Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1533

Chapter 1533 Anger (first update)
Regarding black holes, Pisces Monarch knew nothing, and Xie Wang Zhenyan was also dumbfounded, never expecting this to happen.

His ghost bead ran away, but he was quite angry.

The others backed away, terrified by the true eye of Xie Wang, this was not a fight they could participate in, and the latter was furious.

The beast Flame Tiger was a little scared when it came out, what's going on?
"It's kind of interesting, there is actually a divine beast?" Xie Wang Zhenyan smiled.

An Qing and Liu Hufa directly challenged the Xie Wang Zhenyan, it was useless to say more, but the Xie Wang Zhenyan did not make a move, but asked the Pisces Monarch to play with them first.


In Lingyun Yard's formation, the three of them fought extremely fiercely, and the weakest one was the sixth protector. He had no choice but to use gourds.

After a fierce battle, the six protectors were slapped on the chest by the Pisces monarch, and the magic gourd was taken away.

The Six Protectors retreated again and again, their complexion turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spewed out directly.

Poor little guy, the magic gourd was taken away by others again, if he knew it, he would have to cry.

The divine beast Lie Yanhu turned into a beast shape, with a pair of fiery red eyes staring at the real eyes of the evil king, the person in front of him was very troublesome.

With a loud cry, the divine beast Flaming Tiger flew out like lightning, and opened its mouth wide.

Xie Wang Zhenyan frowned, his eyes flashed coldly and said: "You mad dog can't do it, let you see why this king is Xie Wang, come on... beast!"

"What kind of bullshit evil king, destroy my boss's yard, hurt the empress and the little master, you damn it, none of them will live until tomorrow." A huge energy ball burst out from the mouth of the beast Lie Yanhu, which instantly became fiery red.

"Noisy!" Xie Wang glanced at the other party with cold eyes, and waved his hand.

A sharp finger shot out towards the beast, the Flame Tiger, at an extremely fast speed, and it came in front of it in the blink of an eye, and the latter's pupils shrank sharply.

one move!
Just one move of the beast, the Flame Tiger, severely damaged it. This strength is too terrifying.

"You are... above the peak of the Immortal Emperor!" The beast, the Flaming Tiger, was lying on the ground, bleeding continuously from its body, and its chest was pierced.

An Qing's fight with the Pisces Monarch is inextricable, and Wuxia's is also secretly worried!
The divine beast Lie Yanhu bared his teeth, his whole body was covered with flames, his eyes were also covered with flames, and his aura was rising steadily.

There was a hint of disbelief in Xie Wang's true eyes.

"Your technique is really interesting. It's actually an ancient beast god art. This king is interested in you. You should know what the sequelae are when you activate the final beast god form."

Roar! !

This time the divine beast, the Flaming Tiger, didn't answer, and it made Xie Wang Zhenyan a little troublesome when he rushed over at the beginning.

The horrific confrontation between a man and a beast forced the King Pisces and An Qing to stop fighting, and the others even stayed away.

The scene was very shocking, the void was about to shatter, if it wasn't for Ling Yun's formation suppression, at least Suiyue City would have been in ruins.

However, Ling Yun's courtyard is already in ruins at this moment!

The sky was bright, and the fiery power swept away like a wave, and a man and a beast flew out of midair.

The divine beast, the Flaming Tiger, fell to the ground first, and did not stand up for a long time. It was not dead but was still breathing heavily.

And Xie Wang's real eye fell to the ground with a bang, he took four or five steps back to stabilize his figure, and then laughed loudly: "Little tiger, this king has won."

The Pisces monarch and the bystanders applauded and flattered.

The time has come for the divine beast Raging Tiger's Divine Beast Art, and he was severely injured by the evil king's true eye, and then the Divine Beast Art he used also had side effects.

"My boss will not let you go."

The divine beast, Flaming Tiger, closed its eyes instantly and fell into a coma.

And the little guys stayed in the black hole, and after sensing Ling Yun was there, they also came to the demon domain.

Ling Yun suddenly stopped in his tracks, feeling a little annoyed, knowing that there was a black hole behind him without looking, and little Irene laughed out loud.


"Handsome sorghum..."

Ling Yun didn't turn his head back, and said in a deep voice, "Go back!"

Yaoyu is not easy, they will only affect the combat effectiveness when they are by your side, and will be even more distracting.

The little guy immediately hugged Ling Yun's thigh and cried, "Papa, the yard is gone again!"


What happened, Ling Yun frowned immediately and turned his head.

Beibei stopped in her tracks, rubbed her eyes and said, "The Demon Tower in Yuexia Town was destroyed, and they all ran out."

Veins popped up on Ling Yun's forehead, seeing Long Xingtian and the others coming out at this moment, he quickly asked, "What happened?"

"Brother Ling Yun, a group of people suddenly appeared in the courtyard. It seems that An Qing is invincible. By the way, there is also a big angry tiger."

"who is it!"

"I heard it's the true eye of the evil king!"

"Well, there are Pisces!" Beibei added.

Ling Yun is full of anger, he is the evil king again, he died to ask the crime, and now another one provokes him, it's endless! !
It really made him angry. The evil king's real eyes destroyed the Moon Town Demon Tower and released the Pisces Monarch. This is something he cannot tolerate.

"Stay here well, don't wander around, wait for me to come back." Ling Yun drew a circle on the spot, telling them not to step out of this circle!


Ling Yun returned to the Wuhun Continent full of anger!


Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and the city of Time in the middle of the night was shrouded in endless darkness.

The Pisces Lord looked up at the night, there was night, and it was so dark that it was so dark that he was terrified!

Xie Wang swallowed his saliva with his real eyes, what was going on with this vast power, he felt a little uneasy! !

The ground of the courtyard was filled with black air, and a terrifying black field was formed in an instant.

"he came!"

Xie Wang Zhenyan's eyes widened, he didn't expect Ling Yun to appear in such a way, damn it, almost, almost, almost! ! !
"You have to pay for your stupid behavior!!"

Ling Yun's voice was full of murderous intent, and the people who came out of the Moon Town Demon Tower couldn't take it anymore, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding.

"It's so terrifying and murderous, I'm not reconciled."



Those with low strength couldn't bear it, their internal organs were about to be shattered, and they fell to the ground with pain on their faces.

"Pluto, it's him!"

The Pisces Monarch trembled, his face was covered with beads of sweat the size of soybeans, and his lips trembled slightly.

Xie Wang Zhenyan's pupils slowly widened, watching Ling Yun slowly appearing from the black mist, and An Qing said in surprise: "Ling Yun, you are finally here!"

The evil king couldn't help swallowing when he saw the first demon form. He said helplessly, "We meet again, Pluto... I heard from my king that this was an accident!"


Surprise Nima!

Ling Yun smiled, endless anger danced in his eyes, and his face was gentle and gentle.

"Accept the baptism of death."

A killing intent soaring to the sky swept over, and then a figure like a demon rushed over, carrying evil and murderous aura that swept the world.

(End of this chapter)

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