Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1516

Chapter 1516 The past is like smoke (second update)
At this moment, Ling Yun's heart was moved, he hadn't made any preparations just now.

What if it is discovered?
What should I do if I arouse everyone's anger?
However, at this moment, upon hearing the cries of unity, his dusty and dark heart shone with a ray of sunshine.

Emperor Guapi's eyes widened, he rushed over and punched angrily, the void gradually distorted, one can imagine how powerful it is.


"Dijun, you still have the face to come back and leave this mess behind, how much this emperor has suffered for this."

As he spoke, Emperor Guapi burst into tears, and Ling Yun was punched, and his body flew backwards like a cannonball.


The mountains behind were smashed by Ling Yun's body, and the power spread to the ground, shattering a piece of ground.

Ling Yun walked out slowly, returned to little Irene, and said with a smile in his eyes: "Guapi, you have become a temporary god master, and you are also majestic."

"Stop laughing at the Emperor."

"You really look like a child, hahaha!" Ling Yun laughed loudly, feeling happy from the bottom of his heart for a rare time.

What Emperor Guapi endured was not what Ling Yun thought, if it wasn't for Qianye's Liuxian Palace behind him, the God Realm would have disappeared long ago.

Emperor Fan said: "Thank you senior for saving your life, this emperor will never forget it."

If it wasn't for Ling Yun who brought him out of the Demon God Sea, he would have to serve Emperor Dragon Lord for the rest of his life, and it was impossible for him to leave the Demon God Sea.

Aunt Mei said, "Thank you, Lord Taishang!"

"Don't mention it, it's all over, and you will take good care of the God Realm in the future." Ling Yun waved his hand, not caring.

Hearing this, everyone felt a lump in their hearts!

Someone said: "My lord, the God Realm cannot live without you."

"My lord, we were wrong. No matter what your status is, if you are a god master for a day, you will be our god master for life."

"We didn't agree to step down!"

"They are all villains who listen to the slander of the Holy Land dog thieves."

"Trying to occupy the position of God Lord, they have bad intentions."

"The Lord of God can only be the Supreme Lord."

There is no other way, the God Realm without the Supreme God Jun Lingyun is like losing the head of the family, and the remaining orphans and widows can only be bullied.

After Emperor Fan came back, he also heard about all kinds of things that happened in these years. He also admired Ling Yun from the bottom of his heart. He didn't care about the position of God Lord at all.

Rather, he also believes that Ling Yun is more intimidating when he is the divine master.

"Dijun, come back." Chiba said.

Seeing Ling Yun remain indifferent, Emperor Guapi said: "You come back to me immediately, after cleaning up this mess, I don't care about it."

As a businessman, he was forced to manage the huge God Realm and participate in world disputes, and his family did not approve of such stupid behavior.

With one heart, they shouted together: "Great God, come back."

Ling Yundao: "I have already helped you find Emperor Fandi. When I left office, I thought about everything, but..."

"However, I never imagined that the seven old men were so unreliable that they couldn't defend the God Realm."

Ling Yun shocked the world at that time, killed the two domain masters, and slaughtered the Holy Land, but he didn't expect the result to be so miserable.

A certain old man said: "It's not the fault of the gods. They tried their best in the battle of the evil king's invasion of the God Realm, but they were beaten to pieces, and now their whereabouts are even unknown. The horror is already terrible."

Emperor Fan said: "Pluto, you should return to being the God Lord. This is the heart of all people. This Emperor will try his best to find the God Lord. After so many years, I have worked hard for them. I am old... hey!"

"Yes, Lord Dijun!"

Ling Yun shook his head and smiled wryly: "As long as you are united, it doesn't matter whoever becomes the God Master. I have already spread my reputation far and wide, so I am not suitable to be the God Master anymore."

Everyone's eyes were full of disappointment. They knew that the Taishen Jun had always said what he said, and what he said would not be easily changed.

"Dijun, you can't violate your principles." Chiba said.

Ling Yun shook his head: "I came here just to take a look. Now that I see it, you have a heart. The current situation is turbulent, and the evil king has been punished for his crimes. You can comfort the dead."

After he finished speaking, the Gate of Thunder appeared under his feet, a burst of light, and it was useless for everyone to work together to keep him. He took little Irene and disappeared.

When Ling Yun returned to Wuhun Continent and Long Beibei Paradise, everything in front of him made him furious!
"who is it!"

"Who ate the bear heart and leopard gall!"

"The ants who don't know how to live or die, are you trying to force me!"

Ling Yun's anger swept across the world, Wuhun Continent was enveloped by a vast force, very oppressive, as if it was breathless, little Irene hugged his feet tightly.

Everyone in Time City held their breath, as if time had stopped, only the sound of everyone's breathing was left, and their faces were like blank paper.

Duan Shui Liu turned pale, and immediately ran out of his house, knelt down in front of Ling Yun, and said in fear: "I'm sorry, Senior Pluto, I can't guard your yard."

The guard dog Pidianpidian ran over and lay down directly on the ground, letting Ling Yun see its scars.

"Get up and tell me who did it, he managed to piss me off."

Ling Yun's face was gloomy, and just as he finished speaking, the sky thundered and thundered, as if the night was approaching.

Shuishui said: "Monster Race!"

"Okay, good...Golden Lion, enjoy the rest of the time."

With Ling Yun's consciousness swept away, everyone in Sui Yue City was terrified and their scalps were numb.

Concubine Yan Xue who was in the Yan Mansion frowned, then suddenly smiled again, the maids beside her were all curious!

The ancestor of the Yan family on one side said: "Concubine Xue, could this be him?"

"it's him!"

After receiving an affirmative answer, the ancestor of the Yan family swallowed his saliva, and his eyes became serious. With such a murderous intent from the Hades, who would anger this killing god, he had many doubts in his heart.

In the restaurant!
"I'll go, what a terrifying killing intent!"

"The consciousness is coming, don't fight back, you will die miserably."

"This is not something we can stop, don't cause trouble!!"

Both the Elephant Demon King and the Spider Demon King had expressions of fear.

Seeing Ling Yun disappear with a strange smile, he knew that those demon kings who destroyed the yard just now were going to die!

Outside the restaurant!
The appearance of Ling Yun and Little Ailin scared many people away. With a snap of his fingers, the restaurant was silently surrounded by the criminal prison.

"Let's go in."

"Brother, sisters are inside."


When Ling Yun entered the restaurant, he saw the three demon kings at the first sight, and they casually looked at Ling Yun, trembling with fright.


"I rely on!"

"He is murderous."

The demon king looked at Ling Yun walking in fear one by one, and then sat down. Apart from the weakness of their hands and feet, they just whispered to themselves!

The shopkeeper broke into a cold sweat, ran over in a panic and knelt down and said, "My subordinates will see Lord Pluto!"

"Get up and go about your business!"

Ling Yun sat down, made himself a cup of tea, his eyes were filled with coldness, while little Irene ran upstairs, there was nothing to do with her on the first floor.

(End of this chapter)

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