Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1542

Chapter 1542 Prodigal (first update)
"what happened?"

Liu Yunlong fell to the ground, his eyes were full of disbelief, the other party was clearly a child.

Sofina had closed her eyes just now, and couldn't bear to see the next scene, but she didn't hear the screams for a long time, so she opened her eyes.

The scene in front of her made her unbelievable. Liu Yunlong was thrown backwards by the shock, what happened just now.

No matter what happened just now, as long as the child is fine.

"You are so rubbish, do your parents know?"

The little guy's face was covered with frost, and his little eyes stared straight at Liu Yunlong. The latter was actually scared, and he felt a little bit timid.


He is the majestic young master of Jiange, how could he lose to a child.

Then he recalled the sword just now, when he cut the little guy, it seemed that the skirt she was wearing was rippled.

"Hahaha, that's how it is, that's how it is!!"

Liu Yunlong instantly saw through what happened just now.

Laughing so cheaply?
The little guy looked contemptuous, not understanding what this fool was laughing at.


"I Ma Ma said don't play with fools."

The little guy said in a childish voice, she was still very bold, and walked towards Sufina.

Liu Yunlong sneered again and again: "Little boy, your dress is nice, but she can only protect you once!"

He didn't know much, but he just thought that the little guy's skirt was a kind of fairy weapon, which could only protect the master once, and there were formations carved in it, but he didn't expect it to be a fairy weapon skirt.

"Just in case, I'll do my best."

But Liu Yunlong's body surface had a faint golden glow, and at the same time, the qi and blood in his body roared, and a layer of qi and blood flames rose from his body surface, faintly taking the shape of a dragon.

At the same time, there is a strong killing spirit permeating the air.

When he drew his sword again, there were sword shadows flashing all over the sky, which stunned Sofina, who felt how powerful Liu Yunlong was.

Don't think that the little guy is easy to bully, this kid just doesn't want to make a move, and she is the only one at this moment, so she has to fight back.

Her little finger lightly flicked a stream of light, like a glimpse, inconspicuous, but it can tear the air and shake the void.

When the sword energy came into contact with the streamer, there were bursts of roaring sounds, and the streamer approached Liu Yunlong's sword.

Zheng! !

The disparity in power is so great, Liu Yunlong has no ability to resist the moves, and it was broken in the blink of an eye, and the saber was shattered.

Liu Yunlong was hit by the sword energy, his face was flushed, and he spit out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, he was stabbed by sword fragments in many places, and the blood flew out backwards, and he collapsed on the ground, seriously injured.

"Cough cough!"

As soon as he coughed up a mouthful of blood, Liu Yunlong died.

When he died, his eyes were still wide open, with fear and puzzlement appearing on his face one by one.

He went all out with that sword, and he didn't hold back at all. In the end, he was the one who died. It's really ridiculous!

Are the current diapers so awesome? Anyway, he will die with peace.

The little guy was taken aback, she didn't want to kill anyone, she just wanted to teach Liu Yunlong a lesson, but she obviously used a little bit of strength.

"Could it be that the bad guys want to touch porcelain?"

After Beibei's Pengci, the little guy also understands what Pengci is.

Sofina closed her eyes again when Liu Yunlong made a move, and now she heard the coughing sound, she was dumbfounded when she opened her eyes again.

"How did this happen, what happened!!"

Her whole body trembled slightly, Liu Yunlong was dead, the latter's strength was something she looked up to in her heart.

The little guy was right in front of her eyes, with a smile on his face and sideways cheeks, he asked in a childlike voice, "Auntie, is it comfortable to lie here?"

Sofina: "..."

"Papa said that touching the head can get rid of all diseases." The little guy was very innocent, squatting down and stroking Sofina's head.

"It's useless, I'm poisoned, the poison that loses mobility, without an antidote, it's useless." Sufina replied weakly.

"Is there an antidote? Where is it!"

The little guy scratched his head, with grape-like eyes, long eyelashes raised high, and a small red cherry-like mouth that was always moving, and she was licking a lollipop.

"Go and see that person, is there any in his storage ring?"

"I can't go, he must be Pangci, my sister said, there are a lot of Pengci now."

The little guy looked at the dead Liu Yunlong on the ground, and then at Sufina, his little head shaking.

elder sister?

It is great that she has a sister, which also explains that she is not here alone, Sufina was pleasantly surprised.

"Call your sister, she knows what to do."

"My sister is far away, don't let her know, there are a lot of mushrooms here, don't let her discover it." The little guy said in a childish voice, his little head was almost shaking like a drum.


At this moment, Sofina was extremely speechless, no one came to save her.

The little guy held his chin, and then his eyes lit up, and he took a bottle of elixir from his pocket, each bottle had only one, and it said detoxification elixir, the bottle was not ordinary, it was a bottle of fairy defense.

Sufina doesn't know the goods, if someone who knows the goods sees them, their jaws will be shocked.

This is a detoxification pill, which can detoxify the deadliest poison in the Dust Dust Palace. There is no second one in the Seven Great Domains, so it was taken by the little guy and swallowed by Sufina.

"Son, yours is normal, it's useless, you should keep it." Sufina said.

The little guy was dumbfounded, ordinary?

Should not be!

This elixir was taken from her father's void storage!
That position is definitely precious, how could it be ordinary, this bottle is all treasures, the contents inside must be different.

If Ling Yun knew that he must be very angry, he hid it so well, how could this child be easily found.

"Take it all, don't waste it, don't let Papa find out."

The little guy opened the bottle, and the elixir, which was a little bigger than a bean, exuded a strong medicinal fragrance, which seemed to be refreshing.


When Sufina opened her mouth wide, the little guy patted the pill into her mouth, and finally smiled brightly.

In a moment!
It really shocked her.

That pill was not only a detoxification pill, but also contained a strong aura, which was so unusual that it could be directly absorbed by her.


This elixir is against the sky, her poison has been completely cured, her strength has also increased greatly, her body momentum has continued to rise, and she has faintly reached the sixteenth of the Immortal Emperor, her strength is constantly growing, and she is breaking through the Seventeenth Immortal Emperor!


Her eyes are full of disbelief!

A elixir can actually raise her realm by several levels. You know, it will take ten years for her to cultivate the first level of Immortal Emperor, now that her spiritual energy is recovering.


It took her a few minutes to break through to Immortal Emperor Seventeen, it was like a dream.

"My little friend, thank you..." Sufina stood up, her whole body was full of strength, and her heart was still extremely shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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