Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1523 Solomon

Chapter 1523 Solomon (Third)

Part of the memory has the existence of the demon emperor's golden lion!
Duan Shui Liu was full of doubts and was full of curiosity about magic.

Curse to kill!

He still understands that killing is invisible, once the beneficiary violates certain wishes, a force will be formed in the dark to kill the beneficiary.

The little guy trotted over and squatted beside Empress Linglong.

She said in a milky voice, "Sister Fairy, wake up, I have already baked the chicken wings."


"Handsome sorghum!"

Ling Yun turned around and walked over, a ray of holy light came down, Empress Linglong was revived with full blood, the eyes of Duoshuiliu's family almost popped out in shock.

Immortal Houde and Immortal Wade, who were meditating to heal their wounds, spat out a mouthful of black blood in fright!


Too bully.

It takes half an hour for them to recover half of their injuries after swallowing pills and meditating. Now, with an unknown ray of light from Pluto, they are not surprised to heal the seriously injured Empress Linglong!
The corner of Duan Shui Liu's mouth twitched, the demon emperor golden lion really did it to death, twice a day, it seems that the demon clan is about to experience a bloody storm.

Ling Yun said: "Linglong, what's the matter with Solomon?"

Empress Linglong first thanked Ling Yun, and then mentioned her return to Solomon after the first battle in the God Realm.

Solomon belongs to a first-tier power in today's dead zone, not comparable to giants such as Putuo Temple and Tianmen, but much stronger than Star Palace.

In the past, the domain owner was Wansanqian, and now it is the same, but it is the monarch Wansanqian.

Wan Sanqian's daughter, Wan Wuhua has a crush on her younger brother, Yu Haisheng!

They, Solomon, disagreed. It was rumored that Wanwuhua was ugly, and she already had more than a dozen husbands because of her wealth. These people were all raped by her.

Wansanqian said that within five days, Yu Haisheng would not join their family and slaughter Solomon!


That night, Wan Wuhua died unexpectedly!
Since there was no evidence, Wan Sanqian did not dare to do anything to Solomon, after all, Solomon's power was there.

Empress Linglong heard that Wan Sanqian was very close to the golden lion in the demon realm.

Now that Ling Yun mentioned the Golden Lion, she also felt that her brother's death must have been caused by their joint efforts!
Ling Yun said: "Your father didn't tell you about Solomon?"

"what's up?"

Empress Linglong is at a loss!
Immortal Emperor Houde and Immortal Emperor Weide felt a lump in their hearts!

They looked at Ling Yun at the same time, and the latter's smile surprised them!
Could it be... that Solomon's secret was known by an outsider, Pluto?

"what exactly is it."

Sensing the abnormality, Empress Linglong turned her head to look at Immortal Emperor Weide and the others.

"This... the eldest lady should go back and ask the door master."

"It's not convenient here, and we dare not say it."

Ling Yun said: "Linglong, if you want to know, I can tell you now."

Immortal Emperor Houde's face changed: "Don't... Lord Pluto must never say it here, be careful that walls have ears."

They immediately guarded their surroundings, but Ling Yun smiled and said: "Who dares to eavesdrop on me, have you lived for a long time?"

In fact, under Ling Yun's huge spiritual consciousness, there was no one else around except them, so he didn't worry about hearing something from the other side of the wall.

No matter how Immortal Emperor Wade and the others objected, Ling Yun still told what he knew.

Solomon's secret, they have guarded the two magic weapons for generations!

These two magical weapons are comparable to the top ten ancient artifacts, they are the dragon bone sword and the scar of the sky!

The Dragon Bone Sword has divine power and the power of the ghost axe, it is the nemesis of the demon clan, it is specially designed to deal with the demon clan who are not righteous in mind, body, words, deeds.

It is rumored that a total of 36 keel swords can be transformed into a large formation capable of attacking and defending in an instant.

There are 36 sword qi in one sword, just thinking about it makes one's scalp tingle.

Even more exaggerated people said that even if an ordinary person gets the dragon bone sword, he can exert the power to destroy the world, and no grass will grow under a single sword.

The Scar of the Sky is neither a knife nor a sword, it is a beast in a weapon, and it is a magic weapon with the most terrifying murderous aura.

As an ancient divine weapon, it has three forms!
The first sword form can be transformed into any sword. Every time it is swung, the terrifying sword energy will traverse the void, just like a dragon swimming in the world.

In the second form of the blade whip, it can turn into a long soul-wrenching whip. Anyone who is beaten will feel like a layer of flesh has been cut off, and the wound is difficult to heal.

And the third is the most horrifying beast form, where man and soldier unite, the sky falls apart, and everything is invincible.

Once the Scar of the Sky comes out, it is necessary to take your life back. Its ferocity and terror lies in the owner, who must expend a lot of strength to resist this divine weapon.

But it is so terrifying, and it also has a fatal flaw. When the true energy is not sustained, the scar of the sky is bound to bite its owner.

It is rumored that on the shape of the sword of Tianzhihen, there is a god-level martial skill engraved on it, which will destroy all directions!
With one move, the entire continent was shaken, like the end of the world.

Solomon's ancestors at that time chose to seal them with their lives for the sake of the common people!

The reason why Wansanqian didn't dare to touch Solomon was because he was afraid of the birth of these two divine weapons.

The masters of Solomon's clan in the past will be passed on to the next clan master, which is another reason why the Wan family wants Yuhai to marry.

The first reason must be that Wan Wuhua fell in love with Yu Haisheng, and Wan Sanqian naturally agreed to kill two birds with one stone.

The Demon Emperor Golden Lion thought to himself that these two magical weapons had joined forces with Wansanqian.

Empress Linglong was shocked after hearing this!
"Why can't I know this secret, why?"

Immortal Emperor Wade sighed: "Miss, don't blame the sect master, this is Solomon's family motto."

After An Qing finished listening, she asked with great interest, "I don't know which expert refined this terrifying magic weapon."

The little guy raised his hands, and said in a milky voice, "It goes without saying, it must be my papa."

Everyone: "..."

Ling Yun had no expression on his face, and panicked, how could the little guy know!

This divine weapon was made by him!
In order to stop the devil's forbidden code, Ling Yun disguised himself as an old man and refined a few magical weapons, but after refining them, he gave them away.

Immortal Emperor Weide said: "Who knows, I heard that he is an ugly old man, a master craftsman, at least god level!"


Hearing this, the little guy hurriedly said: "I made a mistake, it must not be my daddy."

Ling Yun was dumbfounded.

"Leave the matter of the monster clan to me. You guys hurry back and guard Solomon. I guess Wansanqian is about to act. You have to be careful."

"Thank you, Lord Dijun, let's go back immediately." Immortal Emperor Wade cupped his hands.

The little guy said: "You two go back, Sister Fairy can't go yet."

She has already grabbed Empress Linglong, and finally met here, how could it be so easy to part, Beibei also meant the same thing.

(Three shifts every day, I can't bear it anymore...)
(End of this chapter)

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