Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1564 Sneak Attack

Chapter 1564 Sneak Attack
This time the demon kings did not back down!
Pluto's move was so powerful just now, they were afraid, but how could he still have such strong power.

As we all know, killer moves have a cooling time, and Pluto is no exception.

and so!
The Tengu launched a beast tide, consuming Ling Yun's stamina and strength again.

"Hei Lang, go try it out."


The Black Wolf Demon King had an ugly expression on his face, but he didn't dare to disobey the Tengu's order.

Just as the Black Wolf Demon King was about to fight, Tengu said again: "The rhino is healed, let's fight together!"

Looking at the two people who came over, Ling Yun smiled and said, "I'll leave them to you."

Hearing this, Shui Lao exuded murderous intent all over his body, and said: "No problem, this old man will definitely kill them."

Leng Rushuang on the side said: "They will be handed over to you, old man."

The meaning was obvious, she didn't want to do anything, Shui Lao snorted coldly when he heard it, and rushed over.

The black wolf demon king and the rhinoceros demon king didn't think about it, the two of them were not fighting the Hades, so the contest with Shui Lao was to avoid them all the time.

And the beast tide is finally here!
In an instant!
The irrational monsters bite people when they see them, roaring all over the sky.

Ling Yun shook his head and said: "It's really sad that you actually let your own kind become like this."

Countless monsters immediately surrounded Shui Lao, the black wolf demon king and the rhinoceros demon king were freed, and they were heading towards Ling Yun.

"Are you here to die?" Ling Yun asked with a smile.

"Take your life!"

The black wolf demon king gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with hatred, his whole body exuded a terrifying murderous intent.

The rhinoceros demon king said: "I will defeat you with my hard body, and penetrate your chest with the horn!"

Ling Yun said: "At first I wanted to kill you all immediately, but now I want to play tricks on you, just to let Bei Bei and the others learn."

At the beginning, Ling Yun used body skills to evade, while saying: "Beibei, do you want to learn?"

Beibei looked dazzled, Lingyun wandered between the two demon kings, there were afterimages everywhere, and they played around in circles.

Beibei exclaimed: "Handsome Shushu, is this Lingboweibu?"

Ling Yun: "..."

Lingbo Weibu is so low-level, how can he compare with his body skills: "No."

Beibei: "Then I won't study."

Ling Yun: "..."

The black wolf demon king was furious, Ling Yun not only dodged their attacks, but also talked leisurely, which really pissed them off!
"You are looking down on us."


Ling Yun: "Haha, you just found out, you're really stupid."

"court death!"

The black wolf demon king and the rhinoceros demon king are angry!
Ling Yun suddenly stopped his figure, and a sword energy burst out from his fingertips, cutting off the horn of the rhinoceros in an instant!


The rhinoceros demon king immediately rolled to the ground, screaming continuously, blood splashing all over the ground.

"My horn, my horn..."

Ling Yun said: "Your horns are not hard enough, they haven't penetrated my chest yet."

Hearing this, the Rhinoceros Demon King was angry and scared, but he was still no match for Pluto.

"I want you to die badly." Seeing this, the Black Wolf Demon King chased Ling Yun like crazy!
Tiangou frowned, he was really surprised, he didn't expect Ling Yun to have so much power, it was unbelievable.

"This old man is too intrusive!"

Tiangu's eyes shifted to Shui Lao, who stopped the beast tide by himself, so powerful.

And standing behind Shui Lao is Leng Rushuang, who also has a strong freezing power, but he doesn't show it too much.

The nine-headed bird suddenly made a move against Sufina and the others, while other people in the Ice Palace were also stopping them. Elder Jiange Liu and the others waited and watched, that is, stood by and watched.

Sufina yelled: "Nine-headed bird, you came just in time. If you don't die, I will never run away."

"Ho Ho Ho!! You group of ants!"

The nine-headed bird flapped its huge wings, and there seemed to be a storm blowing around.

Some female disciples of the Ice Palace said: "He is so powerful! We can only consume his strength."

The nine-headed bird is a demon king of the same level as the black wolf demon king, and is very powerful.


With a very special beast roar, the black wolf demon king directly turned into a black wolf, exuding a black air all over his body, which brought a sense of oppression to some monsters.

Here, the black wolf roared, opened its bloody mouth wide, and sprayed out purple flames.

Seeing this, Ling Yun touched the rock with his toes, jumped out instantly, and then turned around suddenly by bouncing off a boulder, and the golden sword energy that had been condensed for a long time came out instantly, aiming directly at Hei Lang's pupils.

"Bebe, learn the close-up study skills hard."

"I'm watching."

Beibei watched Ling Yun fight from beginning to end and learned a lot.

Zheng! !

The golden sword qi let out a clanging sound, piercing the air.


Following the stinky blood splatter, and then the black wolf screamed pitifully, its huge pupils were already bloody.

"my eyes!"

"Turning into the main body is your biggest weakness." Ling Yun rubbed his nose.

"Ah, I want you to die, die!"

Losing his eyes, the black wolf demon king was furious, and his body exuded terrifying power, sweeping the world!
Next, Ling Yun went crazy with it for a while, until he finished teaching Bei Bei!

Ling Yun approached in three or two steps, his power was concentrated in his palm, and there was lightning tearing between his fingers.

"What are you talking about, rest in peace."

Lingyun Lingkong's palm slapped Heilang's head firmly, causing the latter's whole body to be electrocuted.

The black wolf's head exploded on the spot, the brains were wanton, and the foul-smelling blood sprayed out immediately, and the huge body fell to the ground with a crash.

It might wonder until its death that it was so unbearable, worse than the Tiger Demon King, maybe its transformation was a mistake.

Ling Yun frowned violently, feeling a cold sting in his back.

Three silver needles were inserted into his arm in no particular order. The silver needles were highly poisonous and quickly spread. Within three breaths, his entire arm turned black.

When many people saw this scene, they all had bad faces. These demon kings are too hateful, and they will hurt people behind their backs.

"One of the majestic four demon kings can even engage in sneak attacks." Ling Yun turned his head and looked at the person in front of him coldly!

The reason why he was stabbed by the silver needles was to deliberately let the demon king relax his vigilance, so Ling Yun did not dodge.

Tengu frowned and gritted his teeth: "It's you, Xuanhai!"

"Haha, Pluto is here, why should I come to say hello?"

next moment.

A hunchbacked old man in gray came out, leaning on a cane, his face was full of pockmarks, the wrinkled skin was almost piled up, and his eye sockets were deep.

Those blood-red eyes are even more creepy like snakes and scorpions. This fellow is extremely hostile, and he is the Demon King Xuanhai.

One of the four great demon kings, but his image is shocking. Isn't Xuan Hai a genius of the demon clan? Why does he look like this?

"I'm still so popular." Ling Yun's forehead was sweating, and the corner of his mouth smiled helplessly.

This smile fell into the eyes of Tengu and Xuanhai, very far-fetched.

On Ling Yun's arm, the poison contained in the three poisonous needles was specially refined.

And the spread was extremely fast. It didn't take long before most of his meridians and bones were corroded, and everyone saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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