Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1554

Chapter 1554 Each Shows Their Skills (First Change)

Zhou Heng let out a howl like a pig being killed in pain, Shui Lao's index finger was drawn out, and a bright red liquid shot out immediately.


With a soft drink, Zhou Heng felt as if a cold sound wave entered his ears.

That's right!

Zhou Heng really felt that the sound waves entering his ears were cold, with a cold air, and the energy in his whole body seemed to be frozen.

With a plop, all strength was lost, and his knee hurt. Zhou Heng knelt down on one knee facing Shui Lao.

Everyone was dumbfounded, everything happened so fast, they lost their minds for a moment, and when they realized it, their scalps went numb.

A certain person swallowed and said: "It's a martial skill from the underworld, one finger! Could this old man be Wang Chuan He Sheng, Shui Lao?"

Shui Lao nodded and replied: "If you are knowledgeable, it is the old man!"

One Mingzhi is the strongest fingering method bestowed by Ling Yun in the underworld.

Jian Zilai said angrily: "Even if you are from the underworld, so what, you can bully my junior brother? Bully our Star Palace?"

How can you say that Xingchen Palace also has a head and a face, and in front of him, bully the small with the big?Even if it is from the underworld, it can't be justified!
A Xingchen Palace disciple said: "This old man is too bullying."

Old Shui frowned, looked at Jian Zilai and snorted coldly: "You insult the old man, you should learn this lesson, besides, your skills are not as good as others."

The eyes of many people present were also fixed on Shui Lao. , and some adoring gazes.

"Okay, okay, then I, as a senior brother, will ask you a few tricks!"

The sword fell from his mouth, the light in his eyes was faint, and he stomped on the ground with one foot, a terrifying true energy gushed out, and he drew the sword.

As soon as the sword came out, the piercing sword energy spread out, as if a scene of fallen immortals manifested.

"This sword is so strong."

I felt it all around me, and I was slightly surprised! !

Old Shui narrowed his eyes slightly, and his figure didn't move. Suddenly, with him as the center, the surrounding air suddenly cooled down, and the temperature was still dropping sharply.

And Jian Zilai suddenly realized that at this moment, the surrounding air seemed to freeze, his body seemed to have been frozen, and the movement of the violent and domineering sword that he swung out became extremely slow.

"This... what kind of power is this!" Jian Zilai's face changed drastically, and he suddenly felt a monstrous pressure coming from above his head, and he felt a sense of powerlessness all over his body.

"The Four-Pole Seal of the Netherworld!" Shui Lao shouted in a low voice, and joined his hands together to form a mysterious handprint.

Jian Zilai looked at the top of his head in fear, a big dark white seal was floating in the sky, as if it would fall down at any moment.

When Sen's big white seal gradually faded and returned to nothingness, everyone saw that a pit with a square seal appeared on the ground, and Jian Zilai was covered in blood in the pit.

One person easily defeated the two outstanding disciples of Star Palace.

The water in the underworld is always so strong?

Everyone looked at Shui Lao with different eyes.

A smile appeared on Leng Rushuang's delicate face: "Not bad old man, I don't like them either."

A Star Palace disciple raised his sword and said, "Brother, are you alright?"

Jian Zilai is still conscious, but his body is injured.

Shui Lao said in a deep voice: "I will teach you a little lesson this time, don't force yourself next time."

Jian Zilai gritted his teeth, looked at Shui Lao with resentful eyes, and finally choked out a sentence: "Thank you for the teaching, senior. In the future, my palace elders will come back for advice."

Shui Lao laughed loudly: "I will wait for you in the underworld!"

Someone shouted in dissatisfaction: "Shui Lao, in the current situation, we must maintain our combat power, not kill it."

The most hope now is to unite and work together to break through the formation or kill the demon king together to end their threat.

"It's all right, as long as they're not dead, not being able to fight is better than being stabbed in the back by them." Shui Lao said indifferently.

Hearing this, Zhou Heng and Jian Zilai stared at Shui Lao with resentment on their faces! !

The black wolf demon king frowned, and said with a cold smile: "Old man, you are quite capable."

Nine-headed bird said: "You actually wounded them, they were covered by us."

The Tiger Demon King had a cold aura all over his body: "You two will meet this old man and see how capable he is."

These demon kings know that Shui Lao is a stubborn stubble, and getting rid of it earlier will save trouble, and the plan just now will be destroyed by him.

It was that damned old man who was almost able to make people from the Seven Realms kill each other. All the demon kings hated Shui Lao to death.

It is said that two demon kings stood up, one black and one white, both of them are Demon King Seventeen, don't underestimate their strength, they can compete with the Eighteen Peaks of Immortal Emperor.

Besides, they are two demon kings fighting against one person, Shui Lao, it still looks easy to them, but there is a lot of pressure.

The Black Wolf Demon King grinned and said, "The big black king and the little white king are strong, and it shouldn't be a problem to take down that old man."

"Old man, I want your life..." The big black king held the Overlord's halberd, his eyes were staring intently, and a murderous aura filled the surrounding area.

"Brothers are united, and their profits will break the gold."

Xiao Bai Wang snorted coldly, his mind moved, he had an extra sword in his hand, and his whole body burst out with breath.

"You don't have the ability to kill the old man."

Shui Lao Zhen Qi erupted like an ancient volcano, covering the surrounding fields.

The battle is about to break out, and the others are also fighting, and they don't intend to watch from the sidelines.

Leng Rushuang smiled coquettishly: "Old man, I support you, are you ready to suffer to death?"

As soon as the words fell, her figure changed in the air, and then rushed into the demon kings, who also launched an attack, and monsters rushed out of the formation.

"Kill the monster!"


"Kill his mother!"

A series of icy shouts and killings came from all directions, and all the energy that could destroy the world became more violent at this moment, attacking the demon kings.

Bombed in an instant, the sky shattered, the sky and the earth shook, and the space distorted.

The collision of martial arts exploded, the scene was like an earthquake of magnitude [-], and the surrounding void shook endlessly. If it weren't for the protection of the formation here, I'm afraid that the Demon King Golden Lion would be disturbed here.

Ling Yun looked at all this indifferently, but still had no intention of making a move, even though he hated Zhou Heng and his bunch of rat shit!
Shui Lao wouldn't foolishly wait for the big and small black and white kings to attack, and preemptively strike.

next moment.

He swung his arm, and the whole arm turned black. First, eight storms emerged with lightning speed.

Immediately following the ninth storm, it made its debut without haste.

They all form a battle knife, which can be half a foot long, and they are chopped down at once.

"Slash with a halberd, Broken Mountain!"

Seeing this, the Little Black King Overlord halberd swept out, as if a single blow could cut off a mountain, the sharp halberd light swept towards Shui Lao.

(End of this chapter)

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