Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1534 Another dead one

Chapter 1534 Another Death (Second)
The Pisces Monarch uttered a heart-piercing scream. This scene made Xie Wang Zhenyan's heart tremble violently. There was a deep look of fear in his eyes, and his body involuntarily took a few steps back.

Next, Ling Yun stomped Pisces Sovereign into the ground, and the latter let out an incomparably shrill scream.

"Help me, Master Xie Wang Zhenyan!"

"You forgot about the ghost island."

What Ling Yun said was full of murderous intent. He exerted his strength again, and with his last kick, not only broke the back of Pisces Monarch, but also formed a long and deep ditch on the ground.

Xie Wang Zhenyan came back to his senses, pulled out a spear, and came to a bottom line!
Seeing this scene, An Qing directly covered her mouth, and Ling Yun was stabbed.

"It's your turn, are you ready?"

Ling Yun's scarlet eyes turned to look at Xie Wang's real eyes.

Xie Wang's real eyes widened, obviously pierced in, why Pluto was fine, he couldn't figure it out.

"After the three tricks, you will no longer exist in the world!!"

There was a majestic murderous intent in Ling Yun's stern tone, which immediately made Xie Wang Zhenyan gasp. At this moment, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and the hairs on his whole body stood on end.


The evil king is really not convinced by what he said!

At the same time, a huge force surged upwards from Ling Yun's palm, like nine oceans, like three universes, so vast that no one could resist it.

He pushed it with his palm, and it hit the Xie Wang Zhenyan's chest, and the latter spat out a mouthful!

What power!
"Ahem... This king is hurting to death. I didn't expect you to be as strong as they said."

The murderous aura roared in Xie Wang's true eyes, and with a flip of his palm, a dazzling mask of true qi condensed into a huge golden sword of true qi.

With a flick of Ling Yunxu's finger, a burst of energy directly blasted away the move of Xie Wang's true eyes, and the latter's eyes widened again!
"Damn, is it related to the domain? Not only you have it, but this king also has it!"

He doesn't believe that Ling Yun is stronger than him?Will it be the real god?
As soon as the words fell, the evil king's true eyes circled in place, and a black mist also rose around him, and then a person walked out of the mist, each with immeasurable strength.

Ling Yun said: "Is this your domain? I am so disappointed."

Ling Yun squeezed the sword seal with both hands, and the sword light burst out from the fingertips. The black field was thousands of miles long. When he swung it, the sky clouds were chopped into pieces, and the void was turbulent. An Qing was stunned.

The sword shined for nine days, swept across the world for [-] miles, and slashed at the area of ​​the evil king's true eye, making the sound of the drum beating, followed by another loud bang, the sky exploded into chaos.

This momentum is like the wrath of a king, and the common people will submit to it.

The domain was shattered, the evil king's true eyes were severely injured, and Ling Yun's figure appeared in an instant!


The evil king's true eyes were pinched by Ling Yun's neck, and his face turned into a pig's liver. His face was full of fear. As one of the ancient evil kings, he could never believe that he was defeated in just two moves.

However, this is the truth.

He can't die, Lord Yinfeng is waiting for him, waiting for his call, the goddess Lu Xueyao has already found it!

"Can you give me a chance." Xie Wang Zhenyan said, he was strangled and couldn't break free at all.

There are black shackles wrapped around him, and they are like iron chains, firmly trapping him.

"Hahaha, what do you think!" Ling Yun sneered.

Xie Wang's true eyes squinted at An Qing: "Miss, help me to plead for mercy!!"

He didn't want to be humble, but... there was nothing he could do, he really couldn't die, at least he had to tell his brothers who the goddess was before he died.

Hearing this, Ling Yun became even more angry, as he expected, the evil king's true eyes had recognized An Qing.

Ling Yun is selfish, he doesn't want An Qing to recover her ancient memories, no matter who is right or wrong in ancient times!
An Qing kept silent, leaving everything to Ling Yun herself, and she didn't want Xie Wang Zhenyan to live, she didn't know the latter, so why did she plead for him.

Ling Yun said: "An Qing, kill or let go!"

This sentence is just to test An Qing's thoughts, no matter what the latter decides, the evil king must die!
Xie Wang Zhenyan said: "Miss, this king is under your father's lord, he can't lose me!"

He hated why Ling Yun came so quickly, he was almost, almost, almost! !

An Qing's eyes flashed a gleam that she didn't notice: "Kill it."

Ling Yun smiled, and the surrounding air suddenly condensed into ice, and his hands were filled with coldness.


Xie Wang Zhenyan's eyes widened, and he was struggling for the last time in extreme pain.

A cold current spread from his neck all the way.

"Go down and meet your brother, the evil king, and question your crimes, you two have companions!"

Hearing this, the pupils of Xie Wang's real eyes dilated several times until his body was completely frozen, and the expression of fear and shock remained on his face.

With Ling Yun's hand force, the body of the frozen evil king Zhenyan shattered to the ground. One of the famous generation of evil kings, he who shocked the ancients and the Demon God Sea completely ended his life.

As the saying goes, if you don't die, you won't die, and he just hates living for too long.

Xie Wang really couldn't believe it, what kind of cold current could destroy his god body.

With a strong physical body, he was one of the most powerful in the sea of ​​demon gods. Why did he die at the hands of an ancient Hades? It's a fantasy.

He was even more shocked by what he heard before he died. He was not the first evil king to die at the hands of the ancient Hades. It's ridiculous. Power, why do you have such a big gap.

An Qing ran over, hugged Ling Yun and cried bitterly. She almost thought that she would never see Ling Yun again, because Xie Wang Zhenyan wanted to take her to Demon God Sea.

"Fool, why are you crying!" Ling Yun licked and smiled, and patted An Qing's back lightly!

Ling Yun looked up to the sky and sprayed a mouthful of blood, took a few steps back, lowered his head to look at the knife on his chest, and looked at An Qing with incredible eyes!



An Qing's eyes were cold and full of hatred, Ling Yun couldn't believe that such a look would appear in An Qing's eyes.

Not only the chest, Ling Yun was also stabbed in the right lung.

An Qing held the knife tremblingly, her eyes were full of unbearable, and finally shed a tear.

Ling Yun's huge power gushed out to the outside, and instantly bounced An Qing, and a trace of power rushed out of Ling Yun's body, forming a strong current that soared into the sky, and the black domain was shattered.

Suiyue City was immediately shrouded in a terrifying power, which woke everyone up in the middle of the night, and the power spread, and finally made the Wuhun Continent even more terrifying, with hot sparks shaking constantly.

Everyone was very surprised, and then they were ecstatic, because all the spiritual energy rushed into the Wuhun Continent, that is to say, Ling Yun was a spiritual body, and what came out of his body was powerful and huge spiritual energy.

Ling Yun's face turned pale, then he smiled wryly, and muttered to himself: "Hateful Xie Wang Zhenyan, if you are not dead, I will definitely make your life worse than death."

If he guessed correctly, An Qing must have temporarily revived her ancient memories just now, and Xie Wang Zhenyan didn't know how to awaken her memories, and she always made a wrong step after all her calculations.

Ling Yun's teeth itched with hatred, and he stomped on the broken ice shards on the ground to vent his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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