Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1537

Chapter 1537 Demon Danjia Wangzai (Second Change)
Qin Xianglian coughed twice!
Only then did Long Xingtian turn his eyes away, the coldness of frost was so touching, and her snow-white clothes reflected her beauty even more.

"Girl, thank you for your rescue just now."

"Not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning." Leng Rushuang shook her head slightly, she looked at Ling Yun with familiar eyes.

And An Qing blocked her line of sight, and said, "Fellow Daoist, let's just leave it at this point, we have to move on."


Leng Rushuang nodded, watching An Qing and the others leave, the group of licking dogs was full of regret.

The words of advice have already been said, and since An Qing and the others insist on not listening, there is nothing they can do, but she always feels that Ling Yun has met somewhere.

Suddenly her eyes widened, that man is not Pluto.

"He He!!"

Leng Rushuang immediately turned her head, and said to the dog, "Be careful, I have something to do."

The licking dogs were stunned, they didn't want this beautiful fairy to leave their side.

"Sister Fairy, don't abandon us."

"Without you, we will be swallowed by monsters."

"Have pity on us."

No matter what the group of licking dogs say, Leng Rushuang remains indifferent, there is nothing more important than meeting Pluto.

"Take care of yourselves. If you can't do it, just quit. Don't sacrifice your life in vain."

After Leng Rushuang left these words, she jumped and disappeared from their sight.

Ever since she came to Demon Realm, she lost contact with the senior sister of Ice Palace, and she was left alone because of lack of sense of direction.

At this moment, she was chasing in the direction where Ling Yun left just now, but after chasing for a long time, she couldn't find any trace, so she had to give up.

Ling Yun and the others changed the direction. Her spiritual sense could only cover her more than a dozen meters away, which was not enough for Ling Yun to play with. The latter's spiritual sense covered the entire demon realm.

"Beibei, you're not good at math."

"who said it!"

Beibei's way of retorting is so cute, it makes everyone laugh.

Not long after they left, the three little guys said they were hungry and would not leave unless they were given food!

Ling Yun whispered to An Qing: "Look, I've said it all, they will only seriously affect the itinerary here."

An Qing said: "Then what can I do!"

"What are you mumbling about?" The little guy stared at the two of them, blinking and blinking.

"Discuss what to eat." Ling Yun replied with black lines all over his head.

The little guy acted indifferent: "Just by the way?"

"Egg fried rice?"


"Meat porridge?"


Ling Yun: "..."

An Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it wasn't the first time for this child to be inconsistent, he was used to it.

Then Lingyun decided to kiln chicken, simple and delicious! !
Long Xingtian and Long Yanran also continued to kill monsters nearby to complete the task.

After everything was ready, Ling Yun touched little Irene's head and said, "Little Irene, this is your meal!"

As he spoke, he took out some demon pills!
Little Irene scratched her head, and said in a childish voice, "Is this edible?"


Hearing this, little Irene took one and put it in her mouth! !

threw up!
Little Irene was trembling all over, the demon pill was too unpalatable, she spit it out after taking a bite!

So wasteful?

The pill that little Irene took casually just now is the demon pill of the wind monster Flying Tiger, the Flying Tiger Immortal Master's cultivation base!

If others knew, this demon pill was wasted by little Irene, and I don't know how distressed it would be.

Refuse to eat?
The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, he grabbed little Irene, and directly sent the demon pill to her mouth!
Little Irene suddenly felt bewildered, swallowed a mouthful, then trembled all over, spat out a few more, and then burst into tears.

An Qing looked over, immediately stopped Ling Yun, stared and said: "Ling Yun, what are you doing, you insist on abusing her."

Where is abuse, everything is for her good!
Little Irene didn't know why, rubbed her eyes with her hands, and hid behind An Qing! !

Beibei and the little guy also ran over to see what was going on!

Beibei thought it was that kind of unpalatable soul crystal, watching little Irene vomit all over the floor.

Is it really that bad?

Ling Yun put the demon pill in his mouth and began to bite it with gusto.

I really don't know why little Irene is so resistant! !
Little Ailin watched Ling Yun swallow it, and shivered again.

"Don't look at me, I'm really good for her."

Ignoring An Qing's gaze, Ling Yun took out a plate in front of them.

They were still wondering why they wanted a plate, but Ling Yun put a bunch of demon pills into it, then released a force to shatter it, and poured Wangzai into it!

The little guys were dumbfounded!

Beibei said: "Little Irene doesn't know what to buy, handsome Shushu, I like the one in your hand the most, it's not bad at all."

The little guy said: "Papa, is this for me?"

"No, little Irene was injured a little bit, so I need to take this, this is a tonic, you can't compete with her. You know."

"OK then."

Beibei and the little guy watched eagerly, their little heads moving unconsciously.

Little Irene pinched her nose, looking at the plate of Yaodan Jiawangzai in Ling Yun's hand, with a disgusted expression on her face.

An Qing said: "Little Irene, since it's medicine, you must finish it."


Little Irene resisted.

This time Ling Yun smiled and said: "If you don't want it, then I'll give it to Beibei and Qianqian, don't regret it."

Hearing this, Beibei and the little guy swallowed their saliva and licked their mouths again. It was really dumbfounding.

Looking at the plate of Wangzai, little Irene was reluctant!
In the end, she still took it, licked it first, then widened her eyes, drank Beibei behind the little guy's back, and finished it in one gulp.

So good.

When she looked up, she saw four pairs of eyes looking at her!
Needless to say, it was the little guy and Beibei, they asked in unison: "Is it good?"

"Yeah, it's delicious."

Can it be bad?

After licking all the plates clean, she asked Ling Yun if he had any, but the latter shrugged and didn't have any for the time being.


Several green-headed leopards rushed out from the woods, with killing intent in their eyes.

The green-headed leopard let out a roar, stomped its sharp claws fiercely on the ground, swooped up in an instant, and opened its mouth like Ling Yun biting it.

There was a metallic luster on the fangs, and three streaks of true energy on the sharp claws, tearing towards Ling Yun's chest.

A ray of light burst out from Ling Yun's fingertips, which turned into sword energy!

Like a flash of light, the sharp sword energy pierced the air, like cutting paper, and skipped the neck of the Qinglin-headed leopard.

A sword flashed, Ling Yun frowned, still thinking.

The air seemed to freeze.


The next moment, the blue-headed leopard's head fell down, and the incision on the neck was as smooth as a mirror.

After that, there were several green-headed leopards who slaughtered Xiang Lingyun, but without exception, they were all beheaded by Ling Yun with a sword.

After a few breaths, the green-headed leopards were completely wiped out, and the ground was covered with blood. This bloody smell is the easiest to attract all kinds of fierce monsters. Even with a little luck, some low-level monsters may be attracted.

An Qing was full of doubts, she said: "The monsters nearby should all be killed by Long Xingtian and the others, how could there be monsters with the strength of a fairy king coming here."

"Someone found us."

Ling Yun stared coldly at the depths of the woods with his icy deep green eyes, and there were a few birdsongs in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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