Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1517 Clearing the Account

Chapter 1517 Clearing Accounts (Third Change)

The elephant demon king swallowed his saliva, not daring to look directly at Ling Yun!

"Old Lion, have you finished eating? Why don't we leave here first?"

It must be unusual for Ling Yun to appear here with killing intent, and it would be a lie to say that he is not afraid!
However, they didn't know that Ling Yun was coming for them!

Seeing the shopkeeper waiting for orders not far away, Ling Yun said, "Which faction are you from?"

"Reporting to Lord Pluto, my subordinate is the deacon of the Temple of War God, Lao Liu!"

"The Temple of War?"

Ling Yun was quite surprised. He didn't expect that the Temple of War God would develop quite well, and even opened restaurants, which is exactly what he wanted!

"Ahem, the shopkeeper's checkout!"

"Come here and do the math, how much is the total, we are not short of money."

The elephant demon is king!

The group of them just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

The few demon emperors on one side have been wiping their sweat all the time, and they always feel a bad feeling in their hearts.

The shopkeeper dared not move!

Ling Yun sneered and said: "Old Liu, their account is their fate, they can't leave!"

The spider demon king said: "What does Lord Pluto mean by this?"

"Hmph, a group of ants dare to madly attack me."

Ling Yun suddenly spoke in a deep voice.

Thousands of layers of air waves rolled up all around, and the five demon emperors suddenly felt as if they were hit by a blow, and their hearts seemed to be crushed by mountains.

There were five streaks of blood in the air, blood staining the blue sky!
The three demon kings were startled, and immediately jumped up from the table, their faces covered with sweat.

Before they could come back to their senses, there was another figure beside them.

The Elephant Demon King immediately knelt down, trembling all over, and said, "Forgive me, Lord Pluto, our demon clan and you have always been inseparable from each other."

"We belong to the Golden Lion!" said the Lion King.

Ling Yun laughed back in anger, and stepped on the demon emperor who fell to the ground next to him.

"The golden lion you mentioned, that trash won't live long!!"

The sky is clouded over,

It was the first time that people in Time City had seen such a terrifying sight!

And the demon emperor who was stepped on by Ling Yun had no power to resist, let Ling Yun step on it, as if his body was going to explode.

His internal organs were all shattered, even if Ling Yun let him go, he would not survive!
A certain demon emperor lay on the ground, unconvinced: "Pluto speaks so loudly, when will our demon emperor golden lion offend..."


Before he could finish his sentence, Ling Yun kicked him in the air, causing him to scream in pain.

Ling Yun's eyes were scarlet, and he said in a gloomy tone, "Your crimes are unforgivable. This place is not far away. The yard you destroyed is my daughter's happy home!"

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized!
So that's the case, no wonder Pluto came in with murderous intent!
They regretted it now, if they knew that it was Pluto's courtyard, they wouldn't dare to destroy it even if they had 1 bear hearts and leopard guts.

It's time to die.

As soon as the words fell, a ball of black flames fell from Ling Yun's hands!

The shopkeeper turned pale with shock, trembling, and said to himself: "The fire of the nether world!"

This is the legend of the underworld. It contains terrifying underworld power, and it is a symbol of the incomparable dignity of the lord of the underworld.


The demon emperor who was trampled by Ling Yun let out a scream like killing a pig.

In just an instant, the sound disappeared, and there was nothing on the ground, which was completely swallowed by the fire of the nether world! !


The little guy ran over full of joy, and the entire first floor of the restaurant was filled with her laughter. Others couldn't laugh, and they almost held their breath.

This child is the daughter of Pluto!


What day is it today? The group of them are so unlucky. It’s fine to destroy Pluto’s yard by mistake. The child who was trying to make up his mind just now is Pluto’s daughter!

Thinking of this, a certain demon emperor spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, and immediately died.

The corner of the shopkeeper's mouth twitched, and he was also shocked by this scene. He was so frightened and lost his mind. Obviously, he didn't know that this child was the daughter of Hades.

"Why did you run out?"

Ling Yun was extremely speechless, he had already set up an enchantment between the first floor and the second floor, which cut off everything, but he didn't expect this little guy to run down.

"Papa, are you playing games with them!" the little guy asked in a childish voice, his eyes rolled bleakly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What game, am I such a boring person!"

Ling Yun answered angrily!

And the Elephant Demon King saw the right moment, jumped up, and rushed out towards the back window!


This place was surrounded by Ling Yun's sinner's prison, what he bumped into was nothing but a prison as hard as iron, a prison formed by a terrifying force!
The elephant king hit his head and bled, covered his forehead, and kept screaming for pain!
"Ouch... My grandma's leg hurts me to death, you are a murderer, you actually sneaked up on me from behind!"

Ling Yun: "..."

Shopkeeper: "..."

Other demon kings: "..."

The little guy frowned slightly, and said a little fiercely: "You monster, you knocked it down yourself, and you blame my papa, hehe!"

This demon king has already been labeled as Pengci by the little guy.

Ling Yun smiled and said, "Qiqian has good eyesight!"

"Well, I found them early in the morning. They are all animals that I have never seen before. I'm afraid, Papa."

While talking, the little guy hugged Ling Yun's legs a little timidly.

"What are you afraid of? It's just a transformed demon clan. Don't forget that you are the king of all beasts." Ling Yun said.

"As long as the younger sister exudes a bastard, they will surrender obediently one by one."

The sound spread from the second floor to the first floor, and Beibei also came down to join in the fun, followed by little Irene.

The little guy immediately cried: "Don't, don't...I don't want to be a bastard!"


Little Irene kept smiling, climbed onto the stool with ease, and poured tea!
This tea?

Good tea, his eyes looked around and found that Ling Yun hadn't looked over, so he drank it happily.

If those gods saw it, they would vomit blood angrily, and the precious fairy tea would be secretly drunk by little Irene, and my heart aches!
Ling Yun stroked the little guy's head rather amusingly.

"It's not bastard!"

He was originally in a bad mood, but in the end he was amused by these three little guys, and the killing intent emanating from Ling Yun's body gradually disappeared.

The three demon kings and the remaining three demon emperors formed a pile and shrank in a corner.

Beibei said: "Handsome Shushu, what should they do?"

"Aren't you going to kill him and save it for the New Year?" Ling Yun said angrily!
"Don't kill us, it was just an accident to destroy the courtyard." A certain demon emperor said!

Ling Yun concentrated his eyes, it's time for the demon emperor to get the lunch box!
His eyes widened before he died, and the frightened little guy hurriedly hid behind Ling Yun.

But the careful Beibei found out that there was a dead body covered in hairs on the ground!

"Handsome Shushu, look quickly, there is a real monster here."

Ling Yun didn't even look at it, and explained: "After the monster in the form of the monster race dies, it will change back to its original shape, so there is no need to make a fuss."

Hearing this, the three little guys let out an oh and opened their mouths wide.

(End of this chapter)

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