Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1540 The Demon King Goes to War

Chapter 1540 The Demon Emperor Goes to War (Second Change)
If he killed one or two, a dozen or so would be fine, but if his father made a move, none of the monsters in front of him would survive.

Ling Yun said: "They are pitiful, have you thought about us?"

If they hadn't been present, relying on An Qing alone would not be able to protect them all.

The little guy didn't understand the truth, she only knew that killing them all was really a cruel thing.

"Papa, just let them go, it's really pitiful." The little guy lowered his eyes sadly, her eyes began to light up, covered with something like crystal glass, and her eyelashes moved a few times one after another.

The sky was as clear as the sky, but suddenly dark clouds covered it, and all the monsters stopped.

Because when the little guy is about to cry, there is a force in the sky!

Ling Yun sighed: "It's up to you, you can handle it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Ling Yun turned around by himself!

The little guy suddenly smiled: "Thank you, Papa."

"You...all of you, listen to me!!"

She who exudes the aura of the king of all beasts in her body stunned all the monsters at this moment.

Then one, two, three... until all the monsters surrendered.

"Papa, if they don't attack us, you have no reason to kill them." The little guy pouted.

"Ha ha!"

Sooner or later, this child will laugh at him to death, Ling Yun said with a smile all over his face: "You are in this war, don't go out, lest you lose your own life."

These words were spoken to the monsters, and they were even more frightened when they heard it. The aura of the King of Beasts that frightened them just now is even stronger than the aura of the King of Beasts at this moment!

Demon God!

It must be a demon god with supreme demon power, otherwise it would be impossible to have that power.

The monsters didn't think too much about it, they were obedient, they just wanted to stay here and not go anywhere.

After getting rid of this group of annoying monsters, Ling Yun and his party left the lakeside.


The Demon King Golden Lion has been forced to go to war, and what he has to face are people from the God Realm and a group of casual cultivators.

He doesn't pay attention to these people, but there is a prodigal son Jian Wuying, whose strength can fight with the domain master!
There is also the Martial Ancestor Emperor of the Ninth Heaven, You Yue of the Second Heaven, and Immortal Emperor Taiyi!

Added together, this is a very difficult lineup!

The demon emperor golden lion stared at everyone opposite him coldly, and he couldn't help thinking, if it wasn't Hades, who would want to destroy the demon realm?So overwhelmed!

His demon domain is not that simple, the demon king outside will not go there to die, the further back the demon king will be stronger, and it is their territory, it is like a tiger with wings added.

Moreover, there is an ancient demon god in the Demon Realm, as well as three demons who sneaked out from the seal on the edge of the universe. One demon can disturb the entire Seven Realms, and now he is on good terms with the three demons!

There are even more terrifying secrets in Yaoyu, and he gets extremely excited when he thinks about it.

These overreaching people who came to invade his demon domain this time did not know how to die.

The Demon Emperor Golden Lion frowned slightly, looked at the crowd in the distance, and said with a sneer: "You keep talking about the order to destroy the demon, who gave you the courage?"

Youyue, a woman, was being attacked by five demon kings at the moment, and when she was gradually losing, she angrily beheaded a demon king!
She wiped off the blood on her face with a wave of her hand, and a trace of cruelty curled up on her lips: "Are you blind, of course you are carrying out the demon king's order!"

"Hahaha, don't be ashamed to say it. Don't say if it is the king of the underworld. If it is, you are a bunch of bastards. The king of the underworld is a sinner, and you actually listen to him? The emperor will believe it!"

From Jin Lion's point of view, they just used the name of Pluto to invade his demon realm on a large scale, that's all they said.

Martial Ancestor God Emperor said: "Believe it or not, let's pretend we are here by ourselves."

He didn't want to say anything more, the old bones hadn't moved for a long time, and they were a little rusty, and he couldn't take advantage of being attacked by the seven demon kings.

The prodigal son Jian Wuying smiled constantly, and he used the great thousand swordsmanship, and the power was even more terrifying.

But seeing the shadows of swords one after another, it seems that the trajectories of the universe are intertwined, intertwined and combined with each other, airtight, it is a complete siege sword technique.

With a sword in his hand, he competed with the monster kings, killing one person in ten steps, and he would never stop for thousands of miles!
A sword flashed, and the blade tore the air in two, like a shooting star, across the necks of the monsters.


Blood was flying, but it didn't get on the prodigal son Jian Wuying's clothes.

Everyone shouted loudly, awesome!
If Ling Yun sees it, he will be surprised, he also knows this sword technique, the god-level sword technique Meteor Butterfly Sword did not expect the Prodigal Son Sword Wuying to be so proficient.

"Looking for death!" The demon emperor burst out in anger, and he swung his sword horizontally, the sword light was dazzling, as if thousands of sword qi were attacking and killing at the same time!

The monster beast is worthy of being the king among the monster beasts, it seems that the void is cut through by him with a single strike, accompanied by raging fire.

Everyone was shocked!

Unexpectedly, the Demon Emperor Golden Lion could cast a strange fire on a knife!

The prodigal son sword Wuying swung his sword to block it, but his figure stepped back again and again, and part of the clothes on his hands were burned.

For a moment and a half, the Prodigal Son Sword united with the Martial Ancestor God Emperor and Taiyi Immortal Emperor to draw a tie with the Demon Emperor Golden Lion.

Ling Yun's side was much calmer, and he only met some little monsters along the way, and the ones with hideous faces were all killed by Long Xingtian's sword.

Night is coming!

Ling Yun and the others also stopped moving forward, and set up tents on the spot. Long Xingtian was in charge of the three tents, and Ling Yun didn't have to do anything, just took a nap under the tree. It was more like watching the situation in the demon realm than taking a nap.

The place where the demon king's golden lions fight is the largest entrance and exit of the demon domain, which is located in the west, and the gap is called Humenkou.

As long as you guard the tiger's gate, you are guarding half of the demon realm.

The place where Ling Yun is located is the Eastern Sea of ​​Trees, and there are many people who have entered the Sea of ​​Trees, such as the Taixu Palace they met before, and the ancient ice palace Leng Rushuang.

There are also Catmull League, Jiange, Star Palace and so on!

In the north is the forest of maple leaves. They are the Shui Laos of the underworld, and they lead a group of immortal emperors with more than ten weights, and there are more than 100 people.

Originally, Shui Lao disagreed, but this time they came to the Demon Realm, they were not going to look for Hades, but what Huo Lao meant was not to lose face in the underworld!
The battle on their side hadn't started yet, a group of immortal emperors arrived, and several demon kings were sitting in full force, behind them were full of traps and formations.

The north is the most terrifying, because there is an ancient demon god there, the underworld is destined to suffer heavy losses this time! !

The Temple of War God is currently attacking from the south. They are led by Ren Wuyan, and they are cautious at every step. They haven't lost a single person, but three demon kings have died.

The other forces are basically pretending, or waiting!

There was a meaningful smile on Ling Yun's face, he just wanted to mess up the whole demon realm and make the golden lion lose everything.

(End of this chapter)

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