luck against the sky.

It's fine if no one intentionally plays tricks, Ling Yun felt relieved.

What he was most afraid of was that someone gave little Irene something to eat, which would cause turmoil in the Seven Realms, but it was troublesome right now.

"You two inform the Sea Emperor to block the Endless Sea. No matter who inquires about little Irene, you must keep your mouth shut."

"Is something wrong?" Wang Hao asked worriedly!

"It's nothing, if anyone dares to threaten you, please notify me immediately, and I will deal with it myself."

Ling Yun said coldly.

Haiwang tugged at the concubine who wanted to ask another question, and cupped his hands at Ling Yun: "Thank you, my lord."

"We walked."


After little Irene said goodbye, Ling Yun took her and disappeared.

Standing on the top of the endless sea, Ling Yun looked at the broken gate of the God Realm not far away, and the past came to his mind.

After a long time!
Little Irene said: "Brother, are you willing!"

"Not reconciled."

"Come on, the baby will take you in."

Hearing this, Ling Yun smiled, so what if he was not reconciled, but he still followed little Irene to the God Realm.

At this moment, the God Realm was cheering, and loud voices came out.

"Fantas live forever!"

"Fantas live forever!"

That stalwart figure is the belief of everyone in the God Realm at this moment.

For them, the return of the dead will definitely bring them peace. The former god master Fandi has returned!
The Emperor Fan is high above, and the people below are the people of the God Realm. On the day the evil king asked for guilt and destroyed the Suolong Pagoda, one tenth of the people of the God Realm were also slaughtered.

and so!
At this time, only one-sixth of the population of the God Realm was in the prosperous period, which can be said to be very small. What happened to the God Realm that once commanded the Nine Heavens and Twelve Realms, countless people were heartbroken.

Emperor Guapi was also staying at the side, and there were people from Liuxian Palace nearby. The shrine that used to symbolize the Supreme God has become a relic.

The half-shattered God Realm was dying, and Ling Yun couldn't bear to see it.

With the appearance of Ling Yun, Qianye sensed it immediately, and said softly: "Dijun, don't come here without any problems."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Qianye!

Sure enough, Ling Yun wearing the ice mask appeared in everyone's eyes.

Unexpectedly by Ling Yun, the people of the God Realm did not show any anger, but knelt down towards Ling Yun and shouted in unison!
Congratulations to the Lord Taishen!

(End of this chapter)

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