Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1538 Roadblocking Demon King

Chapter 1538 Roadblocking Demon King (Third Change)

The green-headed leopard must have received an order!

Otherwise, it is impossible to just smell the smell.

"A little strength!"

Suddenly a figure emerged from the ground, startling the three little guys, with a fiery red cloak draped over their shoulders.

Demon King!

An Qing could tell at a glance that this person had a completely different smell from ordinary people.

"Oh... can't wait to come and die." Ling Yun smiled, and the demon king was almost like an ant in his eyes.

"Yeah, let's see if you have the ability to kill me. To be honest, I really want to die, hahaha." The green-headed leopard demon king narrowed his eyes, and looked up and down at Ling Yun and the others with a very cold look. .

Ling Yun took a step forward, Beibei grabbed his clothes, and said in a childlike voice, "Handsome Shushu, you taught me the sword energy just now, and I can protect you after I learn it."

The child had been quiet for so long, so it turned out that he was recalling Ling Yun's fingertip sword aura when he beheaded the blue-headed leopard just now!

"What did you learn before? Aoxie swordsmanship? Thunder half-moon slash, snow drifting in the world?" Ling Yun asked.

Beibei scratched her head, lowered her head, then looked up at Ling Yun seriously and said, "It's so hard, I want to learn even better!"


The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched violently!

Others are eager to learn one and a half moves of god-level swordsmanship, but this child despises them and started to work hard!
The green-headed leopard demon king's eyes shone fiercely, and a vicious grin appeared on his face: "You actually ignore me, die."

Ling Yun was still talking with Beibei, but An Qing drew out her sword and said, "Ling Yun, don't interfere, let me exercise."


Ling Yun has plenty of time!
"Okay?" Beibei hugged Ling Yun's feet, acting like a baby.

Ling Yun said rather amusedly: "Bei Bei, don't pick up corn like a monkey!"


"The so-called monkey picks up corn, picks up one and throws one away, but in the end it doesn't get any."

"No, no, I learned it in the past, but now I'm learning the new one. It's not like Brother Monkey picking corn at all!" Beibei curled her lips!

Hear it!

Seems to be such a reason, the corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched violently.

The little guy and the little Irene were cheering An Qing on, and from time to time they complained about the appearance of the green-headed leopard demon king, or about his martial arts.

"It's all red, like a girl."

"Aha, this trick is a toad, it's not pretty at all."

Hearing this, the green-headed leopard demon blew his beard and stared angrily!
An Qing just asked him to practice, and the strength of the latter was a bit lower than hers.

Ling Yun said: "Okay, I will use it next time I have a chance, you must take a good look at it."

Little stars popped out of Beibei's eyes, and her little head lit up vigorously.


Hearing such a fierce fight here, Long Yanran came back, and she met the green-headed leopard lurking here, every strength was above that of an immortal.

How could she overwhelm the enemy, she could only use her body skills to dodge desperately, while shouting Brother Lingyun!

The green-headed leopard was very agile, and immediately blocked Long Yanran's way.

Just as they were attacking Long Yanran, an invisible force surged out, and the green-headed leopards that surrounded Long Yanran instantly vomited blood and died after struggling a few times.

Long Yanran patted her heart, her frightened face was as pale as a piece of snow...

Bei Bei hugged Ling Yun's feet again, the latter had black lines all over his head!
"Handsome sorghum~"

I didn't understand it before, but it turns out that these are the big moves, terrifying and powerful, much more powerful than supreme suppression.

"Okay, okay, I'll teach you, you have to pay more attention."

With such a powerful killer move, Ling Yun was also afraid of handing it over to Bei Bei, who would use it indiscriminately and kill innocent people by mistake!

"Well, I learned that I will not use it indiscriminately."

Beibei actually understands his worries, he is such a good boy.

By the way, Long Yanran took the demon pills of those green-headed leopards, and brought them back to Ling Yun. She didn't kill them, so they couldn't put them in her sack.

The little guy cast a glance at Lingyun and Beibei, and then ran over: "Papa, I want it too!"

Ling Yun: "..."

Beibei took out a lollipop and handed it to the little guy: "Nonuo, here you are!"

The little guy was very happy, and jumped to the side of little Irene again, and they started to complain about the blue-headed leopard demon king again.

In a moment!
Long Xingtian and Qin Xianglian ran over panting, their faces were very excited.

Beibei said: "Father, what are you running, your head is sweating!"

This kid is a big kid!
Long Xingtian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said to Ling Yun: "Brother Ling Yun, we found a spiritual fruit recorded in the book."

"Oh... what is it?" Ling Yun's face was plain!
"Dragon blood fruit!"

"Good stuff."

Hearing this, Ling Yun had an understatement smile on his face.

The demon king, the green-headed leopard, also heard it, and his body erupted with momentum, shocking An Qing back!

"You must die, give me all!"

The demon king's green-headed leopard stared at Ling Yun and the others with killing intent in his eyes.

He came out in person only after he found out that Ling Yun was near the dragon blood fruit, but he didn't expect to be found.


All of his blue-headed leopard men were killed by Ling Yun, and his expression was extremely ugly at the moment!

Long Yanran said: "You're done, you're the only one left."

"Even if I'm left, I won't let you succeed."

The dragon blood fruit is a tribute to the Demon Emperor's Golden Lion, and it will bear fruit every 5000 years, so there must be no mistakes in the details.

Ling Yun wanted to make a move, but Bei Bei said in a childish voice, "Handsome Shushu, perform that big move again."

The power of the angry demon king, the green-headed leopard, was gathering, and the surrounding forests were broken.

Ling Yun's eyes were concentrated, and an invisible force was released, sweeping away mountains and seas, sweeping away the demon king's green-headed leopard.

The demon king's green-headed leopard instantly widened his eyes, his face was full of fear, and sweat the size of a bean appeared on his forehead. This force was too powerful for him to bear.

No last words.

The demon king's green-headed leopard didn't even retreat, just like that, it was fatally attacked, with blood dripping from the corner of its mouth, and slowly fell to the ground.

Beibei opened her small mouth wide and her face was full of shock. This move is really awesome. People who fall into this move don't know how to die.

The little guy ran over, but she was so dazed that she didn't even know what happened.

An Qing said: "Sissy, he died so badly, don't watch it."

After the little guy looked at the demon king's blue-headed leopard on the ground, the latter had changed back to its original form, which was a relatively large blue-headed leopard!
The little guy was a little scared, so he hid in An Qing's arms.

"Let's see if you dare to be the first to come up in the future. If he doesn't die, you will be miserable."

The little guy shook his head: "Don't dare, I will go up next time when my sister goes up."

Beibei: "..."

After Ling Yun took away its demon pill, he followed Long Xingtian closely!
Dragon blood fruit can strengthen the physical body, but it is a rare spiritual fruit in 5000 years, so it cannot be let go.

(End of this chapter)

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