Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1539 Dragon's Blood Fruit

Chapter 1539 Dragon Blood Fruit (first update)
Led by Long Xingtian, they soon arrived at their destination.

Under the cover of dense bushes, a lake is hidden in a valley, shaped like a crescent moon.

The surface of the lake is calm and waveless, like a blue mirror.

Ling Yun and the others looked as far as the eye could see, and saw that in the deepest part of the quiet lake, there was a piece of land with a small tree about the height of a child growing.

This tree has a strange shape, like a snake winding and coiling, the bark is turned up like fish scales, and on the branches, there are seven fiery red fruits hanging.

This fruit is also very strange. It looks like a dragon fruit on the surface, overflowing with life essence and giving off a little luster.

"That's the dragon blood fruit." Long Xingtian stared at the front with his eyes, his heart beating uncontrollably.

An Qing said: "I'll go get it right away."

The three little guys stared straight at it.

Ling Yun said: "Don't go, the Demon King Golden Lion attaches so much importance to the Dragon Blood Fruit, and the place is so quiet and scary, there must be more powerful monsters guarding it."

Hearing this, An Qing backed away immediately, but what Ling Yun said was true, she was almost careless.

The little guy said: "Don't be cowardly!"

Everyone: "..."

Long Yanran pushed her, jokingly said: "Go, get those seven fruits back."

"No! I'm afraid."

The little guy froze instantly, hiding behind Beibei, poking out a little head from time to time, really cute.

A violent roar shook the surroundings, the entire valley was buzzing and shaking, and the water surface began to wave.

Then, under the horrified eyes of An Qing and the others, a ferocious monster broke through the water and jumped into the air.

Long Xingtian's pupils shrank suddenly, he had never seen such a monster before.

The silver-ringed horned dragon python in front of him was more than ten feet long, and it was covered with silver python scales, and there were golden patterns on it.

On the hideous python's head, stood a jade-like curved horn, like a dragon's horn.

The golden animal pupils were full of madness and tyranny.

"Papa, thanks to the leather snake!"

The little guy looked disgusted!

"The silver-horned dragon python in the transformation period is the weakest, but it also has the most ferocious temperament, and it is terrifying underwater." Ling Yun said!

Beibei nodded, and said in a childish voice, "Said so much, it's still not a lazy snake."

Little Erin laughed.

"This aura is too terrifying. A person with my level of cultivation would probably be killed just by meeting him." Even Long Xingtian, who has gone through many trials, is also terrified at this moment.

As for Qin Xianglian, her calves trembled even more, and she flinched a little.

This is the ferocious power of the monster with the immortal emperor's cultivation base, even if it is the first level of the immortal emperor, it is difficult to confront him head-on.

Under Ling Yun's close watch, the silver-horned dragon python, full of monster aura, moved in mid-air, twisting its body violently.

"Intruder, die!"

The voice was muddy, with a sense of repression, Long Xingtian and the others were low in strength, and they only felt the blood in their bodies surging.

It is really courageous to say this to Ling Yun!
Ling Yun said: "Be obedient and take the dragon blood fruit, maybe you can still live."

The silver-horned dragon python spat out the snake letter, and stared at Ling Yun coldly.

Ling Yun punched out, and the void shook like glass shattered.

The silver-horned dragon python's eyes widened in vain, his face was full of fear, it was impossible to dive underwater, and he could only use all his strength to resist his physical body.

Vaguely, one could see a crack appearing on its body surface.

But seeing the silver-horned dragon python let out an unwilling roar, the huge python twisted and flew towards the dragon blood fruit.

Even if it eats it to death, it cannot give the dragon blood fruit to others.

"Won't give it to me? Hehe, can you do it?"

Ling Yun sneered.

The sword glow released by Ling Yun's fingertips was a very bright light, like the aurora in the sky.

But seeing a flash of light and shadow, the curved horn on the head of the silver-horned dragon python was instantly cut off.

This horn contains most of the power of the silver-horned dragon python, and if it loses the horn, it loses its power.

The silver-horned dragon python, which was originally sluggish, struggled crazily!

Beibei watched carefully without blinking.

Ling Yun smiled slightly, and drew out a sword aura again, this time with a flash of light, the silver-horned dragon python fell to the ground directly, and it was only one step away from swallowing the dragon blood fruit.

"Wow, that's amazing!"

Bebe's eyes twinkled with stars.

If there is no shocking scene, where is it powerful?The little guy's face turned black.

When the danger was lifted, An Qing flew over with a streak of light, and took seven dragon blood fruits.

"Ma Ma, give me one, thank you!"

"You shouldn't need it, right?"

Such a precious spiritual fruit is really a waste for the little guy, but the latter is just greedy, if you don't give it to you, you will act like a baby!
Ling Yun has no share of the seven dragon blood fruits, nor does he need them.

After Long Xingtian ate it, his realm improved, and his physical body also strengthened a lot.

Qin Xianglian and Long Yanran didn't feel any reaction after eating it, Ling Yun told them to wait, just meditate and exercise.

In a moment!
Their realm has not improved, but their bodies are more flexible and resilient, and their reactions are more agile.

An Qing's physical body has been strengthened a lot!

The three little guys didn't react at all, as if they were eating fruit.

Ling Yun said: "Wait here, the dragon blood fruit was taken by us, surrounded by monsters around, we need you."

Beibei scratched her head, and said in a milky voice, "Shuai Shushu is so powerful, how could he need help."

"I need your help to pick up the demon pills." Ling Yun rolled his eyes amusedly!

The little guy said: "Papa, you have to be paid for doing things for you, and you can't treat them badly."

Long Yanran smiled mischievously: "Xi Qian is right, but your father has no money, so you, as his daughter, have to help him out."


The little guy scratched his head in embarrassment, this time he dug himself into it.

"OK then!"

Thinking that she still has so many treasures in her hand, she looked rich and powerful.

One by one monsters quickly surrounded them, and the lake was densely packed, and the people who watched were panicked.

"Save a little energy and let me come. There are too many of you and you won't be able to kill them all."

Seeing that Long Xingtian was about to make a move, Ling Yun hurriedly said.

Suddenly, a roar of a beast came from not far away, and a group of demon wolves covered in pitch black rushed forward first.

Next, a three-legged cloud beast also ran wildly.

Three-eyed poisonous snake, raging fire eagle...

A large number of monsters surrounded Ling Yun and the others. Although they were all more powerful than real immortals, they were so densely packed that they were too soft to kill.


The little guy blocked Ling Yun, and couldn't bear to say: "Papa, they are also very pitiful, can you not kill them."

As soon as she thought about it, when these big monsters died, those little monsters lost their parents. How pitiful children without parents are, and they are bullied by others.

(End of this chapter)

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