Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1536

Chapter 1536 The Ice Palace is Present (First Change)
Long Xingtian chose a direction at will, rushed out with his sword in hand, and the screams of monsters came out not long after.

Beibei said in a milky voice, "Dad, come on!"

The little guy also said: "Uncle Long, come on."

Qin Xianglian smiled brightly, "Beibei, mom is going to kill monsters too, why don't you cheer me up? I'm jealous."

Beibei's eyes rolled round and round: "Mom, too!"

It's all their family anyway, it doesn't matter who wins or loses, Beibei is not a foolish child.

Most of these monsters are in the tribulation period, and they should be forced to rush to die. The purpose is to consume physical strength and strength. None of these monster kings are idlers.

Not long after, Long Yanran was the first to come back, holding a sack full of monster pills in her hand, Beibei happily ran over.

one... two...

Afterwards, it was An Qing who helped her finish the count, wouldn't it be over with a sweep of her spiritual sense?

Long Yanran scored 43!
A lightning-like figure flew over, it turned out to be Long Xingtian, the latter suppressed his anger, immediately turned over and rushed over again.

"Boy, do you still dare to come back?"

At this time, a strange voice came out, Long Yanran and the others immediately ran over, and there were a few more people outside the towering tree.

"Give them back to me." Long Xingtian was furious!

At this moment, he was held around his neck by two people with swords!
"What's yours? With your strength, how dare you say that this monster pill is yours?"

"It's not afraid to laugh out loud when it spreads."

This is an old man. He is dressed in fiery red and his eyes are sharp and gloomy. He is not a good person at a glance.

Beibei ran over, and said in a childish voice, "Let go of my father."

"Yo, the old one was hit, and a young one came."


Several people burst out laughing.

Beibei stared angrily at the old man and the others, while Long Xingtian said: "Beibei, go away."

These few people are obviously superior to the Immortal Emperor, and he is not an opponent.

Beibei's eyes rolled round, and suddenly bumped into the old man, then fell to the ground, crying loudly: "Wuuuu, I hit the kid, it hurts like hell."

The corners of An Qing and the others' mouths twitched violently, dumbfounded!
Little Irene muttered: "Isn't my sister trying to cheat people?"

Beibei, you have learned how to touch porcelain!

The old man's mature middle-aged face covered with wrinkles is as solemn, serious and solid as the earth...

A pair of pitch-black eyes flashed dark green from time to time, looking a little weird.

"Little boy, you are looking for death, right? This old man will fulfill you."

It was said that An Qing and the others were about to make a move, but someone was a step faster.

"Stop it, in broad daylight, everyone came here to carry out the demon-killing order, and that's our ally. How could you do such a thing?"

As the sound sounded, the sword on Long Xingtian's neck was also bounced off, and the two were shocked back.

A burst of fresh fragrance floats in, and the flickering figure in the woods arrives in an instant.

The woman came in front of everyone, and a cold breath emerged, and then many people came, and the ones behind were all men.

"Are you? A person from the Peerless Ice Palace?" The old man frowned, and he saw the logo of the woman's clothing.

"Peerless Ice Palace, as cold as frost!"

"Old Man Catmull Alliance, Daoyi Daoist, the two of them are my disciples."

"Hmph, you guys are really shameless for bullying a child." The obsidian-like eyes, as cold as frost, exuded a cold and sharp light, bringing an infinite sense of oppression.

A group of licking dogs behind said: "Ice Palace Fairy descends to earth, what is Catmull."

"Bullying children is not a good thing."

"Sister Leng is amazing."

"Don Catmull has no shame."

The old man snorted coldly, his eyes radiated coldness and said: "The Ice Palace is here, so you want to take care of the Catmull League?"

Beibei rolled a few times, came to Leng Ru Shuang, holding the latter's thigh, crying, "Woohoo, sister, the bad old man hit me, it hurts."

Leng Rushuang hugged Beibei in distress, wiped the latter's eyes, and comforted: "Don't cry, sister will help you."

"Hmm. Mmm!"

On Ling Yun's side, the corners of their mouths twitched violently as they watched, and the little guy covered his eyes, unable to bear to look directly at them.

"Old man, don't care what you say, bullying a child is nothing, if you have the ability to fight with me." Leng Rushuang said.


The licking dogs were in an uproar, and everyone's eyes were on the old man.

The old man's face was very ugly, and he said angrily: "She fell down by herself, it's none of my business."

"You think I'll believe it?"

Leng Rushuang heard that this old man wanted the lives of Long Xingtian's father and daughter, so it's no wonder he believed him.

"Beibei's whole body hurts, that bad old man beat her."

Beibei looked aggrieved.

Such a cute child, this Katmu alliance is really inhumane, Leng Rushuang became angry at this moment.

The old man was speechless and could only become angry!
"Being right, the old man is angry." A dog licked.

"Hmph, let's show your original shape, come on!" Leng Rushuang put Beibei down, and then the temperature dropped as soon as she released her momentum.

The old man lost just because of his momentum. He knew that if he continued to fight, he would not get any good results, so he simply pretended to be invincible.

The three masters and apprentices can't just ruin their lives on the periphery. This is irrational, so the old man is very smart.

"I'll teach you a lesson this time, and it's because you are carrying out the demon-killing order. You can leave after apologizing."

Leng Rushuang's delicate face contained anger! !
"There are monsters!"

The old man immediately pointed behind her, and when Leng Rushuang looked back, he dragged the two apprentices away.

Beibei: "..."

Leng Rushuang said: "I'm so mad, you are lucky."

The crowd licked the dog and said: "Sister Leng really has a kind heart, and a beautiful person is even more beautiful."

Beibei said: "Thank you sister!"

She immediately squatted on the ground and picked up the Pokémon Pill on the ground.

When the old man learned that his apprentice was so frightened that he left the demon pill, he scolded him bloody. Fortunately, it wasn't theirs, otherwise he would have killed him.

"Hahaha, my father has so many grades." Beibei couldn't count, and it looked like she had more than her aunt.

Qin Xianglian's is less than Long Yanran's, so Long Xingtian is temporarily ahead.

Leng Rushuang came over and said to An Qing and the others, "You guys are so weak, how can you protect them well with just one person."

She observed the cultivation of An Qing and the others, only An Qing couldn't see through them, so she thought that An Qing was taller than her, but it was impossible for one person to protect so much.

How many beauties are there?

The crowd licked the dog and said: "If you don't join us, we can protect you."

An Qing flatly refused: "No need, what happened just now, thank you for coming forward."

Leng Rushuang was embarrassed, if it found An Qing with such high strength, she would definitely not make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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