Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1552 Scum

Chapter 1552 Scum (second update)

The one who killed the monsters along the way was Shui Lao who survived, and Ban Kun was nowhere to be found.

Shui Lao heard that there was a big commotion here, so he came all the way here. He didn't expect so many monsters to block the way here.

"Papa, hurry up, or you'll miss the show." The little guy curled his lips in dissatisfaction and urged Ling Yun.


"Be careful when you walk, don't trip over the monster's corpse." An Qing warned carefully.

Ling Yun is taking them to Tianzhan Gorge!

"Don't think about escaping. No matter how fast you are, is it faster than mine?" The Tiger Demon King had a mocking look in his eyes.

He killed many, many people, and most of the experts in the Seven Great Domains were ashamed.

Gentleman Qian, Sofina and the others also gritted their teeth! !
"This is the formation of the demon kings. We can't escape at all, let alone resist!" Some immortal emperors shook their heads and laughed bitterly, their hearts ashamed.

"Are you going to die here today?" Sufina's pretty face turned pale.

She asked herself that she was not afraid of life and death, but when death was about to come, she still felt that her heart was trembling, how could she die if the nine-headed bird was not dead and the magic was not removed.

Wushuang Xiangu's eyes flickered extremely, he had secretly colluded with the demon kings, and had transactions with some of them, he was grateful for his decision.

"You won't die, let me come!"

As soon as Zhou Heng finished speaking, he was struck flying by the nine-headed bird, and his body flew out like a kite with a broken string.

next moment!
Sufina faced the terrifying sword of the nine-headed bird, and she looked at Zhou Heng, hoping that the latter could save her life.


Zhou Heng stood up, knowing that he was invincible, and pretended to be seriously injured!

It's just a woman, if he sacrificed his life for Sufina, he wouldn't want to.

Sufina drew her sword to fight back, but was still defeated. The terrifying sword made her vomit blood, her wrists were bleeding, and her body was trembling.

However, the figure of the nine-headed bird also retreated violently, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of its mouth.

A nine-headed bird is already difficult to deal with, and there is a new black tiger king beside him. The two stand together, giving people an extreme sense of oppression.

The screams around, the impenetrable deadlock, and the defeat of the Star Palace made the injured Zhou Heng despair.

Feeling the oppressive feeling of the ever-increasing power, Zhou Heng made up his mind, gritted his teeth, stepped forward, and shouted loudly: "Friends in the Yaoyu, don't be so terrific, Zhou has not killed many people before." A compatriot of the demon clan."

As soon as he said this, the immortal emperors on the Seven Great Regions were all stunned.

Song Yufei's face was filled with disbelief: "Senior Brother Zhou, you..."

Even after the Demon King Formation was activated, none of them begged for mercy, they just felt a look of despair.

Gentleman Qian frowned, and said with contempt: "Begging for mercy from the monster race, can you say such things?"

"Junior brother, are you crazy?" Jian Zilai looked angry!

Most of the immortal emperors showed contempt in their eyes.

At first, I thought Zhou Heng was quite righteous, with good character and disposition.

But obviously, when Zhou Heng begged for mercy, all the positive images he had created before completely collapsed.

Although it can't be called heinous now, its image has been completely ruined.

Sofina looked at Zhou Heng with beautiful eyes, with a slight disgust and contempt.

She is not stupid, Zhou Heng's current behavior makes people feel that his previous actions are extremely false, especially his previous concern for her.

"Senior Brother Zhou, thanks to you being a disciple of our Star Palace, you are able to say such words!" Song Yufei shouted softly, her beautiful eyes sparkling with fire.

Feeling the strange gazes around him, with puzzlement, disappointment, and doubts.

Zhou Heng's eyes were slightly gloomy and terrifying, but he didn't regret it.

"Hmph, I'm dying, are you going to scold me under the Nine Springs?" Zhou Heng said coldly in his heart.

He is already the Seventeenth Immortal Emperor, as long as he is given enough time, he can reach the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor and become a strong man in one fell swoop.

How could Zhou Heng be willing to die now.

"I think what Fellow Daoist Zhou said is right, we don't need to fight to the death."

Another person spoke, and it was Elder Liu of Jiange. He moved to Zhou Heng's side at this moment, with an understanding smile on his pretty face.

"Elder Liu really understands righteousness." Zhou Heng responded with a smile.

Everyone in the Jiange was stunned. Their elders all knelt down and begged for mercy, so if they knelt down quickly, they might be able to save their lives and just survive.

All of a sudden, everyone in Jiange knelt down and begged for mercy! !

With the support of Elder Jiange Liu, gradually, a very small number of immortal emperors in the early stage, with alternately pale and pale complexions, finally stood beside Zhou Heng and the others.

Right now, the forces in the Seven Great Domains, which were already at a dead end, were directly divided into two factions.

"You guys are too shameful."

Those strong men who had never joined Zhou Heng's side were all out of anger.

Even Dao Wumeng, who was very arrogant before, joined Zhou Heng's camp, and then the entire Catmull Alliance joined.

Dao Wumeng was seriously injured and couldn't fight again for a while. He is the left deputy leader of the Catmull League, and he doesn't want to die in the demon realm.

What about the order to destroy the demon? Get out of the way. Their Catmull Alliance has always been against the Temple of War, that is, against Hades.

"Brother, living is the best thing. Pluto doesn't show up at this time, it's clear that he wants us to die." Zhou Heng said to everyone in the Star Palace.

Jian Zilai's brows gradually relaxed: "Everyone, I have a teacher on my side, so..."

The meaning is obvious, he also chooses to beg for mercy!

"Brother, you guys!"

Seeing everyone in Xingchen Palace standing by Zhou Heng's side and kneeling towards the Demon King, Song Yufei's heart fluctuated with anger, she would not beg for mercy even if she died.

At such a critical moment, not only did they not unite together to make a final resistance, but they split within themselves, making the Yaozu laugh!

But many Immortal Emperor Eighteen have an arrogance in their bones. From the beginning to the end, it seems that they don't feel the imminent death.

The demon kings who saw this scene also laughed and said: "Among the seven domains, there are still people with discerning eyes, and those who know the current affairs are the best."

Tiger Demon King said: "Hahaha, your posture is good!"

Although he said this, everyone could hear the sarcasm in his words.

What Zhou Heng and others have done has completely embarrassed the human race of the Seven Great Domains.

Looking at Zhou Heng and others who bowed their heads, the Demon King couldn't stop laughing.

Among the crowd, there was a sharp gaze, full of chills, that was Shui Lao who had just arrived, and Ban Kun was also here, and he came from the other side.

Ling Yun and the others just happened to witness everything and stood on the edge of the formation, while the little guy and Beibei sat on the ground.

"More than 1 people dare not start a war with just a dozen demon kings, but shamelessly beg for mercy. I really saw it." Ling Yun rubbed his nose and shook his head with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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