Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1518 Solved

Chapter 1518 Solved (first update)
The little guy said angrily: "Did you hear me, sister, don't make a fuss, be careful!"

Beibei's head was full of black lines: "..."

Suddenly she glanced at little Irene, why did she hear the sound of drinking something.

She turned her head and scratched her head, and saw little Irene sucking on the teacup, while the shopkeeper looked enviously, and the latter also licked his mouth from time to time.

The kid even ran to see if little Irene was secretly drinking Wangzai, but when she found out it was tea, she looked disgusted.

Ling Yun said: "Your mother is calling you, go upstairs!"


The little guy listened carefully, but he didn't hear any sound. He blinked and looked at Ling Yun, who nodded for sure.

The shopkeeper was winked at by Ling Yun, and told the little guy what happened!

After she and Beibei ran up to the second floor, Ling Yun walked over and slapped down a demon emperor, killing a demon emperor, who died instantly.

Seeing this, the three demon kings are no longer cowering. If they don't resist, they will die. Why not be brave.

Ling Yun sneered: "You are such rubbish, what are you doing alive?"


The elephant demon king punched out a fist like fire, and Ling Yun burst out a force the size of a glass bead between his fingers.

It doesn't matter if the elephant demon king's fist is broken, Ling Yun's vigor is coming straight at him, killing him in an instant.

Another dead!
What should I do, Pluto is going to kill!

The Lion King trembled, he couldn't see any hope of surviving, so he took out a dagger and killed himself directly.

The other demon emperors smiled wryly, and they all roared loudly, rushing straight towards Ling Yun with a mighty aura, and the latter wiped out everything with a wave of his hand, and the demon emperors disappeared completely in ashes.

There is only one demon king left, and that is the sixteen-eyed spider demon king.

"Master Pluto, I am not your opponent, but my master is the Great Elder of Juechen Poison Palace. If you kill me, you will be in trouble!"

"I also know that you are not afraid of trouble, but what about your daughter, those people you care about in the God Realm."

"Why don't you think about the pros and cons carefully, is it worth killing me?"

Ling Yun frowned, and said in a deep voice, "You have so many last words!"

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the spider demon king, and the latter directly stabbed him to death with one finger.

The corner of Spider Demon King's mouth twitched into a smile before he died, his body was covered with venom, shopkeeper Liu's head and feet felt numb.

"This is poison, very corrosive, Mr. Pluto, you want to..."

He didn't have time to say the last words, the venom flowed onto Ling Yun's hands, and the latter frowned! !

It really doesn't make him worry about death!

The spider demon king's body exploded, maybe this is the big gift bag he left for Ling Yun.

Shopkeeper Liu didn't react in time on the spot, and was splashed all over his face. There was burning pain on his face, and screams all over the first floor.

And the shop waiter who was watching the excitement was directly poisoned to death, turning into a pool of black blood.

Little Irene reacted fairly quickly, her body turned into a fiery phoenix, and the venom flew to her body, which was immediately sterilized by high temperature.

The demon kings probably don't rest in peace when they die. The multicolored phoenix that I've been looking for is beside them, and it doesn't appear until they die.

"You really annoy me."

If the Spider Demon King hadn't died, Ling Yun would have given him a taste of being poisoned.

Ling Yun's body returned to normal immediately, and he turned his head to look at shopkeeper Liu with a painful expression on his face.

"This pill is for you, it can restore your appearance."

Ling Yun put the elixir on the table, then went upstairs with little Irene.

Second floor!

The little guy and Beibei are running over, sweating profusely.

"Bad papa, cheating children."

Knowing that he was deceived by Ling Yun, the little guy felt sullen in his heart, and when he saw Ling Yun, he went up and slapped him, his eyes aggrieved.

Beibei also sneaked out a head to look at the first floor!


The first floor was quiet, no one was there, not even the corpse on the ground just now.

"I didn't lie to you, maybe I got it wrong." Ling Yun rubbed the little guy's head rather amusedly.

The little guy blinked his eyes, which seemed to be the same reason. There were too many voices on the first floor just now, and it's normal to mishear, so she won't be angry.

"Mama is waiting for you."

"Why is she waiting for me?"

"do not know."

"Did you lie to me?"


Ling Yun pushed open the door, An Qing was tidying up the table, and there was a basket next to it, which contained the leftovers and dishes.

"What happened?" An Qing asked with a smile.

"It's basically done."

Ling Yun rubbed his nose, he was planning to go to Yaozu tonight, the golden lion was a little impatient, so he happened to see him off.

"As for the matter of the Xuelong clan, you need to come forward, they are relentless."

"That's not urgent, they want to die, let them alone, the overall strength of Wuhun Continent is stronger than them, not to mention the Snow Dragon King is dead, the biggest threat is no longer there."

"What you said makes sense, but Su Yu has already gone to Diya with some people to obtain the approval of the Martial Soul Overlord. At this time, the Snow Dragon Clan is coming to attack. We alone cannot defeat it."

"I can't."

Ling Yun roughly counted, Wuhun Continent has An Qing, Yan Xuefei, Guidao, Baihua Palace, Feng Ruqing, and others, how could they be invincible?

And the Xuelong Clan is estimated to be a dozen or so elders, a mob!
An Qing's eyes faded, and she said helplessly: "The Xuelong clan has several formations, which can kill and hold us back. If other people swarm up, our side will become a mess of ants."

Ling Yun said: "Okay, I'll help you see what these ants are jumping around when I have time."

An Qing nodded, and said with a sweet smile: "You should know about the yard."

"I killed people, a few humble ants, death is not a pity."

Thinking of his home being destroyed, Ling Yun is still angry at this moment.

"Papa, I want to sleep with you tonight." The little guy's eyes turned bleakly, and he had been listening to him all the time. His instinct told her that it was right to follow her father tonight.

"Handsome, my parents won't let me sleep with them, so I will follow my sister tonight."

Beibei's intuition told her again that it would be right to follow her sister tonight, hugging her thigh.

Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, picked up the little guy, held An Qing's hand and said, "Let's go, let's go back, don't live here, go back to Long Beibei Paradise!"

An Qing was startled, and then she understood that building a courtyard was just a matter of waving hands for Ling Yun.

Hearing this, Beibei happily went to inform Long Xingtian and Qin Xianglian. Long Yanran was the happiest when she heard it. She didn't want to live in a restaurant, it was inconvenient!
Returning to Long Beibei Paradise again, it was in ruins, and Ling Yun really built a yard with a wave of his hand, which was more luxurious than before, and the watchdog was so excited that he jumped up.

(End of this chapter)

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