Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1545 Silver Lingzi

Chapter 1545 Silver Spirit Son (first update)
But so what, he is a demon, he will not take anyone seriously.

"Your Excellency is dumb."

The evil spirit frowned, quite disliked Ling Yun's attitude.

"It's really sad that the golden lion will keep your evil here." Ling Yun smiled slightly.

The evil spirit glanced at Ling Yun unexpectedly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then there were two more figures beside him!

Surprisingly, there were two demon kings beside the demon, whose strength was not comparable to those just now.

They appeared here obviously to tell Ling Yun that this was an order from the Golden Lion.

There were also a few monsters that came from behind, they looked at Ling Yun with hostility, as if Ling Yun had ruined their good deed.

"Your Excellency is quite capable. You kneel down and beg me for mercy. I might let you go as soon as I'm happy." The demon's dark eyes flashed scarlet from time to time, which seemed a little strange.

The red-skinned demon king said: "Master Yin Lingzi is very merciful, you are lucky, hurry up and kowtow."

"Haha, I'm afraid this kid is scared to pee." The four-eyed demon king on the side sneered.

Hearing this, Ling Yun didn't get angry, instead he showed a deep smile.

"Begging for mercy? I won't, please demonstrate."

"You kid, I'm impatient, kneel down quickly, and you can still leave a whole body."

"Annoy Lord Yin Lingzi, you deserve death."

The two demon kings hurriedly knelt down and licked the demon Yin Lingzi, with a doggy face, which made Ling Yun hate it.

The demon Yin Lingzi radiated a trace of murderous intent from his eyes, and squinted at Ling Yun, he didn't understand what confidence the young man in front of him had.

"Evil Yin Lingzi? Let's use you!" Ling Yun said calmly, with a playful smile on his lips.

He intends to have fun with this egotistical demon Yin Lingzi.

As soon as Ling Yun finished speaking, the two demon kings were stunned, and they took the demon silver spirit to make a knife. It took a lot of breath to say such words.

They are well aware of the power of the demon Yin Lingzi!
When he heard a young man in front of him hiding his head and showing his tail, who was unwilling to reveal who he was, the evil spirit Yin Lingzi scratched his ears, and couldn't help thinking that he had heard it wrong.

"Do you feel that you are going to die, so you are insane?"

The demon Yin Lingzi was not angry, but just sneered, thinking that Ling Yun was so flustered that he lost his mind and spoke nonsense.

Not only the demon Yin Lingzi, but also the two demon kings laughed without any disguise, as if they had heard the best joke in the world.

Ling Yun shook his head and laughed, first let the Yin Lingzi inflate, then flicked his finger into the air, and a ray of light shot out.

Immediately, screams came out, the heads, hearts and other parts of those monster beasts were all pierced by Ling Yun's finger light, blood spattered violently, and pieces of flesh flew across.

These monstrous beasts help the evildoers to do evil, death is not a pity!
Ling Yun's actions were too abrupt, let alone the demon king, let alone the demon Yin Lingzi, he was stunned for a moment.

No matter how stupid a person is, seeing Ling Yun killing a group of monsters casually, he will know that he has extraordinary means.

Although the demon Yin Lingzi has a cruel and bloody personality, he is not stupid. He knows that the young man in front of him probably has two tricks.

"Who the hell are you?" The evil spirit Yin Lingzi's tone was unusually dignified, not daring to underestimate Ling Yun.

Just now, the power of Ling Yun's finger made him frown.

"The person who killed you." Ling Yun said lightly.

"Arrogant boy, you don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth!" The demon Yin Lingzi hadn't moved yet, but the two demon kings were eager to make money, but they roared angrily.

They were accompanied by bursts of roars and surges of blood.

The surface of the red-skinned demon king emerged, bursting with the most dazzling blood.

"Blood sucking worm!"

Strange bugs crawled out from under his skin, and outsiders would definitely feel their scalps tingling and goosebumps if they saw that appearance.

And the aura of the four-eyed demon king is also rising steadily like a blowout.


Unlike the red-skinned demon king, the figure of the four-eyed demon king burst out, as if he wanted to finish Ling Yun with a punch.

But these moves and means are useless to Ling Yun, even rubbish.

He flipped his hand and took out a sword at will, and swung the wide and thick black sword like a shield, blocking all the moves, including the blood-red punch of the four-eyed demon king!
Ling Yun was extremely embarrassed!

His sword was destroyed and torn apart. He didn't expect that the one he took out casually couldn't bear the strength, and his head was covered with black lines.

Then, after Ling Yun's epee was swept and shattered, the fierce sword energy fluctuated like a wave, spreading out from him as the origin.

The four-eyed demon king was hit by this wave of swords, and spit out blood, mixed with some broken swords, flying out like a kite with a broken thread.

Those violent sword waves directly shattered his internal organs, and with the broken sword piercing into his body, he couldn't stand up for a while.

Ling Yun just swept away with a sword, and the four-eyed demon king was seriously injured, and he was no longer able to fight.

The blood-sucking worms of the Red-skinned Demon King were no exception, they were completely wiped out by Ling Yun's sword wave, and they themselves were bitten back, with a trace of blood dripping from the corners of their mouths.

However, he kept smiling, and said mockingly: "Hahaha, you don't even have a decent sword, what do you use to fight Lord Yin Lingzi, you're overestimating your own strength, and you're still uttering wild words."

Ling Yun smiled and said: "This rubbish sword can kill you all, who are you calling rubbish?"


The red-skinned demon king was speechless and could only stare at Ling Yun.

The demon Yin Lingzi said with a smile: "His sword is a fairy weapon, relying on the power of the fairy weapon and the counter-shock force to seriously injure the four-eyed frog, what is it?"

Hearing this, the red-skinned demon king finally understood, it turned out to be the case, his eyesight was dull, and he couldn't recognize the sword in Ling Yun's hand as a fairy weapon.

However, Ling Yun's fairy weapon has been destroyed, so if he fights back next, he will definitely kill Ling Yun. Thinking of this, he was suddenly excited.

"Go to hell."

The figure of the red-skinned demon king came in a flash, and slammed down Ling Yun's face fiercely.

The punch missed, but Ling Yun cleverly dodged it, and the angry red-skinned demon king blew his beard and stared.

"Stinky boy, you only know how to hide?"

"Zhenshan Crazy Claw!"

The red-skinned demon king's five fingers curled up, and the sharp fingertips faltered at the fingertips. He grabbed it with one hand, and the blood-colored claws tore through the air, and shot towards Ling Yun.

Zhenshan's mad claws came out horizontally, cut through the air, and grabbed Ling Yun's head.

"It's okay if you don't hide."

With a flash of Ling Yun's figure, he dodged the Crazy Claw of the Red-skinned Demon King and came to the back of the Red-skinned Demon King in an instant.

The red-skinned demon king also felt a sweetness in his throat, as if an ancient magic mountain was pressing down, causing his chest to constrict, spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body retreated tens of feet.

"Who is your Excellency?" There was no trace of contempt and joking in the eyes of the evil spirit Yin Lingzi.

If he still underestimates Ling Yun now, he is really too stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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