Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1522

Chapter 1522 Shot (Second Update)

Empress Linglong sniffed, wiped her tears, and pointed her sword at the old man, and the old man laughed loudly: "Death is just the beginning!"

"You are a murderer, but I know that you took money. Tell me, who wants my brother's life!"

"Madman, tell me who wants my young master's life, and leave your whole body!" Immortal Emperor Weide said.

"Hahaha, you are not strong enough, you have a lot of tone, and you are so capable to leave my whole body?" The old man laughed back in anger, and looked full of ridicule at Empress Linglong and the others.

call out!
Immortal Emperor Wade swept his sword across, and the sword energy attacked the old man. The latter sneered, but he dodged himself!
The sword energy moved towards the rear, and Ling Yun and the others swept away. Empress Linglong turned pale with shock, she never expected this old man to be so shameless!
Duan Shui Liu slapped out a palm and shouted loudly: "The old man wants you to show off for a while!"

The old man turned his head and smiled: "Let you move around too!"

Empress Linglong said: "This is not a place for fighting, we can change places if we have the ability."

"Hahaha, no, no, no, this is just right, it's a treasure land of geomantic omen, it happens to be your cemetery, how kind I am to you."

"It's your cemetery!" Immortal Emperor Houde glared angrily!

He didn't believe it at all, three people still couldn't kill an old man, the gap shouldn't be that big.

"Be obedient and die, one of the old man's friends is a magician!" the old man said!

Who the hell is your friend, shameless.

Broken water severely despises!
Empress Linglong sneered, Taishenjun is your killer friend?
not necessarily!
If it was someone else, the Supreme God would not have stood by and watched if he spoke directly.

There is indeed a formation in this courtyard, which has strengthened the surrounding area, otherwise the battle between the immortal emperors would have destroyed this place long ago.

Immortal Emperor Houde said: "So what, they will not intervene for the sake of the young lady."


The old man didn't expect them to be so stubborn. If An Qing and Guan Shui Liu join in, he won't be able to solve it for a while. It's a bit annoying, after all, they are offended.

"The three of us used Solomon's ultimate move to kill this dog thief!" Empress Linglong said!

Hearing this, the old man was a little scared. Solomon's ultimate move was extremely powerful. I heard that no one has seen it, but anyone who has seen it will die.

Seeing this, the old man chose to preemptively strike, and stepped forward with a knife, muttering the Liancheng knife formula at the corner of his mouth!

The saber art came out following his movement, I saw him swinging the saber quickly on the spot, his figure was so fast that he left several afterimages on the ground, it was hard to tell where the real person was.

The crowd exclaimed!

And Ling Yun also slightly appreciated this set of saber techniques.

Duanshuiliu once worked for Tianmen, muttering: "Liancheng Daojue!"

This set of sword tactics is a god-level sword technique that people dream of. He did not expect that he was lucky enough to see it here. It looks like it is recorded in Tianmen.

The old man flew into the sky with a long sword, and the terrifying sword aura approached the three Linglong Empresses. The three of them needed time to perform Solomon's ultimate move, and they were all panicking at this moment!

The saber energy wrapped around them, setting off a wave of terror!
With one move, three people were seriously injured and fell to the ground. Immortal Emperor Houde was dying and couldn't stand up again, but Empress Linglong was the first to stand up.

The old man followed, and the Empress Linglong who had no time to dodge was stabbed in the heart by him!

"Hahaha, you bunch of rubbish, wouldn't it be better to choose to know nothing? You have to come and die."

Empress Linglong spewed blood on her back the moment the old man pulled out the knife.

The little guy covered his eyes, Beibei muttered, lost!

Next knife!

The old man is about to take the life of Empress Linglong, but Ling Yun can't stand the little guy's pestering, so he wants to make a move!

"Old man, is it worth it to die for others with some ability?"

Ling Yun opened his mouth calmly, and in the blink of an eye, he was next to the old man.


The old man was stunned by this movement.

"I remember correctly, you are the killer that God Realm once wanted, Han Laoqi!"

"how do you know."

The knife in the old man's hand trembled a little.

Han Laoqi, who killed countless people for money all his life, has been wanted by the God Realm for 3 years.

Today's Han Laoqi is mixed up like this, which makes people boo!

Suddenly Ling Yun looked back and smiled, the old man's eyes widened and his mouth trembled: "Too...too...dijun!!"

His heartbeat was speeding up, and he panicked. How could the legendary Pluto be here? He was so unlucky today, even if he was found out to be the murderer, but he still met a man who was in the dark.

And he also took Pluto's chicken wings!Even more rude.

Immortal Emperor Weide and Immortal Houde were shocked to the point of trembling!


Pluto is here, are they blind! !
No wonder their young lady is so abnormal, surprised and worried at the same time.

And Qingqing and her daughter Wanqing were equally shocked, their mouths were opened wide, as if they were in a state of confusion.

"You commit suicide, I will give you the dignity of a strong man!"

Hearing this, Empress Linglong gritted her teeth and said, "Master Dijun, no...I want...I want to kill him with my own hands!"

"Old man, when you are about to die, don't you count the people behind the scenes?"

The old man knelt down and tremblingly said: "My lord Pluto, I'm so offended if I don't know Mount Tai, but..."

"However, you don't have the same knowledge as me, you lose your identity."

"You're thinking too much, I'm just learning the same things as you." Ling Yun's mouth curved into a smile.

No one has ever dared to take chicken wings from him. This old man is really brave.

"I...I...I..." The old man stammered: "This old man has no eyes, hehehe! Will the old man have a chance if he speaks out?"

"Oh, what chance do you want?"

"Fight with her, I won, let me go, I lost, the whole body does not need to stay."

Ling Yun frowned, he didn't want to agree, but Empress Linglong wanted to avenge herself, so she agreed immediately!

"One fight is one fight!"

"Happy, you Solomon are in trouble, the person who gave me the order is..."

Before the old man finished speaking, his heart was shattered by a sudden force on the ground.

And Ling Yun immediately pressed his head and forcibly extracted the memory!


Before it was too late, there was an explosion on the ground, and a huge earthquake came down from the yard.

One second to go!
Ling Yun gritted his teeth, his eyes were scarlet for a moment.

Duan Shuiliu ran over and asked with a pale face, "Master Pluto, what happened."

Everything happened so suddenly, he was still in a daze, and the old man's body on the ground turned into blood.

Empress Linglong was seriously injured and had lost consciousness at this moment.

The laughter of the little guy and Beibei came from the yard, and I felt that the scene just now was very exciting.

Ling Yun gritted his teeth and said, "The Demon Emperor Golden Lion!!"

Although he didn't get all the memories, Ling Yun knew that the old man died of curse!

This kind of sorcery requires the blood of a lot of demon kings, and the curse must be performed without anyone noticing.

(End of this chapter)

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