Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1524 The Demon Extermination Order

Chapter 1524 Demon Extermination Order (Part [-])
Ling Yun thought about it carefully, this is actually beneficial to him!
"Ahem, just in time for you to invite Linglong to taste the barbecue. I have marinated the meat and chicken wings, just grasp the heat."

"Where are you going, Papa?"

"The visitors are guests. I'll see them off." Ling Yun pointed to Immortal Emperor Weide and the others, who shook his head, unable to bear it.

Not only Immortal Emperor Wade refused, but the little guy also shook his head, and said in a baby voice, "Such a big old man, what can I give you, you can go back by yourself, not a kid."

Ling Yun: "..."

He thought it was impossible to go to Yaozu at this moment, he could only wait for them to sleep soundly.

After Immortal Emperor Weide resigned, Empress Linglong was well received by the little guy, and Ling Yun was going to barbecue again!

In a moment!
An Qing said: "The golden lion of the demon clan is too crazy!"

Duan Shui said: "The former Golden Lion was just a demon king, but in the blink of an eye he became a demon king. This level of strength is really formidable."

"I can't take revenge after I go back, hey..." Empress Linglong suddenly felt that the grilled chicken wings in her hand were no longer fragrant, and she was very worried!

The little guy muttered, ran into Ling Yun's arms, and said coquettishly: "Papa, you are so powerful, help the fairy sister."

"How can I help? I'm not a god but a god."

"Hmph, I am the God Lord, those good grandfathers said so."

The little guy still remembers the words of the seven gods back then, let her be the god master.

"Then you are the God Lord, so you can help her." Ling Yun's head was full of black lines.

Beibei said in a milky voice: "Then I'll go, find that golden lion right away, and kill it with one knife."


The little guy acted fiercely, making everyone laugh.

An Qing said: "Ling Yun can help her if you have the ability!"

"Listen to you, but you have to understand, it's not that simple for me to make a move!" Ling Yun nodded!

The little guy was jealous and said: "Bad papa, bad mama!!"

She couldn't change Ling Yun's mouth by acting like a baby herself, but when An Qing spoke, Ling Yun agreed, and the little guy was speechless and rolled his eyes.

Everyone fell in love with her again.

I saw a glittering golden thing condensed in Lingyun Void.

After the light disappeared, a token appeared in front of everyone.

An Qing blinked and said, "This is?"

Ling Yun said with a smile: "The Demon King Golden Lion has done a lot of evil, I want him to have no peace, this is the Demon Extermination Order!!"

Empress Linglong widened her eyes and said in disbelief, "Master Dijun, are you serious?"

As soon as the order to exterminate the demons comes out, all the forces targeting the demon clan will come out in full force, and they will kill the demons as soon as they see them. The scene is so terrifying.

"I originally wanted to kill the golden lion tonight, but this is also good, let him live a few more days, and taste the feeling of poverty."

Ling Yun stared at the night sky with his eyes, and immediately threw out the Demon Extermination Order!

The Demon Extinguishing Order shattered the void and disappeared. Seeing this scene with her own eyes, Empress Linglong was dumbfounded.

Will such a demon-killing order be useful, and will the world still listen to Pluto? Empress Linglong has doubts in her heart! !
"that's it?"


Ling Yun shook his head, he still needs to go to the Demon Realm in person, just as Empress Linglong thought, I don't know if the Demon Suppression Order is very effective, but he still needs to go there in person.

An Qing understood Ling Yun very well, hugged the little guy and said: "Qi Qian, sleep with me tonight, your father is going to help Ling Long, isn't that what you think?"

"Can't I go?"

"No, firstly you have to go to school tomorrow, your foundation is too poor, secondly, it's full of dangers, your father will be distracted if you go there." An Qing rubbed the little guy's pink face and became serious.

The little guy pursed his mouth and hung his head for a long time without speaking.

After everyone's persuasion, the little guy agreed, and let Ling Yun take a few days off.

Ling Yun knew that it wasn't that simple for this cheating child!
With the emergence of the Demon Extermination Order, all the seven domains could not sit still in an instant!


One word crazy!
The instant the Demon Slayer Order disappeared, it appeared in every sky, so no one knew about it.

Holy area!

In a palace suspended above the nine heavens, Diya sat on a dragon chair, squinting his eyes and taking a nap.

His guards ran in in a panic and shouted: "Lord Diya, the Extermination Order has appeared!"

"The emperor knows, is Pluto officially returning?"

"Yaoyu is doomed this time. It's interesting. Do you want me to participate?"

Diya stared at the sky with his eyes, and his body exuded a trace of fighting spirit.

"Lord Diya, there is one more thing. The green snails in the sea of ​​flowers are in full bloom, and they are full of blue, blue ocean. Fairy Qingluan would like to invite you to enjoy it."

"Don't go!"

Di Ya closed her eyes and continued to rest with them closed!
"My lord Diya, and the princess of Fire Nation would like to ask you to play chess."

"If you don't go, don't go, I reject all the invitations, how can this emperor have a good relationship with his son and daughter at this time."


Bean-sized sweat oozes from the guard's forehead!

Cloud Domain!
Ji Wushuang was in a daze when he saw the Demon Extermination Order. Should he go to the Demon Realm now?

This is what he is currently struggling with, so he can only go to Aquamarine first and talk to Xin Zhao, after all, the latter knows Pluto better.

Ji Wuxue stopped him suddenly, and said with a smile: "No need to go, he doesn't need it, although I don't know why he wants to go to war to destroy the demon clan."

Ji Wushuang was full of doubts at the moment, and asked, "Why?"

"One Pluto can destroy the demon clan, what do you think?"

It is reasonable for Ji Wuxue to say that, the strongest man does not need his help.

Xin Zhao had just finished the meeting in the sanctuary, and when he came out, he saw the demon-killing order in the sky.

"Sin, this golden lion is bound to die a miserable death. He dared to offend Brother Yun. It's too long to dislike his life."

Xin Zhao smoked a low-quality rolling cannon and threw it away!

"This kind of rubbish is still inferior to Blue Star's craftsmanship. It has been out of cigarettes for several years. I should have asked Ling Yun for it just now. I made a mistake!"

The Temple of War!
Long Hua shook the wine glass in his hand, listening to his subordinate's report.

"Pluto finally came with news, inform all members, set off to the Demon Realm, and capture the Golden Lion alive!"


As soon as the horn blew, half of the people in the Temple of War asked to fight! !

Huo Lao suddenly opened his eyes, and excitedly said: "Lao Shui, take someone to see Pluto!"

"God bless, finally let us get news of him."

Hearing this, Shui Lao jumped up and down excitedly, like an old naughty boy.

Different from other forces, they are here to meet Ling Yun.

Royal Domain!

Queen Yaoyue was shocked by a piece of news in the past three days, and now she is shocked again.

Just now, she heard that the Lord Taishang had returned to the God Realm again.


The Demon Extinguishing Order is now in the world, and everyone in the entire imperial realm is in danger. If Hades cannot be eliminated, the world will be in trouble.

No wonder Di Ya wanted to kill Ling Yun in his dreams. Although the presence of the latter did not hinder his hegemony, it was still hard to feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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