Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1525 Entering the Demon Realm

Chapter 1525 Entering the Demon Domain (Second Change)
Queen Yaoyue smiled slightly, her pretty face was really pretty.

"Dijun, how many surprises and surprises do you want to give me?"

After the God Realm announced that the Supreme God Lord would be the God Lord again, except for the people in the God Realm who were happy, everyone else cursed!

"His grandma's, God Realm people are crazy."

"how so."

"It must be Pluto who used despicable methods to seek the position of God Lord. It's really shameless."

Many people were filled with anger and could only curse in silence.

At this moment, the God Realm also saw the Demon Slayer Order in the sky!
Emperor Fan excitedly said: "Your divine master is in need, this time it's up to you, whether you can persuade him of his determination depends on you."

"If you go to the Demon Realm, I won't go. I'm a businessman." Emperor Guapi waved his hand. It's really tiring to manage the God Realm temporarily, but it's more comfortable to be a businessman.

It turned out that all of this was the intention of him and Emperor Guapi!
Directly announce that the Taishang Lord will return to the God Lord, no matter whether Ling Yun agrees or not, just announce it, and you will be scolded at worst.

Qianye said: "Something must have happened. I have known him for so many years, and this is the second time I see him serious."


She turned into a streamer and flew away, she also wants to go back to the Demon Realm, be prepared, what if the attack without opening her eyes is wrong again!
Now the demon domain is divided into two!

Three days later!
Demon domain!

The demon kings and emperors of the demon race turned into human forms, all of them were amazed by it, and looked at the demon-killing order appearing in the sky in horror!

"Master Demon Emperor, something is wrong."


"he came!"

A little demon ran into the palace of the golden lion with fear, sweating profusely.

The golden lion raised his head slightly, and said with displeasure: "Why are you so panicked, that fire phoenix from Liuxian Palace killed here?"

"Oh, my Lord Demon Emperor, can you not panic, there is an order to kill demons inexplicably in the sky."


Hearing this, the Demon King Golden Lion immediately jumped up: "Say it again."

"The Demon Extermination Order was launched by Hades."

The little demon spoke again in fear, her body gradually trembling.

"Hahaha, impossible."

The Demon King Golden Lion shook his head and laughed loudly.

"Master Demon Emperor, this is true, I am not joking."

"Go down, there's no need to take it seriously, Pluto won't come, it's just a mob."

Hades promised him back then that he would not destroy his monster clan!
And he didn't expect that Ling Yun was really angry, it was fine once, and it was fine twice, but after counting, this time was the third time.

Nothing but three!

Even if Ling Yun had the best temper, he couldn't take it now, and the golden lion challenged his bottom line again and again.

Here, the golden lion is really wronged, he still firmly believes that the king of the underworld will not attack him, because he doesn't know that his demon kings have angered Ling Yun.


"It's nothing to worry about. That man won't eat enough and has nothing to do. He's causing trouble for me. Hurry up and let the demon king come here to gather sacrificial knives and kill a lot of bastards."

After the little demon withdrew, the corner of the demon king's golden lion curled up into a cold smile.

A moment later, more than a dozen demon kings in yellow clothes and black scarves came with their swords in their hands.

Two people rushed out from the little demons behind, knelt down with knives and shouted: "I respectfully invite Lord Demon Emperor to ascend the altar."

The demon king's golden lion slowly fell from mid-air, and his silver clothes made a sound of piercing the air with the wind. The demon king shouted: "Sacrificial knife!"

The little demon in the palace flew up and put the ice tripod full of blood on the altar, which was full of fresh blood.

On top of the ice cauldron, there was a large block of ice, and a knife was standing on top of the ice block. A bloody aura seemed to be gushing out from the knife.

The saber of the demon kings of the demon clan, the blood sword!

The demon king's golden lion bit his finger and captured a drop of blood from the air. Flicking his two fingers, the blood was shot out, hitting the ice that sealed the knife, and it emitted bursts of red light.

He raised his hands lightly, a ball of strange fire burst out from the palm of his hand, split into two, and the hands were knotted into balls and shot at the ice again.

I saw the ice burning when it met the fire, the demon king and the little demon shouted in unison.

"The golden lion of the demon emperor is unparalleled in the world. Today's sacrificial sword will kill him with blood."

The scimitar broke through the ice, the blade was dyed blood red, and it kept spinning in mid-air, which was extremely strange.

The Blood Sword flew towards the Demon Emperor's Golden Lion, who took it and placed it horizontally above his head, showing his domineering and hostile aura.

When the blood on the blade faded away, the Demon Emperor Golden Lion shouted: "Whoever offends my demon clan's territory, kill!"

One order!
All the monster clans are out in force, waiting for Ling Yun and some unknown forces in the most "polite" way! !

The golden lion was facing the enemy from the front, while Ling Yun went straight in from the back alone. Behind the demon domain was an abyss, so there were very few little demons stationed there.

Those who came from the front were casual cultivators who worshiped Hades too much, as well as people from the God Realm, and they all arrived one after another.


Ling Yun put on a black robe and a bamboo hat, and he would kill monsters whenever he encountered them. Those who walked on land, crawled, or swam in water, all died in his hands.

"Ant, you still don't run away when you see me."


There are a few thick smokes in front, it should be that some people have encountered a difficult demon clan.


Suddenly Ling Yun frowned, and immediately stopped walking!

"elder brother!"

I rely on!

Little Irene, why is she here?

"Who asked you to come."

"Brother, I am also from the Yaozu, look..."

"Don't... just forget that I'm afraid of you. Don't become a colorful phoenix. At that time, that crazy woman Chen Wanxue can take you away."

"OK then."

Little Erin shook her head!

"how did it get here?"

It's either the little guy or Beibei, these two kids are itchy!

"elder sister!"

"which one?"

"do not know."

The smart little Irene would not betray them, so Ling Yun must not have the heart to beat them, the law does not blame everyone.

When Ling Yun and little Ailin walked in, they found out that five or six women were surrounded by the demon tribe's minions and a few people.

Ling Yun frowned, what's going on, why are five or six of them so low in strength?
A mere immortal dares to come to the Yaozu, but he dislikes his life for too long. The key is that he is a female class.

"Little Pi Niang, you guys are so brave, you actually managed to break into our demon clan."

There are also humans, Ling Yun frowned, quite surprised, this young man is still on the side of the monster clan.

Beside this young man are several masters of the Immortal Emperor, several Immortal Emperor First Level monsters who have transformed themselves, and a giant toad that spouts human words.

It was an extremely ugly toad, with eyes as big as lanterns, and its wet skin made people feel disgusted.

"This is food, and there is another food delivered to the door." Toad said excitedly.

The young man snorted coldly: "They are mine, and I can only give them to you after the work is done!"

Toad suddenly stopped making any noise, and licked his mouth aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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