Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1563

Chapter 1563

I rely on!

What happened to the sea of ​​trees!
The Demon King Golden Lion and the Martial Ancestor God Emperor immediately turned around to avoid the sword energy, and looked behind in shock.

All his monster subordinates, those who had no time to hide, all died under this sword!
How terrifying!
How shocking!

After the sword glow passed, the power of this sword finally dissipated slowly.

At this moment, everyone's breathing stopped, and what was frozen in their eyes was endless shock!

In that sea of ​​trees, a deep valley appeared, not a crack, but a huge deep valley hundreds of feet deep, spreading to the end of the sky.

Beibei's celestial burial created a canyon in the sea of ​​trees, one can imagine how powerful she unleashed.

But she has only tried Sky Burial a few times, and her realm is only a small success. If it is a realm to become a god, the demon realm will be broken.

Everyone was stunned and their bodies froze.

Under Ling Yun's protection, everyone in the formation was safe and sound, and the sword was naturally seen clearly, even though the sword light was too dazzling.

From the demon king's side, there was a strong smell of blood. Except for the demon king under the protection of the Tengu, all the other demon kings and beasts turned into blood foam and scattered in the void.

Their arrogance and indifference as demon kings are all gone, and what is left is only the endless fear.

this moment!
Ling Yun is the god in their hearts, they all shouted loudly.

"Master Hades!"

"Master Hades!"

Ling Yun said calmly: "Hurry up, the beast horde is coming."

That's right!

The furious Tengu launched the most terrifying beast tide, vowing to make Ling Yun and the others take off a layer of skin.

"Ah... oh..."

Everyone came back to their senses and immediately scattered and ran away. It was enough for them to witness the Pluto's demeanor.

As for the others, they can't wait to leave this place where the gods fight immediately.

The survivors from the Star Palace, led by Zhou Heng, kowtowed to Ling Yun and begged for mercy: "Lord Pluto, please forgive me, we are willing to join the Temple of War God."

Song Yufei looked at the brothers of Xingchen Palace who had not recovered from their injuries, and pursed her lips: "Is this the virtue of Xingchen Palace?"

Ling Yun killed them with a single blow of sword energy, he never wanted to follow them, let alone such a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, it would be too cheap to kill them with one sword.

Consciousness gradually disappeared, and Zhou Heng regretted it in his heart!
If he could do it all over again, he definitely didn't want to come to Yaozu, even if he lost his status as a true disciple.

When they came to the Demon Realm from the Star Palace, it was not to execute the Pluto's order to destroy the demons, but a competition. Whoever killed the most demon kings would be number one on the Star Palace Ranking!

He hates!

I hate Ling Yun even more! !
Except for Song Yufei, everyone in Xingchen Palace died at Ling Yun's hands.

Song Yufei thought: "When I go back, I don't know if the master will be furious, alas..."

Just relying on Gu Shaoyang, it can only be said that he is too naive!
Everyone just felt that the death of Xingchen Palace was not a pity, and Pluto let them go, but still knelt down and begged for mercy, it was really a death.

Seeing that Elder Jiange Liu and the others were about to leave, Sufina's eyes flashed coldly: "Stop, you can't leave!"

Elder Jiange Liu is only afraid of Ling Yun, not a small Taixu Palace!
"What are you going to do?"

"You wronged me before, so what's the matter?" Sufina said.

"The matter is not clear, and you are still the biggest suspect. After I go back this time, I will report the truth." Elder Liu's face became grim.

This is what Sufina is most worried about, offending a Jiange with such a powerful force, and everyone in Fengshuang Continent is no match for them.

"Palace Master, we can't let them go back." An elder of Taixu Palace said.

Sufina also knows, but there are so many people in Jiange, she can't keep it, and if she keeps it, both sides will suffer.

The little guy took a peek at Jiange, and she recognized the costumes they were wearing.

"Papa, they are all bad people."

Hearing this, Ling Yun laughed, and fell into deep thought for a while.

"Cissy, would you step on ants every day?" Ling Yun asked her.

In Ling Yun's mind, the little guy would definitely say that only fools play with ants.

And Ling Yun would answer, yes, ants appear in front of me, as long as they don't mess with me, then why should I step on them?

The little guy didn't play cards according to common sense, and said in a childish voice, "I will!"

Ling Yun has black lines all over his head!


The little guy has her own ideas, Jiange and the others must have offended her, she treats Jiange as an ant! !
Ling Yun put her down: "Do your own thing!"


The little guy scratched his head, was a little dazed, and then jumped a few steps before disappearing from everyone's sight.


She was right next to Sofina and the others to see how they handled it.

And An Qing and Long Yanran have not moved, just watching them as outsiders.

After a while, Taixu Palace and Jiange were left here, as well as Shui Lao, Bing Palace, Long Xingtian and Qin Xianglian in makeup!
In the distance, there are some people who worship Ling Yun and want to witness the demeanor of Hades.

Leng Rushuang led everyone in the Ice Palace to Ling Yun: "Meet the young master."

The eyes of the others all stayed on Ling Yun, they had never seen Pluto before, seeing it at such a close distance, they felt admiration.

"Ice Palace, how is the old lady?" Ling Yun asked without turning his head.

Cold as frost: "..."

The only one who dares to call the Patriarch of Ice Palace like this is probably the Hades.

In Leng Rushuang's memory, their ancestors often mentioned Pluto, and they always regarded Pluto as their son.

"The old ancestor has missed the young master very much recently." Leng Rushuang said.

"Go back."

Ling Yun felt a headache and rubbed his temples, and didn't want to talk to the people from the Ice Palace anymore.

Leng Rushuang doubts her own charm, you know, wherever she goes, there are dogs licking her, and she has a unique charm.

At this time, Shui Lao stepped forward slightly, and said with tears in his eyes: "Pluto, I am incompetent, this time I came to Yaoyu, I suffered a heavy loss."

"You old man, why don't you cry when you are old, and stand up wherever you fail." Ling Yun said.

Leng Rushuang was amused by Ling Yun's words, but she didn't dare to laugh blatantly.

Shui Lao paused: "Oh, I also think about it, but the other party is too strong. When I think that they are all elites in the underworld, I can't help being sad."

"Come on, come on, Yaoyu is not easy, you stay here for now, wait until I get rid of that mad dog opposite." Ling Yun's face suddenly turned cold.

Isn't it easy for the Demon Realm?
Shui Lao recognized it very much. After all, he had fought against ancient demon gods and bloodthirsty monsters. He never expected that there would be such a terrifying person hiding in the demon realm.

But Leng Rushuang didn't think that what a big wave could be turned by just a demon emperor!
In the forest in the distance, there is a trace of purple mist, followed by waves of beast roars!
"Hahaha, Pluto, let's see how you respond."

The Tengu is in a frenzy, and the beast tide launched is coming, and it is still a riot!

(End of this chapter)

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