Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1546 Battle

Chapter 1546 Battle (Second Change)
Ling Yun has the strength to kill the demon king.

Seeing the loyal servants dying, the evil spirit Yin Lingzi darted across his feet, dragged a big knife, and swung it at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun smiled playfully, waved the sword light with his fingertips, and slashed down vertically, terrifying shock waves spread out.

The evil spirit Yin Lingzi's eyes were fixed, and the strong power of the evil spirit spread out from his body, and his sword shadow roared out like a fierce tiger.

When the two collided, sparks shot out and the void oscillated.

At this moment, the demon Yin Lingzi also put away all his contempt. In his eyes, Ling Yun in front of him was already a formidable enemy on the same level.

He really didn't expect that Ling Yun could hide such deep strength.

Ling Yun sneered, he hadn't experienced this kind of playing around for a long time.

"Your Excellency is a bit capable, but who are you?"

"There's a lot of nonsense."

Ling Yun's eyes were indifferent, and he waved the sword aura with his fingertips again. The sword aura seemed to have the power to destroy everything, and a fierce sword wave burst out, directly shattering the narrow road in front of him.

The evil spirit Yin Lingzi's body was retreated by the evil spirit, and his face turned pale with shock. He stared at Ling Yun!

And Ling Yun's indifferent attitude and tone, as if he didn't pay attention to him, how could he bear it.

The demon Yin Lingzi was so angry that he killed with a knife in one hand, and thrust out the other hand.

"Black Demon Fist!"

The majestic demonic energy gathered between his arms, making his arm seem to be poured in the night, and the whole arm presents a strange dark black.

Ling Yun casually blasted out a palm that collided with the fist of the demon Yin Lingzi, causing a wave of air to ripple.

The demon Yin Lingzi's eyes widened, and his face changed suddenly. He felt a terrifying force coming from his arm, and he could even clearly hear the sound of bones cracking.

"Cough...good palm!" The demon Yin Lingzi retreated violently, and the black demon's arm was shaking violently.

Ling Yun smiled and said nothing, his palm technique is good, but it is the god-level Mietian palm, one palm can shake the sky, and the sky will tremble.

Although he was surprised by Ling Yun's terrifying power, he had a vicious sneer on his face, and said, "This black magic fist is mixed with nineteen kinds of poisons from our clan. You must die, boy, you are still too young."

The demon Yin Lingzi sneered, as if his scheme had succeeded and he was sure of winning.

But Ling Yun didn't care at all, he was an undead body, he was invulnerable to all poisons, and he had many tricks.

There was a chi-chi sound coming from Ling Yun's arm, and the strong dark black poison directly turned into bursts of white smoke, rising up and being annihilated directly.

"This..." Looking at Ling Yun's arm that had been restored to its original state, the demon Yin Lingzi's eyeballs almost popped out.

It is precisely because he is a demon that he knows more clearly how powerful that black poison is.

He once relied on this black magic fist to poison many enemies to death, melting them into a pool of blood.

"Such heretics can kill me? You are really ignorant." The corner of Ling Yun's mouth showed a trace of coldness.

He directly cast shadow steps, his figure was quick, and he pulled out an afterimage, and rushed towards the evil silver spirit.

The corners of Yin Lingzi's eyes twitched, only then did he realize how difficult the young man in front of him was, the ghostly speed made him take a breath of cold air, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The evil spirit silver spirits released all the energy of the evil spirit, rolled and condensed into black energy light clusters, and rushed toward Ling Yun's figure violently.

His speed was not as fast as Ling Yun's, and when he reacted, Ling Yun had already arrived in front of him.

"Where did your confidence go?"

Ling Yun kicked the demon Yin Lingzi to the ground with one kick, setting off a cloud of smoke.

"I am going to kill you!"

The demon Yin Lingzi once again swiped out the sword in his hand, his figure flashed, and he slashed at Ling Yun's body impartially.

However, it wasn't until the evil spirit Yin Lingzi showed a smile.

He was horrified to find that the big knife was clamped by Ling Yun with two fingers.

And the next moment, a kind of horrific tremor surged up from the spine of the demon Yin Lingzi.

"Not good." The demon Yin Lingzi hastily drew his knife!


It was too late, Ling Yun clamped lightly, and the sword broke in two.

A sharp sword aura burst out directly from between Ling Yun's fingers, the sword aura pierced through his shoulders, and the excruciating pain caused the demon Yin Lingzi to let out a scream.


Ling Yun had a strong smile, and his eyes were cold!
Ling Yun raised his fingertips with sword energy, and the right arm of the demon Yin Lingzi was cut off directly, and fell to the ground, with blood spurting out.


The demon Yin Lingzi screamed again, and in his desperation, he flicked his sleeves, and a black shadow came towards Ling Yun abruptly.

Ling Yun's figure retreated suddenly, and the black shadow instantly burrowed into the ground, although it appeared again and rose directly, and finally turned into a three-foot-long black centipede.


Seeing this huge black centipede, Ling Yun was not surprised, in his eyes, there was no trace of fluctuation.

"Your Excellency, very good, very good, you have successfully angered me, and I will make your life as bad as death!"

On the other side, the demon Yin Lingzi picked up the severed arm on the ground, and gave Ling Yun a very vicious look.

He held the severed arm and put it directly on the shoulder, and the thick blood light spread from the wound. He took out a blood bottle again, and swallowed the viscous liquid medicine in it with his head raised.

next moment!
Ling Yun frowned, and saw countless blood-colored tentacles spreading out from the severed arm and the incision, connecting each other, and finally the whole arm was connected intact.

Flicking the attached arm, the demon Yin Lingzi showed a cruel sneer at the corner of his mouth

"Aren't you very surprised, surprised, no matter how serious the injury is, as long as I want to heal it, then next, it's your turn."

"Really, I don't really know." Ling Yun's smile was always playful.

"Boy, you are so arrogant, let me show you what is the power of our clan."

The demon Yin Lingzi's strength soared, he directly killed him, and fought against Ling Yun again and again, the two martial arts collided with each other, causing the entire Tianzhu Gorge to roar.

Hiss! !
At this moment, the black centipede monster on the side also killed it, its sharp mouthparts were like two curved knives, biting at Ling Yun.

"Naughty animal, why don't you wait and die in a hurry?"

Ling Yun turned his head and stared, the black monster was trembling!
The demon Yin Lingzi just wanted to say that it was useless, but the black centipede was refined by him with blood essence, so he was not afraid of anything.


Before he could say a word, he saw the expression of the black centipede, with burning pain on his face, as if he had been slapped.

"Don't think that you will be crazy if you increase your strength a little, get out!" Ling Yun slapped his backhand, and the demon Yin Lingzi was sent flying to the ground again!

(End of this chapter)

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