Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1553

Chapter 1553 Old Water (Third)
The purpose of the demon king is to subdue them, and now it has achieved good results.

"Hei Lang, those who know the current affairs are heroes. These people are quite sensible, so it's okay to let them go." The Tiger Demon King pretended to stand up and said.

The nine-headed bird said: "Let it go? No, we must obey our orders."


Many people were angry, and some had already regretted it, but they knelt down and could only endure it.

Hearing this, the Black Wolf Demon King sneered and said, "Those of you begging for mercy, don't want to rebel later."

But Zhou Heng gritted his teeth, kowtowed his head and said, "Okay, I, Zhou, am willing to submit to the demon clan during the period of the demon extermination order!"

Elder Jiange Liu and those from Xingchen Palace followed suit!

Seeing this, the others swore one after another. Obviously, life is more important than dignity.

Everyone who didn't want to beg for mercy looked contemptuous!
Dao Wumeng gritted his teeth in his heart: "If I can get out alive, I will definitely kill the demon in the future, and dare to attack me from behind."

He has never suffered such a big loss. If he doesn't take revenge, he is in the Catmull League.

"I, Song Yufei, really disdain to be with you!" Seeing this, Song Yufei's delicate body trembled.

Sufina waited for the Taixu Palace female disciples to say: "We don't care, even if we die."

Everyone else also kept cursing Zhou Heng and others.

"You are like them. If you kneel down and surrender, maybe I will spare your life if I am in a good mood." The black wolf demon king sneered, he enjoyed this feeling of condescending and subduing all living beings, just like the demon king golden lion.

Wushuang Xiangu urged: "Fellow daoists, if you don't beg for mercy, you will only die. Think about it, wouldn't you be alive?"

As soon as these words came out, no one else chose to beg for mercy, with an attitude of seeing death as home.

"Okay, okay, you kill them now, and if you survive, we will naturally let you go."

Nine-headed Bird pointed at Zhou Heng and the others and said coldly!

This is to let them kill each other, the demon king's scheme is really insidious.

no way!
So far, Zhou Heng and the others can only follow suit!
At this moment!
Not far away, a girl in white, with lotus feet lightly stepping on the branches of ancient trees, looks like a fairy in the forest, with a graceful figure, like a piece of light cloud swimming.

Accompanied by the leaping of the lotus steps, the silver bells worn on the white ankles also made lively and crisp sounds.

She has beautiful eyes like Wang Qiushui, and her beautiful face is delicate, whether it is cold as frost or who!

She searched very far just now, but didn't find anything, so she came back again, and saw this scene unexpectedly, she was immediately indignant, with a sense of justice and inexperienced in the world.

"You guys are simply embarrassing. It is said that men have gold under their knees, but you choose to kneel without dignity." Leng Rushuang had a flat face, but she was very angry in her heart.

"That is…?"

"What a beautiful woman!"

"Damn it, that's Fairy Leng!" The eyes of the previous group of licking dogs were all beaming.

"It's Senior Sister, she actually came in too, now our Ice Palace might be completely wiped out." A woman from the Ice Palace said with a sad face.

A trace of evil flashed in the Tiger Demon King's eyes, he stared at Leng Rushuang in the distance and said: "It's better to survive than to lose your life. If you lose your life, you will die. You can also surrender."

"I bother!"

Leng Rushuang came to the middle of their confrontation in an instant, and the coldness made everyone tremble.

Zhou Heng lost his mind for a while, Leng Rushuang is really too beautiful, looking otherworldly.

The little guy said in a milky voice, "Papa, there are so many familiar smells here."

Little Irene said: "Brother, are we here to end the battlefield!"

Ling Yun nodded and hummed lightly!
The biggest reason was that he had to come. Long Xingtian and Qin Xianglian also came in. If he didn't show up, it would be difficult to get out alive with only the people from the Seven Great Domains.

And that beautiful girl in a colorful dress and exotic style was also in the crowd.

Her skin is wheat-colored, she wears a colorful dress, and there is a crescent moon pendant on her forehead. Her beautiful eyes are staring at the high demon king, and there is also a teardrop-shaped painting. She is Qin Xianglian!

She and Long Xingtian heard that there is a demon king here, so they came here.

As for the exotic clothes, they are the clothes of Blue Star.

The seven domains dispersed, forming two teams, preparing to fight.

Right now, this group of people lacks a leader to lead them, and Shui always belongs to the underworld, or the king of Hades, so he must stand up.

"Ahem... listen to me, everyone, if you want to live, you can fight together and kill the demon kings, isn't that good?" Old Shui walked out leisurely, looking like a master.

The little guy drank Beibei and blinked, this old man is so familiar.

"He is from the underworld."

"real or fake?"

"It seems to be the high level of the underworld."

Shui Lao appeared in the eyes of everyone, and was recognized immediately.

"What?" Everyone in Taixu Palace was surprised, and then a smile appeared on their faces. The Hades couldn't find them, but they asked for help from the underworld.

In short, it is enough to kill the nine-headed bird!

"Oh? From the underworld?"

The Black Wolf Demon King frowned. According to the Demon King Golden Lion, the Demon Extermination Order was not initiated by the Pluto, so why would people from the underworld participate.

Shui Lao raised his head: "That's right, this old man is from the underworld. As long as we are united, we will definitely be able to defeat them."

Wushuang Xiangu said: "Hahaha, old man, you are so confused, you don't even look at your situation."

At this moment, there are more and more demon kings, and there are monsters like wolves and tigers outside the formation, densely packed, surrounding the entire formation.

Shui Lao is also hopeless, but what can he do if he doesn't try his best, whoever let him come in, originally thought that Pluto was inside, who knows that it will be nothing, probably his old life will be lost.

"The old man sees clearly, we have many people, I'm afraid you won't succeed, you're a bitch." Shui Lao said to the master of Wushuang Immortal Valley.

Hearing this, the eyes of the owner of Wushuang Immortal Valley radiated killing intent.

It was the first time someone dared to call him a dog in front of so many people, so he was very angry.

Shui Lao smiled and said, "Are you angry? Haha!"

Zhou Heng said: "Old man, you want to court death? He is the majestic owner of Wushuang Immortal Valley, what are you!"

"Kneel down quickly, maybe you can save your dog's life."

He just wanted to impress the owner of Wushuang Immortal Valley, and even flattered him.

"I kneel to your sister!" Shui Lao cursed with a smile, stepped forward to approach Zhou Heng, raised his right hand lightly, and pointed at Zhou Heng's right knee.

Zhou Heng snorted coldly, then used all his strength, and shouted: "Star Body Art!"

"Zhou Heng has already mastered the Astral Body Art. It looks terrifying."

The crowd exclaimed!

Shui Lao shook his head, and his figure came to Zhou Heng in a flash.

The index finger that was poked just now was poking on Zhou Heng's knee at this moment, and then there was the sound of bones breaking.

(End of this chapter)

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