Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1570 Maple Leaf Forest

Chapter 1570 Maple Leaf Forest
Thinking that Pluto wanted to blame him, cold sweat broke out on Shui Lao's forehead!
"Master Pluto, please listen to the old man's explanation."

"Where did you get this sword art?" Ling Yun frowned.

He looked at the first two moves, and found that this was a set of swordsmanship, even better than his sky burial, but it was a pity that only two moves were complete.

"The old man got it in exchange for a deal with someone in the underworld."

"Oh? What did you change to get such a precious sword formula?" Ling Yun frowned immediately, he still needed to know who that person was.

"A very mysterious man with an evil nature in his bones. He replaced the refining technology of the underworld armor with our underworld."

Ling Yun said in a deep voice: "Old man Shui, you are old, and you handed over the power after you go back."

Hearing this, Boss Shui turned pale with fright, sweat dripped from his forehead, he didn't understand what he did wrong, Pluto wanted to remove the power from him.


Although reluctantly, he had to obey the orders of Hades.

Ling Yun watched the Doomsday Judgment once, and then began to try to rehearse it in his mind. The Doomsday Judgment consists of five moves and one move.

in mind!
Ling Yun used the first two moves of Doomsday Judgment, and then relied on his talent for swordsmanship to start repairing the incomplete parts.

A terrifying sword spirit that resonates with the heavens and the earth, seems to overwhelm the universe!
After Ling Yun was repaired, he performed a perfect move, and the endless golden sword glow soared into the sky, illuminating the universe and the sky!
Above the sky, a giant sword drilled straight out, this scene Ling Yun felt very familiar.

When the giant sword finally came out, it was a huge sword with a length of tens of thousands of feet. The sword's aura moved the heavens and resonated with the heaven and the earth.

The power of this sword changed the color of the world and shook the world!

From the blade of the giant sword, storms of sword energy flew out that swept across the world. They continued to grow bigger and roamed endlessly. Wherever they passed, the void disappeared, and their destructive power was stronger than the wind and clouds.

Ling Yun immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, his whole body was shaking!

This scene seemed familiar, Ling Yun was sure that he had been seriously injured by this move before, so he could give him the instinctive reaction of his body, that is fear, he himself was afraid of this sword, fear of the doomsday judgment!

"what happened?"

An Qing was the first to run over, with a look of worry on her face.

"Master Hades!"


"Brother Ling Yun."

"Brother Lingyun."

Others ran over one after another, looked at the bloodless Ling Yun, and covered their mouths in shock. They couldn't imagine why the mighty Pluto looked like he was seriously injured.

They didn't even understand that Pluto was trembling, and they already suspected that they were hallucinating.

Ling Yun spat out another mouthful of blood, and no longer recalled the doomsday judgment, his face was bloodless, worse than before.


Seeing Ling Yun spitting blood, the little guy's feet were limp, she was also trembling, and her eyes were red.

"I'm fine, I've taken this set of sword formulas, it's not within your reach." Ling Yun said with bitterness on his face.

Although everyone didn't ask more questions, they still hated and worried about Ling Yun's state.

"It's been a long time here, let's go."

Ling Yun wanted to go to the Maple Leaf Forest unexpectedly, which made Shui Lao very happy.

Sufina still has a conscience, although she really wants to go to the Maple Leaf Forest immediately to find the nine-headed bird, but at present Ling Yun's body has something wrong, so she should rest.


"Stop hugging, go to An Qing's." Ling Yun looked at the little guy's outstretched hands and shook his head.

The little guy also knew, so he stopped disturbing Ling Yun, and she was also very unhappy, lying in An Qing's arms without speaking.

"Ling Yun, there is a pill here, you can take one, or I will be uneasy." An Qing said.

"The pill is useless to me."

Ling Yun knew very well that this was not an injury, but a backlash from fear of the doomsday judgment.


What he experienced in ancient times, why this sword hurt so much, it still caused him indelible pain after many years.

Before they knew it, Ling Yun and the others had already arrived at the edge of the cliff, facing the dark forest of maple leaves, which looked eerie.

Without Ling Yun's help, Leng Rushuang directly froze the air into ice, and an ice bridge appeared, and Bei Bei led the way full of joy.


When she got to the opposite side, she was timid again, and quickly hid behind Ling Yun.

Long Yanran smiled and said, "Why doesn't Beibei lead the way anymore, is she afraid of ghosts?"


To be honest, she was really scared.

"Don't leave, there is a demon king to welcome us." Ling Yun's mouth curled into a smile.

Hearing this, everyone immediately became vigilant and looked at the deep woods.

Ling Yun said: "If I remember correctly, the Demon King of the Maple Leaf Forest is a Blood Demon!"

In the Demon Realm, one of the Four Great Demon Kings, the Blood Demon, has been entrenched in the Maple Leaf Forest all year round.

Rumor has it that there are ten monster kings in the Maple Leaf Forest, each of which is a vicious existence, and they are all obedient to the blood demon.

The strength of these ten demon kings is about the same as that of the fierce tiger demon king. They can fight five against one, and they are very ferocious.

"Pluto, I was ordered to stop your footsteps here, please forgive me for being negligent."

A tall and mighty figure in the distance fell into everyone's sight.

This is a very strong young man, wearing black clothes, with oil paint on his face, he looks a bit harmless to humans and animals.

Its pupils were vertical pupils like wild animals, emitting a faint green light.

Ling Yun smiled and said: "What are your abilities? With your poisonous body, or those few feet."

He saw at a glance that this must be the poison-eyed centipede from the Maple Leaf Forest.

The forest of maple leaves is as big as the sea!
Under the deep sunlight, the centipede flew towards it shining brightly, its small body crowded the ground.

Their claws are sharp, they can shatter sacred objects, they are quite ferocious and poisonous, even though Shui Lao and the others were mentally prepared, they were still frightened by this scene.

"Now, can I stop you?" The poison-eyed centipede sneered.

Ling Yun said: "Retreat now, I can still spare your life."

Hearing this, the poisonous-eyed centipede chuckled, he saw Ling Yun spurting blood twice just now, besides, he would never take a step back.

threw up!
threw up! !

Each of the poisonous centipedes was spitting out venom. In a large area corroded by the venom, the tree body was as black as ink, falling down like rotten blood mud.

Everyone's goosebumps got up.

Seeing that Ling Yun was about to make a move, Leng Rushuang said: "Young Master, just rest and let us come."

Ling Yun smiled and nodded, agreeing that she and Shui Lao would go together.

"Destroy me!"


This scene is really too cruel, large pieces of poisonous centipede were frozen, and too many people were killed by Shui Lao.

Especially Shui Lao, he is defying the sky, fighting more and more bravely, and in the end, he even wiped out the instinctive fear of the poison, looking extremely excited! !
(End of this chapter)

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