Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1535 Doubt

Chapter 1535 Doubt (third update)

Ling Yun's power was being drained, he frowned, and turned into everything, in order to heal the undead body and prevent the power from leaking out.

In a moment!
Ling Yun, who had already turned into dust, condensed again.

The Wuhun Continent at this moment is comparable to the climax of spiritual energy recovery, the spiritual energy is more than five times that of before, and can be compared with the ancient times.

"An Qing, An Qing...wake up!"

Ling Yun walked to her side, gently picked her up, and beat her down with streaks of holy light.

An Qing dazedly opened her eyes, blinked and asked, "What happened just now?"

"You were so excited that you passed out!" Ling Yun laughed!
Her memory is temporarily revived, that is to say, there is an incubation period, and she will still remember it slowly in the future, which is a big trouble.

After all, with the subconscious mind, the possibility of recovery in the future is very high.


An Qing thumped her head.

"Don't beat it, follow me, the matter of the demon domain is not over yet."

"Sissy is here too."

"I'm afraid it's too late, those three children are starting to be restless."

As Ling Yun said, he walked to the corpse of Lord Pisces. He took back the divine weapon gourd, and then burned the corpses with a strange fire, including others who came out of the Moon Tower. They died in a coma.

"Xiao Liu, get up! Don't sleep if you have nothing to do!"

Ling Yun walked over and gently pushed him with his feet, his dark and deep icy eyes looked wild, unrestrained, evil and terrifying.

The sixth protector immediately woke up, jumped suddenly, and smiled at Ling Yun: "My lord, be gentle, my old bones can't stand your feet, I'll go back right away!"

Ling Yun's head was full of black lines, why did this sound so awkward, and An Qing who was on the side laughed, with a smile on her face and sideways cheeks.

After the Six Protectors returned to the divine weapon gourd, Ling Yun sighed and came to the side of the divine beast Lime Tiger.

An Qing's face was gloomy, her brows were furrowed, her heart fluctuated like a boat in the waves, and she asked, "Is it hopeless?"

The aura of the beast Flame Tiger seems to be there, and it looks very serious.

Ling Yun has black lines all over his head, with him around, as long as he doesn't die, it doesn't matter.


At this moment, the divine beast Flaming Tiger has completely suffered from its sequelae, and it has turned into a very small tiger, a little fatter than the watchdog.

"Boss, you are finally here, I tried my best, I'm sorry, I disappointed you so much."

"It's okay, cultivate well, you are a blessing in disguise this time, and the time to use the Beast God Art will increase in the future."


Hearing this, the eyes of the divine beast Flaming Tiger instantly burst into stars.

Ling Yun's thin lips instantly pursed into a stiff straight line, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, thinking silently, it was so happy to use it, and it needs to rest in peace to recover in the future.

The beast Flame Tiger smiled, with yearning and nostalgia on his face: "From now on, I will be the first brother among the beasts."

Ling Yun didn't bother to pay attention to it, and with a wave of his hand, the yard returned to its original state again. The watchdog stood up unsteadily at this moment, thinking that Ling Yun was an enemy, and rushed over to bite him.

"Take a good look at the house for a few days!"

Hearing this terrifying sound, the watchdog immediately came to a sudden stop and nodded towards Ling Yunkuang.

"Little Huzi, take a good rest in the space." Ling Yun wiped lightly, and the beast Raging Tiger on the ground disappeared like a puff of smoke.

An Qing said: "Go to the Yaozu first, don't let them make trouble."

"Let's go together and help me look after them. There are too many people there, how can I take care of them alone."

Ling Yun turned his head in front of the black hole, smiling softly, with two shallow dimples on his face, and even gave An Qing a look.

An Qing's thin lips slightly raised, with a gentle smile, but she seemed happy, her head moved a little bit and said: "That's good!"

Being able to be with Ling Yun, she is willing to do whatever she wants, not to mention there is a little guy to take care of.

As for Mingcheng Primary School's classes for the next few days, she had no choice but to let it go. She left a letter to explain to Wan Qing, who couldn't see her tomorrow, so he would naturally come to look for her!
In the sea of ​​trees in the Demon Realm, the little guy was waiting impatiently, and kept mumbling, why it took so long!
All the land on the ground was dug out by her with a branch to make a small hole.

Long Yanran said: "Qi Qian, what are you complaining about?"


The little guy pursed his lips, looking angry!

She also said no, Long Yanran smiled and said nothing, this child is too cute.

"I'm coming!"

Beibei exclaimed, not knowing why the child was so happy, probably because he could play.

"So long."

The little guy's complaining eyes made everyone dumbfounded, but she was a little surprised that her mother followed her.


Beibei's iridescent eyes were slightly mischievous, as clear as a river, and a little pitiful, staring straight at Ling Yun!

Ling Yun's head is full of black lines, Bei Bei's eyes, he understands!
"Since you're here, stay here."


That's what Beibei wanted, and the three children jumped up all at once.

"Papa, this place is so big."

The little guy refused to come down to walk, and sat on Ling Yun's shoulder, pointing around in a childish voice.


The monster domain can be called a domain, it must be big, the area of ​​the tree sea is as big as three Wuhun continents, and there are several territories outside the tree sea, which also belong to the monster clan!
In comparison, Qianye's only has the red flower capital, which is twice the size of the Wuhun Continent and a quarter of the Yaoyu.

Not only is the place big, but there are also many demon kings. There must have been seven or eight who died in Ling Yun's hands, but at this moment in the demon domain, whether it is transformed or not, a large number are caught.

There are so many of them, and I don't know how the golden lions were cultivated. They are not even considered as the four most powerful demon kings.

No wonder no one dared to venture into the demon realm, it was so dangerous, no one wanted to die.

Beibei's face was serious and extremely vigilant, she suddenly turned her head and said to Ling Yun, "Report to Your Majesty, we are surrounded."

The little guy grinned from ear to ear.

Then Ling Yun and the others also laughed: "Babe, be serious!"

"Yes, sir!"

Beibei had a tall and straight figure, a standard military posture, and saluted Ling Yun.

Long Yanran smiled and said with stomach cramps: "Quickly tell me, how many people are on the other side!"

"That's a lot in one circle."

They are surrounded, that is, a circle of people, there is nothing wrong with that!
Ling Yun said: "I leave it to you, just to give you a chance to practice."

Hearing this, Long Xingtian and the others became excited, with Ling Yun taking the lead, this is a great opportunity.

Ling Yun continued: "Let's have a lottery. The three of you are about the same strength. Whoever gets the monster Dando can talk to me about a condition."

Hearing this, Beibei thought it was about their three children, so she jumped up and clapped her hands excitedly.

An Qing rolled her eyes and said speechlessly: "Beibei, don't get excited, Ling Yun is not talking about you, it's your parents and your aunt."


Beibei was not disappointed, she was still just as excited!
(End of this chapter)

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