Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1519 Where did it come from?

Chapter 1519 Where did it come from? (Second more)

What Ling Yun did must have alarmed the surrounding residents.

However, Duan Shui Liu came forward and said that he paid a lot of money to invite Master Formation to help open up the courtyard.

They actually believed this super bad excuse, otherwise they wouldn't be able to explain it!

Right now, there are a few good neighbors who want to inquire with Duan Shuiliu, that formation master is so awesome, they are also eager to curry favor!

Cut off the water flow: "..."

Seeing that the gate was so big, the little guy stared wide-eyed, then grabbed the corner of Ling Yun's clothes, and said in a milky voice, "Papa, I'm hungry, let's barbecue!"

Ling Yun didn't even think about it, and agreed directly, to make up for the little guy's dinner tonight, otherwise his salary will be deducted.

Beibei heard that there was a barbecue tonight, so she happily ran to the next door and called Qingqing and her daughter Wanqing over.

The little guy said in a baby voice: "My papa's barbecue is the most... the most delicious."

This child, every time she doesn't show off her Ling Yun's cooking skills, her surname is really not Ling!

Ling Yun was in charge of the kitchen, while An Qing and Qin Xianglian were in charge of washing vegetables, mainly meat, such as chicken wings.

And Long Yanran was cutting fruit outside, Long Xingtian was just making a shelf, lighting a fire and roasting charcoal, Beibei was not helping!

Half an hour later, under Ling Yun's technique, the delicious grilled chicken wings were ready to eat, and the wafting aroma made the children next door cry.

Duan Shui swallowed his saliva and said: "Senior is indeed a senior, and he has a hand!"

Qingqing joked: "If you have this technology, why worry about having no money."

Wan Qing kept praising An Qing for being blessed. She married a good husband and gave birth to a lovely daughter. She is simply a big winner in life.

Qin Xianglian said: "Lingyun's skills are still good, Xingtian... you should learn."

Beibei said in a childish voice, "Dad, learn a little bit!"

The crowd laughed!

At this moment!
An old man in ragged clothes sneaked in through the gate of the yard.

His pair of dark eyes looked towards the little guy, staring at the chicken wings in their hands, his eyes straightened immediately!

Duan Shui Liu and Long Xingtian also happened to see him and were about to speak when the old man rushed over suddenly.

Under the astonished gazes of several people, the old man squeezed beside them with a playful smile, as if he saw an acquaintance.

He showed his yellow teeth, and said with a smile: "Hey, where are you grilling chicken wings? Why don't you call me, really."

After speaking, he grabbed two chicken wings from the grill, stuffed them into his mouth, and ate them on his own.

"Well, fragrant... Hahaha, delicious, delicious, are these really grilled chicken wings?"

The appearance of eating was a bit unsightly, and everyone was stunned for a moment.


Ling Yun came back to his senses, frowned slightly and looked at Duan Shui Liu's family and asked, "You guys know each other?"

Several people shook their heads in bewilderment. They really didn't know this old man.

do not know?
What the hell!

Where did this stinky, shameless old liar come from? It's too shameless to trick him into eating, drinking, and cheating.

Ling Yun was about to slap the old man away, but the little guy picked up the grilled chicken wings in Ling Yun's hand and ran over, handing it to the old man.

"Grandpa, you must be starving, Nuo, eat at ease, eat boldly, my papa can handle it enough!"

Ling Yun has black lines all over his head!

Hearing this, the watchdog stared at the old man with hostile eyes.

Damn it!

This stinky old man actually came here to eat and drink with shamelessness, and even robbed him with his uncle, the world is cold, and people's hearts are not old!

The watchdog was sitting on the ground with nothing to love. It only had to eat a chicken bone for grilled chicken wings. The damn old man ate two when he came, and now he took another one!
The old man finished eating the roasted wings in two or three mouthfuls, his face was full of unsatisfactory excitement, like a little fan.

He looked at Ling Yun beside the grill with reverence, and said with a playful smile: "Little brother, you are a genius. You can make such delicious food. This is the first time I have tasted this kind of food, old man!"

Oh, it turns out that he is an old foodie!

Ling Yun was amused by his appearance, and said with a smile: "I can't tell, you know how to eat, you old beggar."

Unexpectedly, when the old man heard this, he suddenly became unhappy, and said angrily: "Who is an old beggar, old man, I am so heroic, majestic, and domineering, how can I look like a beggar?"

Everyone looked him up and down, muttering in their hearts, everything looks alike!
The old man turned a blind eye to the expressions of these people, and raised his legs self-consciously, while picking his teeth, he looked at Lingyun BBQ and said: "But you have a good eye, if it comes to eating this piece, I will call you the old man." If you are second in the world, no one dares to be number one."

When Ling Yun heard this, he was not happy anymore, and frowned!

His mother thigh!
How dare you brag in front of me when you eat my food?
The corner of Duan Shui Liu's mouth twitched, that's all for bragging, can you tell who is who, the opposite is the legendary Pluto.

Ling Yun hasn't refuted yet!

Beibei on the side immediately showed disdain, and said in a childish voice: "Old beggar, can you stop bragging, you don't know how to be ashamed at your age!"

In her heart, she only recognizes Ling Yun as number one, and the others are farting!

"Fart, you little brat, you have no manners at all, go away, and you don't greet well."

As for impoliteness, Beibei only treats people with quality, this old man doesn't need to be treated politely.

Ling Yun's eyes slowly darkened, he didn't greet well?
Everyone despises it!

Who the hell is entertaining you!

The little guy frowned slightly and said, "Grandpa, it's wrong for you to curse."

Long Yanran said: "You man, after eating our grilled chicken wings, you still talk so much, even if you say a few words about you, you still scold people."

The old man became anxious immediately, jumped up from the ground, and yelled: "The world is really declining, and people's hearts are not old. I have never seen such a brazen person."

"To tell you the truth, old man, I once ate dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder. Your grilled chicken wings are nothing."

The words are not amazing and die endlessly!
Little Eileen was trembling. Didn't she eat her? She immediately hugged An Qing who was beside her, and said in a childish voice, "Auntie, 555~ I'm afraid!"

An Qing: "..."

Ling Yun snorted coldly: "How dare you show off your mere dragon liver and phoenix courage?"

And the little guy and Beibei were also looking at each other, and then they had a tacit understanding and regarded the old man as an enemy.

Finally, the old man snorted heavily.

He also said with some embarrassment: "I think back when I was traveling across Shanhaiguan, old man, and I ate countless delicacies in the world. You kid was not born yet, and you alone didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

Ling Yun sneered and said: "I appreciate your courage, dare to talk to me like that, do you believe that I have eaten Kunpeng?"

The old man and Ling Yun looked at each other, both exuding a deep chill.

(End of this chapter)

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