Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1541 Liu Yunlong

Chapter 1541 Liu Yunlong (third change)
No matter what purpose some people came to the demon domain, Ling Yun didn't care, the original intention of the demon killing order was to slaughter the golden lion.


Ling Yun came here and found that this place is not normal.

Under Ling Yun's spiritual consciousness, he could know anything he wanted to know, and before he knew it, he really fell asleep! !

And to the north of the demon domain, the forest of maple leaves!
Shui Lao said: "I don't know where Lord Pluto is!"

The handsome man on one side said: "Old Shui, do you think Master Pluto is not in the Demon Realm? His purpose is to let the masters of the seven great realms gather in the Demon Realm and let them fight each other."

Shui Lao's eyes lit up, and Luao Huzi thought to himself that what he said was justified!

"It's possible. No one can guess Pluto's mind. He often plays cards out of common sense. But right now we still have to look for him, just in case he is there."

"Hope it!"

The handsome man was wearing a Tsing Yi Daoist robe with the word Ming engraved on the back.

He belongs to the gate of Hades, the number one force in the underworld, which is very mysterious and ancient!
The gate of the underworld is very strict in recruiting talents, not everyone is rejected, and no one knows how many people are there in the gate of the underworld.

But those who come out of it are all Immortal Emperor Eighteen, who can almost walk sideways in the underworld.

"Chu Yu, although you are strong, you must keep a low profile and don't argue with Ban Kun so much."

The handsome man is exactly Chu Yu, although he is gentle and elegant, in fact, that is just the surface, and he is not a teenager, he is an old monster-like existence.

Shui Lao, Ban Kun and Chu Yu, only these three people are the strongest in this operation to support Pluto, and Ban Kun led the crowd all the way in, trying their best to find Pluto.

It was just now that Chu Yu and Ban Kun got into a dispute, neither of them accepted the other, and they almost got into a fight.

There were constant screams all around, and Shui Lao's face suddenly changed!
problem occurs!
Then Shui Lao turned into a stream of light and flew over with the momentum of wind and thunder, while Chu Yu's face was extremely gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

There was a fierce light in his eyes, and a vicious grin appeared on his face, like a tiger.


The three little guys followed An Qing to pick some mushrooms nearby, but they didn't come back for a while.

The little guy was holding poisonous mushrooms, An Qing was dumbfounded.

"Sissy, if you take these back home, your father will definitely give you bumps on your head!"

"How come, this is all for food." The little guy didn't care, holding a poisonous mushroom in his hand, smiling from ear to ear.

Long Yanran on the side said: "This is poisonous, the more beautiful the color is, the more dangerous it is, you have to remember it in the future."

The little guy scratched his head, still a little disbelieving, his little eyes full of doubts.

"Well, you pick it yourself and put it in your own basket, and go back to show your father."

In desperation, An Qing can only let her continue picking.

The little guy slowly disappeared from their sight, and they didn't know where he went. An Qing still searched for it. It didn't take long, and it was impossible to go so far.

At this moment, the little guy has teleported to more than ten kilometers away. With her dark consciousness, she knows where there are more mushrooms.

"Hee hee, there are so many mushrooms, Papa will definitely give it to me when I go back."

The little guy also showed a surprised look, and he couldn't close his mouth.


The area in front of him is full of poisonous mushrooms, which are colorful and charming, and the child is still full of joy.

Suddenly, she heard some voices, and she tiptoed towards the source of the voices. This kid is really brave.

" despicable and shameless villain, even if I die, I won't let you succeed."

If Ling Yun and Little Ailin were here, they would definitely be able to recognize that the woman who spoke was Sufina from Taixu Palace.

A young man in Tsing Yi, with a face like a crown of jade, and a tall and straight figure like a pine, with a long sword hanging from his waist and his hands behind his back, walked in casually, but there was a faint aura that made people look sideways.

This person is the young master of Jiange, Liu Yunlong!
"Palace Master Su, save your energy."

Liu Yunlong triumphantly let out a sinister grin from his nostrils, he was laughing at his smug calculation, his eyes suddenly tilted his head and smiled at Sophie Na.

His animal eyes licked his lips like a hungry dog.

"Despicable and shameless!"

Sufina only felt that her whole body was weak, and she couldn't lift up any strength, and her body slowly fell on the grass.

She was very annoyed, Liu Yunlong used the news of Nine-Headed Bird to deceive her, and secretly poisoned her, he must be an insidious villain.

Sufina had never seen such a disgusting person. She wanted to commit suicide, but she really had no strength at all, and tears were streaming from the corners of her eyes.

"Palace Master Su, you are being stupid, not my fault, hahaha."

Liu Yunlong started to unbutton his shirt by himself, blatantly.

The little guy has arrived at this moment, and he has heard all the words between them. Seeing Liu Yunlong unbuttoning his clothes, she finally couldn't help it.


She frowned slightly, her moon-like eyes were staring at Liu Yunlong.


The sudden sound frightened Liu Yunlong into panic, he didn't notice someone approaching him, he must be careless.

Just when he turned his head, he saw a child!
"Little boy, are you alone?"

How could a child be here!Liu Yunlong was very puzzled.

Sofina squinted at the little guy, a very cute child, why did he come here!

"You are so annoying."

A little bit of strength emanated from the little guy, and Liu Yunlong's face turned white with fright.

Liu Yunlong snorted coldly, and said with fierce eyes: "If you destroy my good deed, then I will get rid of you first."

"No, she's still a child, go away." Sufina shouted with all her strength, but her voice was very small.

"Go to hell!"

Liu Yunlong pulled out the sword at his waist and swung it towards the little guy. The latter still looked at him with a slight frown, motionless, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

Liu Yunlong sneered at the corner of his mouth, he didn't want to think about why a child appeared here anymore, ruining his good deeds, he just wanted the little guy to die.

When his sword edge touched the little guy, Liu Yunlong only felt a shock of unparalleled force, which made his arm numb.

It was a barrier, emitting a halo, and Liu Yunlong's sword energy was blocked by the barrier.

At the same time, an extremely violent force was transmitted into Liu Yunlong's arm through the medium of the sword edge.

"This power?"

Liu Yunlong's complexion changed suddenly, he could feel that this force was very violent, like a rampaging wild beast, even if the true energy in his body was strong, he could only retreat in front of this bloody force.

If this violent force is allowed to wreak havoc in his body, then Liu Yunlong will have difficulty sustaining it, and his life may even be in danger.

So he immediately withdrew his sword, but the violent force still sent him flying.

(End of this chapter)

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